ActionsAction to change the docker tag on images from previous to latest and to add the current PR per environment
LatestBy scheduleonce
(2)This action is used to get the current pull id and environment to create docker images with PR, latest and previous tags per environment
- name: Set GitHub Commit Message
run: |
echo ::set-env name=COMMIT_MESSAGE::$(git log --format=%B -n 1 ${{ github.event.after }})
- name: oh-docker-tag-action
uses: scheduleonce/oh-docker-tag-action@<current version>
PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
id: <any unique id>
dockerServer: ${{ Your Docker Login Server }}
username: ${{ Docker Username }}
password: ${{ Docker Password }}
imageTag: tag name for the docker image (optional)
pullId: pull Id to be used as a tag name for docker image (optional)
commitMessagePattern: It is to be used for check commit messages have proper information or not (optional)
tagMap: |
pattern in branch name to be replaced~>string it is replaced with when tagging (optional)
- dockerServer: Your docker server url
- username: Your docker Username
- password: Your docker password
- imageTag: Tag to be used for creating image tags ( Creates a image with the tag without replacement )
- pullId: Pull Id to be used for creating image tags ( Creates a image with the pull Id without replacement )
- commitMessagePattern: It is to be used for check commit messages have proper information or not (optional)
- tagMap: Mapping to be used for creating image tags with replacement
tagMap: | test~>dev live~>master special/~>
- Image tags created from above example will be :
- lets say, branchName = test/myBranch -> Image tag will be dev-myBranch
- lets say, branchName = live/myProdBranch -> Image tag will be master-myProdBranch
- lets say, branchName = special/myBranch -> Image tag will be myBranch
- Image tags created from above example will be :
- Defining imageTag and pullId or tagMap is required.
- Please follow and fully understand this link before making changes (https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-a-javascript-action)
- Commit all source code including dependencies like node_modules to branch for release (https://github.com/marketplace/actions/release-github-actions#motivation)
oh-docker-tag-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.