Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a classification task that identifies phrases in a text that refer to entities or predefined categories (such as dates, person, organization and location names).
- Example of NER: John [PERSON] is going to Kenya [LOCATION] on Monday [DATE]
For annotation, we will be following the Message Understanding Conference (MUC-6) named entity definition guideline for identifying Persons, organizations, locations, dates and times.
You may also use LDC guideline
Personal names (including first names, middle names and last names) should be tagged excluding titles e.g Mr, Mrs, President, Professor, e.t.c. Examples:
- President Donald Trump [PER]
- Donald Trump Jr. [PER]
Family names should be tagged. Example:
- The Kennedy [PER] family
- Abiy Ahmed's [PER] wife.
Some tokenization may separate "Ahmed" and " 's", in that case, we have, For example in CoNLL format, where 'O' is the no-entity label.
Abiy, PER
Ahmed, PER
's, O
wife, O
Personal names that refer to an organization, location, events, law, disease, prizes should not be tagged with PER tag. Example,
- St. Michael
- Nobel Prize
- George Washington University [ORG] was established in 1821 [DATE].
- The White House [LOC] is located in Washington [LOC].
Corporate designations such as "Co." are organizations. Example:
- The Bridgestone Sports Co.
Proper names that include sports teams, stock exchanges, multinational organizations, political parties, unions, government parastatals. Many of them comes in abbreviations e.g WHO, NCDC, NASDAQ, EU, AU
- The World Health Organization [ORG] (WHO [ORG] )
- AU [ORG]
Proper names referring to facilities e.g factories, hotels, universities, airports, hospitals, churches except (a) the name is clearly the name of the structure/place and not of an organization, or (b) the name is known to be the name of an organization but is used only in reference to the facility as a structure/place. Example:
- The Frankfurt Airport Management has new rules for Aircraft.
- I am traveling from the Frankfurt Airport ...will not be tagged since it appeared as a LOC
- I will stay at the IBIS Hotel [ORG]
- The Supreme Court of Nigeria [ORG]
- The convict will be taken to court.
- The patient will be transferred to the General Hospital Ikoyi.
- The patient is in the hospital.
- The Frankfurt Airport Management has new rules for Aircraft.
All country names,region names, state names and city names.
- United States of America [LOC]
- Cape Town [LOC]
- Niger Delta Region [LOC]
Multiword expressions in which place names are separated by a comma are to be tagged as separate instances of LOCATION. Example:
- Cairo [LOC], Egypt [LOC]
- Washington [LOC] , D.C. [LOC]
Do not label Nationalities and street addresses as locations.
- An American is traveling to Abuja [LOC]
- A Nigerian hospital
- 53140 Gatchell Road
Place names can sometimes be part of an organization. The annotation will follow these guidelines: (a) If there is a corporate designator, it marks the end of the organization name; (b) if there is no corporate designator, the "of " is part of the organization name. Example:
- Hyundai of Korea, Inc. [ORG]
- Hyundai, Inc.[ORG] of Korea [LOC]
- John [PER] is working in BOSCH [ORG], Germany [LOC].
- University of California [ORG] in Los Angeles [LOC]
Non-GPE locations like mountain name, river name, body of water should be tagged e.g
- River Niger [LOC]
Tag all absolute and relative dates or periods, including days, months, years. We could combine DATE and TIME annotation as [DATETIME]
Absolute date expressions are to be tagged. Absolute date expression must indicate a specific segment of date i.e the particular day, season, financial quarters, years, decade or a particular century. Example:
- Monday [DATE]
- 10th of October [DATE]
- April 6, 2020 [DATE]
- Summer [DATE]
- the Autumn [DATE] report
- Winter 2020 [DATE]
- fourth quarter [DATE]
- Third quarter of 1991 [DATE]
- first half of the year [DATE]
- 1995 [DATE]
- 1980s [DATE]
- 19th century [DATE]
Relative time expressions should also be tagged. Example:
- July last year [DATE]
- this June [DATE]
- next summer [DATE]
- thirty days before the end of the year [DATE]
Special days, such as holidays, that are referenced by name should be tagged. Example:
- because of the observance of All Saints' Day [DATE]
- The Christmas day [DATE]
Expression indicating periods between two dates should be tagged. Example:
- We are on vacation between July 1 and July 8 [DATE]
- Her visit is from July 1 to July 8 [DATE]
TIME: this refers to times smaller than a day.
Absolute time expressions are to be tagged. Absolute time expression must indicate a specific segment of time i.e a particular minute and hour. Example:
- 20 minutes after 10 [DATE]
- midnight [DATE]
- twelve o'clock noon [DATE]
- noon [DATE]
- 5 p.m. EST [DATE]
- 5:40 [DATE]
Time expressions including the city time zone should be tagged. Example:
- 1:30 p.m. Chicago time [DATE]
Expression indicating periods between two times should be tagged. Example:
- The election is from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. [DATE]