title: abbrev: logging docname: category: info
ipr: trust200902 area: workgroup: keyword: Internet-Draft stand_alone: yes pi: rfcedstyle: yes toc: yes tocindent: yes sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes strict: yes comments: yes inline: yes text-list-symbols: -o*+
ins: F. Last name: First Name organization: email:
ins: F. Last name: First Name organization: email:
informative: RFCXXXX:
Title: title: "" date: author: - ins: - ins: target:
--- abstract
[abstract text here]
--- middle
When setting up network servers on just about any platform, the default configurations usually include detailed logging that can contain personally identifying information (PII). And that data is set to kept for long periods of time. Many servers do not need to gather any PII at all to achieve their purpose, so having PII stored is only adding risks for the operator. There could be a data breach, which leads to fines from privacy regulators, or other forms of liability. There is also the risk of unexpected work, for example, when a user requests that all of their data is turned over to them or deleted.
The point of this document is to describe a best practice for default logging configurations in order to minimize these risks while still providing useful information for troubleshooting, monitoring, etc. For service that do not need to gather PII, using this configuration throughout the organization then makes it possible to use a simple, standardized privacy policy.
For privacy policies to be effective, they need to be easy for both users and implementers to understand. Most privacy policies are long and contain lots of legalese and vague wording that comes across as hand-waving. There are a lot of materials to guide people to create a custom privacy policy. This approach assumes that users will actually review each site's privacy policy. That is a bad assumption to build upon.
There should only be a small set of standardized privacy policies. Any privacy-oriented organization can review them and issue statements about which they will approve. This approach also then enables automated responses. If the privacy policy is at a /.well-known/ link and its contents has a well known hash, then automated actions based on privacy policy would be easy to implement. For example, there could be a browser preference of which privacy policies to automatically accept, and which to automatically refuse to send data to.
There is an analogous situation with free software licenses. It used to be quite common for projects and organizations to write their own software licenses. That puts the onus on the user to read and understand each one of them. There are now many well known licenses, and the clear best practice is to adopt one of them, and avoid writing a new one. Then people can go to FSF, OSI, Debian Legal, FSFE, Creative Commons, or whatever organization they trust and see which licenses get their stamp of approval.
Apache Foundation takes a similar approach with Contributor License Agreements (CLAs). Mostly, companies make their own CLAs. That means each code contributor has to review each one of those. If they all used Apache CLAs, code contributors would only have to review it once, and then easily decide whether they are willing to sign the Apache CLA for any given project.
EFF Do-Not-Track Policy is the only standardized, widely applicable privacy policy we've reviewed so far that also includes machine readability as a goal. I just found https://openpd.org/, which has a nice intro about this idea, but they seem to have no actual privacy policies.
- maybe the best approach here is to nail down one specific server config, then show how it maps on to some existing privacy policies? So like: "if you implement this, you can choose from any of these standard privacy policies".
Standard server logs are usually not designed to include Personally Identifable Information (PII). But the metadata inherit to the operation of network servers can be used to identify and track people. For example, when a user connects to a web service that puts login information in the query string of the URL, then the default webserver configuration will log that full URL along with other metadata like the IP address, exact time, time zone, language used, the browser User Agent, etc. If a user request their data be deleted from a web service, removing the data from the database will still leave a detailed trail in the server logs of all the steps that the user made using the web service.
- stop logging the URL query string and potentially even the URL path, if they contain references to usernames, accounts, or any other PII.
- Configure the server logs to be automatically deleted after a given time period.
- The log retention time should be as short as possible.
- Define a maximum log retention time to be listed in the privacy policy, but then shorten the retention time to a week when the maximum log time is not actively needed.
- https://f-droid.org/2019/04/15/privacy-preserving-analytics.html
- https://guardianproject.info/2017/06/08/tracking-usage-without-tracking-people/
- https://standards.ieee.org/project/7012.html - P7012 - Standard for Machine Readable Personal Privacy Terms
- https://www.eff.org/dnt-policy
- https://globalprivacycontrol.org/
- https://openpd.org/
As this draft concerns an informational document, there are no security considerations.
This document has no actions for IANA.