- MSEARCH-349 Change Instance ids stream API to use jobs
- MSEARCH-350 Change Holdings ids stream API to use jobs
- MSEARCH-373 Add administrativeNotes search
- MSEARCH-382 500 Error When searching by incorrect date
- MSEARCH-385 Update module documentation
- MSEARCH-390 Stream ids job freeze IN_PROGRESS if query is invalid
- MSEARCH-392 Stream ids job, relation doesn't exist while using multi tenant
- MSEARCH-396 Supports users interface versions 15.3 16.0
- MSEARCH-402 Add personal data disclosure form
- MSEARCH-410 Indexed the identifiers.identifierTypeId fields
- MSEARCH-418 Supports also instance-storage interface version 9.0
- MSEARCH-421 Add sourceFileId and naturalId to authority search/browse response
- MSEARCH-414 Browse by call-numbers and shelvingOrder, add subfield for browsing
- MSEARCH-401 Avoid using shelving order in call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-405 Fix NullPointer while reindexing contributors
- MSEARCH-405 Decrease index size by removing duplicates from _source
- MSEARCH-393 Fix date query validation to support ISO date/time formats
- MSEARCH-197 Add /authorities/ids API for Authority Records search
- MSEARCH-268 Increment the minor version of spring-kafka
- MSEARCH-282 Implement normalized search option for OCLC identifiers
- MSEARCH-297 Fix SearchAliases not working for fields with "searchTermProcessor"
- MSEARCH-301 Implement browsing by Dewey Decimal and Other schema numbers
- MSEARCH-302 Implement prev/next value for call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-306 Gracefully handle 500 error after the search reaches index.max_result_window
- MSEARCH-308 Add documentation for call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-308 Optimize call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-311 Create an Instance status facet
- MSEARCH-313 Add holdingsTypeId facet
- MSEARCH-315 Implement cursor parameters for browsing
- MSEARCH-317 Fix search by words with apostrophes
- MSEARCH-319 Implement search across fields using operator 'and'
- MSEARCH-320 Implement browsing by instance contributors
- MSEARCH-323 Make populating of intermediate shelf-keys configurable
- MSEARCH-324 Use match all query for 'keyword=*'
- MSEARCH-325 Item search/facet/sort options: Support 'item' references
- MSEARCH-325 Modify field in FacetQueryBuilder
- MSEARCH-331 Fix unsupported 'not' operator for search aliases
- MSEARCH-333 Optimize the query to retrieve subject counts
- MSEARCH-334 Fix the invalid search results for call-number with 2+ spaces
- MSEARCH-336 Fix item matching for browsing
- MSEARCH-337 Set request timeout for search queries
- MSEARCH-339 Call-Number browse: invalid search result call-number with ignored characters
- MSEARCH-341 ISSN search: Include Linking ISSN in search
- MSEARCH-342 Add default prev/next values for browsing forward/backward
- MSEARCH-342 Fix an issue for prev value when browsing around
- MSEARCH-344 Implement response fields per feature/endpoint
- MSEARCH-345 Fix optimization for call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-346 Revert non-title authority fields and add new headingTypeExt
- MSEARCH-352 Create a Contributor Name Type facet
- MSEARCH-357 Migration to Opensearch v2.0.0
- MSEARCH-365 Add support of 'string' modifier for '=='
- MSEARCH-368 Change headingTypeRef to bool isTitleHeadingRef
- MSEARCH-370 Add new reindexSupported field to resource description
- MSEARCH-371 Index contributors on reindex request
- MSEARCH-375 Update spring-base to v4.1.0
- MSEARCH-381 Delete contributors that have no links to instance records
- MSEARCH-382 Fix 500 Error when searching by incorrect date
- MSEARCH-388 Add filters to anchor-query for contributor browse
- MSEARCH-336 Fix item matching for browsing by call-numbers
- MSEARCH-334 Fix the invalid search results for call-numbers with 2+ spaces
- MSEARCH-331 Fix the"<>" operator for full-text queries
- MSEARCH-308 Fix the optimization of call-number browsing requests
- MSEARCH-268 Increment the minor version of spring-kafka
- MSEARCH-323 Make populating of intermediate shelf-keys configurable
- MSEARCH-308 Add documentation for call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-308 Optimize call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-301 Implement browsing by Dewey Decimal and Other schema numbers
- MSEARCH-308 Optimize call-number browsing
- MSEARCH-301 Implement browsing by Dewey Decimal and Other schema numbers
- FAT-1150 Update module descriptors to correctly delete tenant
- MSEARCH-303 Remove unused search fields
- MSEARCH-186 publish isBoundWith in search results
- MSEARCH-272 Include Item identifier in Identifier (all) search
- MSEARCH-253 Implement Call Number browse
- MSEARCH-287 Create a Subject heading/thesaurus facet
- MSEARCH-288 Update Authority Search Options - Keyword
- MSEARCH-271 Authority record search - Mapping saft* fields to heading types
- MSEARCH-294 Support search aliases for the facets
- MSEARCH-295 Rename search fields in Authority mode
- MSEARCH-292 Update Authority Search Options - Corporate/Conference Name & Personal Name
- MSEARCH-193 Statistical code facet for instances, holdings and items
- MSEARCH-276 Subject browsing: Support delete events to prevent values with 0 instances
- MSEARCH-256 Implement Authority headings browse
- MSEARCH-273 folio-spring-base v3 update
- MSEARCH-184 Implement retrieving holdings ids as json stream
- MSEARCH-217 Authority record search - Name/title search option
- MSEARCH-208 Authority record search - filters/facets
- MSEARCH-185 Implement cql.allRecords=1 search option
- MSEARCH-181 Implement search for null, empty or non-exiting values
- MSEARCH-175 Item - include circulation notes search in item notes searches
- MSEARCH-195 Add search API for Authority’s Record
- MSEARCH-202 Holdings - filter/facet by holdings source
- MSEARCH-212 Authority record search - Determine Authorized/Reference
- MSEARCH-213 Authority record search - Personal name search option
- MSEARCH-214 Authority record search - Corporate/conference name search option
- MSEARCH-237 Authority record search - Authority UUID search option
- MSEARCH-238 Authority record search - Keyword search option
- MSEARCH-229 Authority record search - Uniform title search option
- MSEARCH-196 Refactor /reindex API to support Authority Records
- MSEARCH-230 Authority record search - Subject search option
- MSEARCH-232 Authority record search - Genre search option
- MSEARCH-211 Authority record search - Determine Heading/Reference
- MSEARCH-209 Authority record search - sorting
- MSEARCH-231 Authority record search - Children's subject headings search option
- MSEARCH-177 Don't skip resources if reference data has been failed to load
- MSEARCH-236 Authority record search - Identifiers search option
- MSEARCH-260 Authority record search - Mapping additional fields to headings
- MSEARCH-210 Authority record search - Determine type of heading
- MSEARCH-219 Filter holdings\items by Date created
- MSEARCH-220 Filter holdings\items by Date updated
- MSEARCH-264 Implement Subject browse - preceding entries and placeholder for missing match
- MSEARCH-275 Highlight browse result using Boolean value
- Log4j vulnerability verification and correction (MSEARCH-255)
- Added retry mechanism for streaming ids
- Suppressed from discovery field added for instance/holdings/item (MSEARCH-223)
- Updated template for module descriptor
- Fixed format filters (MSEARCH-199)
- Add contributorNameTypeId field for contributors (MSEARCH-194)
- Support search by all fields (MSEARCH-182)
- Support normalized search for call numbers (MSEARCH-169)
- Add Identifiers accessionNumber search option for items (MSEARCH-153)
- Search by item's circulation notes search (MSEARCH-158)
- Forbid to add language = 'src' for tenant configuration (MSEARCH-162)
- Add Identifiers (all) search option for holding and items (MSEARCH-152/153)
- Support search by series title (MSEARCH-150)
- Support search by uniform title (MSEARCH-148)
- Handle gracefully message processing failures (MSEARCH-155)
- Support full text search for notes of linked holding-records (MSEARCH-117)
- Remove multi-language support from the contributors fields (MSEARCH-134 )
- Log4j vulnerability verification and correction (MSEARCH-257)
- Added environment variable to support custom subscription pattern (MSEARCH-164)
- Fixed "Failed to create index: Limit of total fields [250] has been exceeded" error (MSEARCH-160)
- Supports full-text search for all instance notes (MSEARCH-116)
- Supports full-text search for public and all holding records notes (MSEARECH-117)
- Supports full-text search for public and all item notes (MSEARCH-118)
- Provides kafka topics names using ENV variable and tenant id (MSEARCH-132)
- Documents list of available facets (MSEARCH-133)
- Removes multi-language support from the contributors field (MSEARCH-134)
- Adds sorting adjustment by title using index title (MSEARCH-136)
- Handles gracefully Kafka message processing failures (MSEARCH-155)
- Adds ASCII folding token filter (MSEARCH-67)
- Allows using different Korean language analyzer (MSEARCH-89)
- Supports remove and index requests as a single bulk request. (MSEARCH-94)
- Allows custom prefix when creating index name (MSEARCH-95)
- Adds documentation of query syntax (MSEARCH-102)
- Adds Kafka TLS environment variables for consumers (MSEARCH-105)
- Support holdings' keyword search within electronic access fields (MSEARCH-109)
- Supports items keyword search within electronic access fields (MSEARCH-110)
- Adds ability to recreate index before starting reindex (MSEARCH-121)
- Simplifies resource specification for search (MSEARCH-122)
- Retrieves facets values for selected facets (MSEARCH-125)
- Optimizes indexing process for field processors (MSEARCH-126)
- Adds list of specified plugins required for on-premise Elasticsearch (MSEARCH-127)
- Makes consumer group name different per environment (MSEARCH-129)
- Makes consumer group name different per environment (MSEARCH-129)
- Allows custom prefix when creating index name (MSEARCH-95)
- Provides kafka topics names created by pattern:
- Makes sure ES index exists before indexing resources (MSEARCH-112)
- Fixes cache for index exists method (MSEARCH-101)
- Fixes sorting for long titles (MSEARCH-99)
- Upgrades spring-boot-starter version to
(MSEARCH-98) - Upgrades spring-cloud:feign version to
(MSEARCH-98) - Removes
table (MSEARCH-97) - Uses in-memory cache to store system user details (MSEARCH-97)
- Requires
env variable (MSEARCH-97) - Introduces phrase match for full text fields (MSEARCH-92)
- Improves full text search by
operator to match specification (MSEARCH-91) - Handles
events for resources (MSEARCH-90) - Increases Kafka retry period to 20 seconds (MSEARCH-86)
- Implements
endpoints (MSEARCH-45) - Implements sorting by item status (MSEARCH-41)
- Provides
search v0.5
- Do not add resources if index does not exist (MSEARCH-86)
- Support DELETE event for items/holdings/instances (MSEARCH-90)
- Change multi-match operator from
- Adds holdings.fullCallNumber search option (MSEARCH-81)
- Introduces ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable (MSEARCH-82)
- Throws more explicit error when tenant is not initialized yet (MSEARCH-72)
- Implements filtering by updated/created date (MSEARCH-30)
- Fixes issue when permissions file can not be read (MSEARCH-85)
- Adds item material type facet and filter (MSEARCH-44)
- Adds item discovery suppress facet and filter (MSEARCH-33)
- Bumps elasticsearch-client version to 7.12.0
- Supports holdings HRID search (MSEARCH-26)
- Supports item effective call number search (MSEARCH-12)
- Adds item and holding tag facet and filter (MSEARCH-79)
- Provides
search v0.4
- Fixes disjunction filters that affected related facet (MSEARCH-80)
- Supports instance level search queries:
- Instance UUID (MSEARCH-25)
- Series, identifiers(all), electronicAccess (MSEARCH-1)
- Title(all), alternativeTitles, indexTitle, contributors (MSEARCH-15)
- Subjects (MSEARCH-19)
- Publisher (MSEARCH-18)
- Classifications (MSEARCH-20)
- Notes, publicNotes (MSEARCH-21)
- ISBN(normalized), ISSN (MSEARCH-24)
- Supports instance level filters/facets:
- Suppress from discovery, staff suppress, languages, tags, source (MSEARCH-4)
- Allows sort instances by title and contributor (MSEARCH-40)
- Supports item level search queries:
- Barcode (MSEARCH-31)
- Supports item level filters/facets:
- Effective location (MSEARCH-55)
- Status (MSEARCH-63)
- Supports holdings level filters/facets:
- Suppress from discovery (MSEARCH-34);
- Permanent locations (MSEARCH-56)
- Allows configuration of supported language analyzers for a tenant (MSEARCH-9)
- Can reindex all existing data (MSEARCH-42)
- Provides
indices v0.2
API - Provides
search v0.3
API - Provides
search-config v0.1
API - Requires
instance-storage v7.5
- Requires
login v7.0
- Requires
permissions v5.3
- Requires
users v15.3
- Requires
inventory-view v1.0
- Requires
instance-reindex v0.1