Enterprise license audit
(1)Action that returns license counts for GitHub Enterprises.
uses: oss-tooling/gh-license-audit-action@v1
enterprise: <name-of-your-enterprise>
: the GitHub enterprise to audittoken
: a Personal Access Token scoped withread:enterprise
: the count of purchased seatstotal-seats-consumed
: the count of seats consumeddot-com-users
: the count of dot com usersserver-users
: the count of server usersvisual-studio-users
: the count of visual studio usersduplicates
: the count of users on both server and dot comtotal-users
: the count of userstotal-accounts
: the count of accounts
Reference implementations:
Enterprise license audit is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.