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Github Tag Bump

Bump and push git tag on merge
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A GitHub Action to automatically bump and tag master, on merge, with the latest SemVer formatted version.

Build Status Stable Version Latest Release

Medium Post: Creating A GitHub Action to Tag Commits

📣 This project is seeking maintainers! 📣


Note: We don't recommend using the @master version unless you're happy to test the latest changes.

# example 1: on push to master
name: Bump version
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      contents: write
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        fetch-depth: '0'

    - name: Bump version and push tag
      uses: anothrNick/github-tag-action@v1 # Don't use @master or @v1 unless you're happy to test the latest version
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # if you don't want to set write permissions use a PAT token
        WITH_V: false
# example 2: on merge to master from pull request (recommended)
name: Bump version
      - closed
      - master

    if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      contents: write
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha }}
        fetch-depth: '0'

    - name: Bump version and push tag
      uses: anothrNick/github-tag-action@v1 # Don't use @master or @v1 unless you're happy to test the latest version
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # if you don't want to set write permissions use a PAT token
        WITH_V: true
        PRERELEASE: true

Depending if you choose example 1 or example 2 is how crafted version bumps operate when reading the commit log.

Is recommended to use on pull_request instead of on commit to master/main.

NOTE: set the fetch-depth for actions/checkout@v2 or newer to be sure you retrieve all commits to look for the semver commit message.


Environment Variables

  • GITHUB_TOKEN (required) - Required for permission to tag the repo.
  • DEFAULT_BUMP (optional) - Which type of bump to use when none explicitly provided (default: minor).
  • DEFAULT_BRANCH (optional) - Overwrite the default branch its read from GitHub Runner env var but can be overwritten (default: $GITHUB_BASE_REF). Strongly recommended to set this var if using anything else than master or main as default branch otherwise in combination with history full will error.
  • WITH_V (optional) - Tag version with v character.
  • RELEASE_BRANCHES (optional) - Comma separated list of branches (bash reg exp accepted) that will generate the release tags. Other branches and pull-requests generate versions postfixed with the commit hash and do not generate any tag. Examples: master or .* or release.*,hotfix.*,master ...
  • CUSTOM_TAG (optional) - Set a custom tag, useful when generating tag based on f.ex FROM image in a docker image. Setting this tag will invalidate any other settings set!
  • SOURCE (optional) - Operate on a relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE.
  • DRY_RUN (optional) - Determine the next version without tagging the branch. The workflow can use the outputs new_tag and tag in subsequent steps. Possible values are true and false (default).
  • GIT_API_TAGGING (optional) - Set if using git cli or git api calls for tag push operations. Possible values are false and true (default).
  • INITIAL_VERSION (optional) - Set initial version before bump. Default 0.0.0. MAKE SURE NOT TO USE vX.X.X here if combined WITH_V
  • TAG_CONTEXT (optional) - Set the context of the previous tag. Possible values are repo (default) or branch.
  • PRERELEASE (optional) - Define if workflow runs in prerelease mode, false by default. Note this will be overwritten if using complex suffix release branches. Use it with checkout ref: ${{ github.sha }} for consistency see issue 266.
  • PRERELEASE_SUFFIX (optional) - Suffix for your prerelease versions, beta by default. Note this will only be used if a prerelease branch.
  • VERBOSE (optional) - Print git logs. For some projects these logs may be very large. Possible values are true (default) and false.
  • MAJOR_STRING_TOKEN (optional) - Change the default #major commit message string tag.
  • MINOR_STRING_TOKEN (optional) - Change the default #minor commit message string tag.
  • PATCH_STRING_TOKEN (optional) - Change the default #patch commit message string tag.
  • NONE_STRING_TOKEN (optional) - Change the default #none commit message string tag.
  • BRANCH_HISTORY (optional) - Set the history of the branch for finding #bumps. Possible values last, full and compare defaults to compare.
    • full: attempt to show all history, does not work on rebase and squash due missing HEAD [should be deprecated in v2 is breaking many workflows]
    • last: show the single last commit
    • compare: show all commits since previous repo tag number
  • FORCE_WITHOUT_CHANGES (optional) - Enforce the brach creation even if there are no changes from the tag.
  • FORCE_WITHOUT_CHANGES_PRE (optional) - Similar to force without changes, for pre-releases.


  • new_tag - The value of the newly created tag.
  • old_tag - The value of the last semantic version tag before the version bump. Empty if no version bump is performed.
  • tag - The value of the latest tag after running this action.
  • part - The part of version which was bumped.

Note: This action creates a lightweight tag.


Manual Bumping: Any commit message that includes #major, #minor, #patch, or #none will trigger the respective version bump. If two or more are present, the highest-ranking one will take precedence. If #none is contained in the merge commit message, it will skip bumping regardless DEFAULT_BUMP.

Automatic Bumping: If no #major, #minor or #patch tag is contained in the merge commit message, it will bump whichever DEFAULT_BUMP is set to (which is minor by default). Disable this by setting DEFAULT_BUMP to none.

Note: This action will not bump the tag if the HEAD commit has already been tagged.


  • Add this action to your repo
  • Commit some changes
  • Either push to master or open a PR
  • On push (or merge), the action will:
    • Get latest tag
    • Bump tag with minor version unless the merge commit message contains #major or #patch
    • Pushes tag to GitHub
    • If triggered on your repo's default branch (master or main if unchanged), the bump version will be a release tag. see issue 266.
    • If triggered on any other branch, a prerelease will be generated, depending on the bump, starting with *-<PRERELEASE_SUFFIX>.1, *-<PRERELEASE_SUFFIX>.2, ...
    • To create a repository release you need another workflow like automatic-releases.


See and


Projects using github-tag-action

Examples of projects using github-tag-action for reference.

  • another/github-tag-action (uses itself to create tags)

  • anothrNick/json-tree-service

    Access JSON structure with HTTP path parameters as keys/indices to the JSON.

Github Tag Bump is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Bump and push git tag on merge

Github Tag Bump is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.