If you have not cloned the jasp-desktop
repository, please head back to the build introduction, and after cloning the repo, and updating the submodules continue with the rest of this article.
- Xcode
- Qt Framework and Qt Creator
- Homebrew
- CMake: Installed via Homebrew and Qt Creator
- Conan: Installed via Homebrew
- Third-party Libraries
- R.framework, installed automatically
- GNU Fortran, installed automatically (but you still need to install it!)
- ReadStat, installed automatically
- JAGS, installed automatically
You can install Xcode from the Mac App Store.
⚠️ This is going to take a while, and it has to be finished before you can configure with the rest of the process.
You also need Qt Creator and Qt 6 to be able to build and test JASP's libraries and GUI. For this,
- You need to download and install the Qt installer from Qt website.
- Make sure you scroll all the way down to where the FAQ starts and find the button "Download the Qt online installer". This gives access to both proprietary and open-source installs. They want to hide the open-source installs real bad to get people to buy a developer license but it isn't necessary for us. You do need a Qt account but you can signup straight from the installer.
- After downloading the installer, run the installer and make sure that the following packages are selected for installation
- Qt
- Qt 6.3.1 (or newest stable Qt)
- macOS
- Qt 5 Compatibility Module
- Qt Shader Tools
- Additional Libraries
- Qt Web Engine
- Qt Web Channel
- Qt Positioning
- Developer and Designer Tools
- Qt Creator 7
- Qt Creator 7 Debug Symbols
- CMake
- Ninja
- Qt 6.3.1 (or newest stable Qt)
- Qt
Install the latest gfortran
for macOs from https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/tools/
As of writing this is: https://mac.r-project.org/tools/gfortran-12.2-universal.pkg
This is only required to run this workaround: https://github.com/jasp-stats/jasp-desktop/blob/77ac6e148532aa3eb62620035a5a741387e184d7/Modules/install-jaspBase.R.in#L54-L58
You can download and install Homebrew using the following command, which might prompt you to install Xcode Command Line Tools. If that's the case, please do so.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
⚠️ Please pay close attention to outputs of the following command, and if you ran into any problems installing Homebrew, check out their Documentation and ask for help in GitHub Discussions.
After installing Homebrew, you can start install the other requirements by running the following command in the Terminal.
brew install conan cmake bison flex pkg-config automake autoconf create-dmg parallel
💡 Optionally, you can install the Qt from the command line, and build JASP using that, e.g.,
brew install qt
JASP moves a copy of R around in its buildfolder, for which it needs to change things in all executables and binaries within. These changes break the cryptographic checks on such files and macOs won't allow you to run it in such cases. To get around this you need a sign certificate, at JASP we use an official one from Apple that allows us to distribute it. If you just want to build and run JASP locally however you do not need this. Instead you can create your own key and use that, see this guide for more information
After installing all your dependencies, go to the Qt Creator app - go to open - your cloned jasp-desktop
folder and open CMakeLists.txt
. By doing so, Qt Creator configures the JASP project using CMake.
JASP's CMake configuration file provides several variables that allow you to customise your build. Here, we mention a few important ones, and you can find the rest of the variables for further customisation in your "Projects" tab.
- If you don't have a
, please check the build introduction - After creating a new PAT, you can set that
variable in two ways,- If you are using the Qt Creator, under the "Project Settings" on the left panel, find and click on the "Environment" item. Here, you can "Add" a new variable,
, and for its value enter the PAT that you've created.
- If you are using the Qt Creator, under the "Project Settings" on the left panel, find and click on the "Environment" item. Here, you can "Add" a new variable,
- If you are using the command line, CMake looks for this variable in your environment variable and is able to automatically find and use it, if your
can be found in your environment variables.- Adding the following to your
, or.zshrc
will fasciliate this process,export GITHUB_PAT=your github pat
- Adding the following to your
- If you don't have a
If you change any of these parameters, you need to reconfigure the CMake. This as soon as you press the Run CMake
. At this point, Qt Creator rerun the CMake configuration, and prepares everything for a build. You can check the progress of the CMake configuration in the "General Messages" output panel. If you don't get any error, the last few messages will look like this, and you are ready to build JASP.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: <path-to-your-build-folder>
Now you can press the "Build" button, and start building JASP. If everything goes well, you have not missed anything, the build will be successful, and you should be able to run JASP by pressing the "Play" button in the left bottom corner.
Here is a list of issues we encountered in the past and possible solutions for them.
- If under Build Steps
targets are selected, and the following error occurs:
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:69 (file):
file cannot create directory: /usr/local/JASP.app/Contents/Resources.
Maybe need administrative privileges.
variable. It should be set to <path-to-your-build-folder>/Install
- When
target is selected and the following error occurs:
AppleEvent timed out. (-1712)
Failed running AppleScript
- Try
brew upgrade create-dmg
- Go to System preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility, and add the Terminal application (you may need to use your admin password to unlock the option). See here.
- When
target is selected and the following error occurs:
hdiutil: attach failed - Device not configured
Device name:
Try disabling Spotlight indexing: sudo mdutil -i off
. See here.