The Maybe<A>
data structure models the possibility of absence of values of type A
It basically has the same semantic of a nullable type, with the benefit of being an object with a lot of behaviours attached. This improves a lot composability and removes the need of null checking at every step.
The Maybe
data structure has two constructors, one to build a structure which actually contains a value and one to
construct and empty structure.
* @template A
final class Maybe
* @template B
* @return Maybe<B>
public static function nothing(): self
* @template B
* @param B $value
* @return Maybe<B>
public static function just($value): self
Their simplified type is
nothing :: () -> Maybe<B>
just :: B -> Maybe<B>
The Maybe
datatype has a single eliminator, which requires a value in the case it didn't have a value and a function
to be applied to the value, if it actually was there.
* @template B
* @param B $ifNothing
* @param callable(A): B $ifJust
* @return B
public function eval($ifNothing, callable $ifJust)
It simplified type is
eval :: (Maybe<A>, B, (A -> B)) -> B
The Maybe
datatype can be interpreted as a model to denote the possibility of the absence of a value.
Its instances allow composing Maybe
values as if the values were always there, managing the possibility of absence
under the hood.