import AddressList from '@folio/stripes-components/lib/AddressFieldGroup/AddressList';
set some data...
const addressArray = [
country: 'USA', addressLine1: 'Burch Street', addressLine2: 'Martin Lovell', primary: true, city: 'Jemisonville', stateRegion: 'North Dakota', zipCode: '78392'
country: 'USA', addressLine1: 'Burt Street', addressLine2: '', primary: false, city: 'Jemisonville', stateRegion: 'North Dakota', zipCode: '78392'
Think about handlers for Create, Update, Delete actions...
handleAddressCreate(values) {
handleAddressUpdate(values) {
handleAddressDelete(id) {
Use the AddressList
component in your jsx...
<AddressList addresses={addressArray} onCreate={this.handleAddressCreate} onUpdate={this.handleAddressUpdate} onDelete={this.handleAddressDelete} canEdit canDelete/>
Name | description | default | required |
canEdit | Address Editing Privilege/Switch.... | ||
canDelete | Address Deletion Privilege/Switch.... | ||
onCreate | callback for new address record creation... should accept address object... | yes | |
onUpdate | callback for saving record... should accept address object... | yes | |
onDelete | callback for deleting record... should accept id or unique identifier... | yes | |
addresses | Array of address objects with properties such as id, country, addressLine1, addressLine2, city, stateRegion, zipCode.... | yes | |
uniqueField | in case the unique identifier is something besides 'id' | 'id' |
sectionLabel | Displays a custom 'h2' html tag at top of listing. | 'Address' |
showAll | boolean for default to show all addresses or only show primary (defaults to false(primary Only)); Toggleable by the 'show more addresses (#)' button below the list...(appears if more than 1 address is stored) | false |
labelMap | object to match field names with custom labels for UI rendering. | {addressLine1: 'Address Line 1', addressLine2: 'Address Line 2', stateRegion: 'State/Province/Region', zipCode: 'Zip/Postal Code'} |
visibleFields | fields from Address objects to render to the body of the display/form. Also specifies the order of fields. Header field is not included | [ 'country', 'addressLine1', 'addressLine2', 'city', 'stateRegion', 'zipCode' ] |
headerFormatter | object with view and edit properties that contain functions to determine how the header of each address renders in their respective modes. The functions are in the form of (addressObject) => addressObject[addressProperty] - so it's possible to render a user-provided name or some other field of address info. For the edit property, it may be necessary to return some sort of editable component |
{ view: (address) => address.primaryAddress ? "Primary" : "Alternate", edit: (address) => <Field label="Primary Address" name="primaryAddress" checked={address.primaryAddress} labelStyle="labelSize1" id={`PrimaryAddress---${}} component={Checkbox}/> |
fieldComponents | maps field names to rendered components for edit mode, e.g. { city:Select } will render a select dropdown for the city field. The components are passed through the redux-form Field component. In cases when extra props need to be passed to the component the format: { city: { component: Select, props: cityData } } is also supported |
{ country: TextField, addressLine1: TextField, addressLine2: TextField, city: TextField, stateRegion: TextField, zipCode: TextField, } |
AddressList makes use of AddressEdit and AddressView components, used for editing and viewing addresses, respectively. These two components may also be used on their own.