ImportError: this platform is not supported: ("failed to acquire X connection: No module named 'Xlib'", ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'Xlib'"))
sudo apt-get install python3-xlib
or python -m pip install xlib
What is browser.json?! browser.json is the file that provides the YouTube Music API with the browser token used to authenticate you as yourself. Instructions
docker: unknwon server OS: . The docker daemon has not been started yet, or you need to use sudo.
What is the voice_input folder for? Place some recordings of your voice around five seconds each to then train to test if other recordings are your voice. I find that one or two words are usually not enough to verify a voice, so you may need to say the one or two words you later want to verify, e.g. for a voice password.
What is for?
This script is used to get audio recordings of your voice and then used to train a model to recognise those recordings.
Usage: python3 --train-model
will train and save the model, python3 --save-voice-password
will only record for the voice password. It will record over previous voice password recordings if they exist. python3 --save-clips
will record the voice password and a few extra clips for training, like shutdown, restart and reboot.
pyowm.commons.exceptions.UnauthorizedError: Invalid API Key provided
Either, you need to register a new API key, as legacy ones have been blocked from using the One Call API v3.0. Or you need to edit python3.version/site-packages/pyowm/weatherapi25/
. Change the line that says: ROOT_WEATHER_API = ''