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mawl: Make Another Weblog!

mawl: Make Another Weblog! mawl converts repos w/markdown files into full blog-like static sites for hosting on GH Pages
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mawl: Make Another Weblog!

⚠️ current broken, i have to fix the entrypoint for this puppy to handle the new generation scripts.

mawl is a zero-configuration static site generator.

Given a repository with markdown or html files, mawl uses GitHub Actions to

  • create a static bloggish website
    • with a timeline,
    • and rss feeds,
    • and tags,
  • and publishes it to GitHub Pages.

mawl is opinionated, but flexible, and was designed for busy people who know how to make websites but have other things to do.

How does it work?

  1. Write markdown or html files
  2. Install action in your repo
  3. Website comes out

A file with a path like this:

  • foo/bar/, will end up
  • foo/bar/example.html

Example: This repository, generates this site.

Getting started

First we have to add the Action to your repository, and make sure GitHub Pages is turned on.

Pick a repository, and create a file with the path of:


and paste in:

name: mawl

    branches: [main]

    name: Make Another Weblog
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Build & deploy to GitHub Pages
        uses: phillmv/mawl@main

Then, write content!

Files ending with .markdown, .md and .html will get added to the site's timeline. For customization options, see below.

Once you're done, turn on GitHub Pages and make sure the gh-pages branch is selected.

Congratulations! You have a website.


  • Literally, get a static website with zero-configuration.
  • But also if you're feeling fancy, do your own thing, I'm not here to judge, do your own thing.

I still have TODO docs on how to customize templates & what all the options are.


I'm currently cleaning these up, so for now they're a bit scattered:

Who is this for?

  • Programmers who need to write notes or documentation in an easy-to-share-way but gated inside their Organization's single-sign-on for confidentiality reasons.
  • Academics who really should be sharing their research in an open way so they can reach a wider audience, but lack the wherewithal to put a website together.
  • Activists who organize online and write extremely compelling and interesting threads on twitter, but really can't be arsed to make a whole friggin' website 'cos it's a big pain in the ass, and so instead all of their interesting content just fades from view, buried in the timeline, unreachable by searching, lost in time like tears in rain.

I assume you understand what html, markdown, a website, and a GitHub repository is. To customize things you'll need to know a bit of CSS, Sass, and some eRuby.

What do you mean by Markdown files?

I mean, files ending in .md or .markdown whose contents look like this:

occurred_at: 2021-12-31

# hello world, this is our title

this is valid markdown, with a yaml front-matter. add #tags or @mention people as you wish.

will be converted to html. Also, any non markdown files will be copied over as well.

Strictly speaking, the frontmatter is optional. If there is no frontmatter, MAWL will use the file's timestamp.

The following keys are supported:

occurred_at: <timestamp> # sets the date an entry occurred at
hide: <boolean> # prevents an entry from appearing in the timeline
subject: <string> # forcibly sets an entry title

How do I customize the site? / Can you provide more extensive documentation and examples?

You can set a custom header title & description by creating either of two files:

  • and

You can also overhaul all of the CSS and every template with your own custom code. I'm still getting this project off the ground, so for now, the best example really is my personal site:

  • The .site/ folder is special, and so is the .site/config.yaml file.
  • You can override views by adding templates to .site/views/.
  • If you want to customize css, put all of your stuff inside stylesheets/application.css.scss.

More to come! Feel free to file an issue or bug me on twitter.

More Options

(You may also define a CNAME, an INPUT_FOLDER (i.e. my-repo/docs) and a target GITHUB_REPOSITORY which will host the GitHub Page, i.e. in the .github/workflows/mawl.yml file,

name: MAWL

    branches: [main]

    name: Make Another Weblog
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Build & deploy to GitHub Pages
        uses: phillmv/mawl@main
          CNAME: ''
          INPUT_FOLDER: 'docs'
          GITHUB_REPOSITORY: 'foobar/github-page'

Wait, where's all the code?

Mawl is actually a front end for Arquivo. Arquivo is a tool for archiving your notes & publishing your research. For more information, see the arquivo repository.

mawl: Make Another Weblog! is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


mawl: Make Another Weblog! mawl converts repos w/markdown files into full blog-like static sites for hosting on GH Pages



mawl: Make Another Weblog! is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.