kubectl CLI Action
(1)TO make use of this action add the following steps to your GitHub Action workflow:
- uses: teknatha136/actions-kubectl@main
kubectl-version: v1.24.3
kube-config: ${{ secrets.BASE64_ENCODED_KUBECONFIG_SECRET }}
This actions expects an optional kubectl-version
input. This is the actual kubectl version that you want to use. You can find more about kubectl versions at https://v1-22.docs.kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/. By default the actions takes latest stable (https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt) available version.
Action also expects required kube-config
input. This is the base64
encoded kubeconfig file. This is usually available at ~/.kube/config
Once above step is included in you GitHub Action workflow, kubectl will be downloaded and stored ./kubebin
directory and kubeconfig file will be decoded and stored at ./.kube/config
To execute the kubectl command refer below example
- uses: teknatha136/actions-kubectl@main
kubectl-version: v1.24.3
kube-config: ${{ secrets.BASE64_ENCODED_KUBECONFIG_SECRET }}
- run: ./kubebin/kubectl --kubeconfig=.kube/config get nodes
kubectl CLI Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.