a statistical dice engine for python
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
python -m pip install python_dice
from python_dice import PythonDiceInterpreter
interpreter = PythonDiceInterpreter()
program = ["1d6"]
roll = interpreter.roll(program)["stdout"]
> 3
from python_dice import PythonDiceInterpreter
interpreter = PythonDiceInterpreter()
program = [
"VAR a_name = d6 + 10",
"VAR b_name = d6 - 10"
a_name = interpreter.max(program)["a_name"]
b_name = interpreter.min(program)["b_name"]
print(a_name, b_name)
> 16 -9
interpreter = python_dice_interpreter.PythonDiceInterpreter()
program = [
"VAR save_roll = d20",
"VAR burning_arch_damage = 10d6 + 10",
"VAR pass_save = ( save_roll >= 10 ) ",
"VAR damage_half_on_save = burning_arch_damage // (pass_save + 1)",
im = interpreter.get_histogram(program)
<number of dice to roll>d<number of sides on the dice>
number of dice is missing will be treated as one.
number of sides can also be:
- % for 100.
- F for fate dice [-1,0,1].
- custom dice with a comma separated list of side values in [ ] square brackets (trailing comma allowed).
- range of values d[1,2,3,4,5] == d[1-5] ==d5
- d[-5,-4,-3,-2] == d[-5--2] == d[-2--5]
- multiplier for many equal sides d[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,8] == d[1*7, 8]
- d[1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4] == d[1-3*2,1,4]
<number of dice to roll>d<number of sides on the dice>[k for keep d for drop]<number of dice to keep or drop>
2d20k1 roll 2 d20's take the highest 1
16d%k10 roll 16 d% keep the hightest 10
10d[-1,1]d5 roll 10 d[-1,1]'s drop the highest 5
2dFd1 roll 2 dF's drop the highest 1
If the number of dice to keep is set above the number of dice to roll it will keep all dice.
If the number to drop is equal or greater then the number of dice to roll it will always roll 0.
If the number of dice to keep is set to zero then it will always roll 0.
If the number of dice to drop is set to zero then it will be ignored.
VAR lower_case_name = 1
VAR name = 4d20
VAR name = 1 + 2d3 - 3 * 4d2 // 5
VAR out = 3 * ( 1 + 1d4 )
VAR a = 1d4 == 1
VAR b = 1d4 != 1
VAR c = 1d4 <= 2
VAR d = 1d4 < 3
VAR e = 1d4 >= 2
VAR f = 1d4 > 2
VAR g = (1d4 >= 2) AND !(1d20 == 2)
VAR h = (1d4 >= 2) OR !(1d20 == 2)
for non binary values, values above 0 are considered true.
VAR abs = ABS( 1d6 - 1d6 )
MAX(4d7, 2d10)
MIN(50, d%)