The purpose of the application is the study and practice of methodologies and tools. I used the concept of MVC to make this project. With the Java technology and Springboot framework I was able to create the backend. Using postgres database, and JPA/Hibernate I could create the persistance model and DB. With Spring-security I could create a environment more security with OAuth and JWT. To create a channel of communication between the front and backend, I used Server Send Event(SSE). For document the end-points I used Swagger lib. And Finally I could try the Testcontainer for the first time, making the Integraty Tests.
Frontend I used Javascript, typescript and React.
Execute the command in the file ./docker/
docker-compose up -d
Or you can upload the service by plugin:
- Open interface web: http://localhost:5050/
- User: [email protected]
- Senha: root
Starter configs: After login in pgAdmin:
- Create database:
- Open pgAdmin
- Open the window SQL and execute:
create database msgAppdb;
- Open Servers > Create > Server
- General:
- Name: msgAppdb
- Connection:
- Host name/address: / verify ip (docker inspect postgres)
- Port: 5432
- Maintenance database: postgres or msgAppdb
- Username: postgres
- Password: postgres
- General:
- with Maven and Java
- Execute command:
mvn clean package
-Go to folder "target"
-Execute command:
java -jar msgApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
-Go to folder: FRONTEND
yarn start
Idea reference by @gurkanucar