- Avoids potential URL parsing issue and instead just does a simple check for the overlaydata protocol
- Reverts back to @mapbox/geojson-mapnikify 2.1.0
- Updated to @mapbox/geojson-mapnikify 3.0.0 (node 10 support)
- Updated to @mapbox/sphericalmercator 1.1.0 (support for floating point zoom levels in
- Updated to @mapbox/geojson-mapnikify 2.1.0 (with improved error messaging)
- Updated to @mapbox/geojson-mapnikify 2.0.0
- Now accepting either mapnik 3.x or 4.x
- Updated version of node-mapnik to 4.0.1
- Ends node v0.10.x support
- Updated to use mapnik 3.7.0
- Updated geojson-mapnikify to 1.0.0
- Dropped support for windows
- Updated to use mapnik 3.6.0
- Modified dependencies to use mapbox NPM namespace