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Sorry-cypress installation instructions for Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud

The suggested setup uses the following stack:

{% hint style="info" %} Please make sure that you have

  • recent version of gcloud installed
  • Google Cloud project is configured and you have sufficient permissions
  • recent version of Docker installed {% endhint %}

MongoDB Setup

Please use MongoDB provider of your choice. MongoDB Atlas is a simple and popular managed solution that also has a free tier.

Once you've created MongoDB cluster and a database, please obtain credentials and database name, you will need it in subsequent steps.

Minio Gateway

{% hint style="info" %} You can use AWS S3 Storage instead, please refer to AWS S3 setup instructions {% endhint %}

MinIO GCS Gateway allows to access Google Cloud Storage (GCS) with AWS S3-compatible APIs.

Create Service Account

  1. Navigate to the API Console Credentials page
  2. Select a project or create a new project. Note the project ID.
  3. Select the Create credentials drop-down on the Credentials page, and click Service account key.
  4. Select New service account from the Service account drop-down.
  5. Populate the Service account name and Service account ID.
  6. Click the drop-down under Grant this service account access to the project, the Role and choose Storage > Storage Admin (Full control of GCS resources).
  7. Click on the service account and select Add Key > Create New Key key
  8. Download the JSON file and rename it as credentials.json

{% hint style="warning" %} The service account is granted admin access to all GC storage objects. Please refer to Google Cloud and Minio documentation to limit access. {% endhint %}

Deploy Minio Gateway

Grab the following Dockerfile and place it in the same directory as created earlier credentials.json

├── credentials.json
└── Dockerfile

{% code title="Dockerfile" %}

FROM minio/minio
COPY credentials.json ./
ENV MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=<choose_access_key>
ENV MINIO_SECRET_KEY=<choose_secret_key>
CMD ["gateway", "gcs", "<project>"]

{% endcode %}

Replace project and choose secure MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY, build the image and push to GCR.

docker build -t<project>/minio .
docker push<project>/minio

Create and deploy Cloud Run minioservice.

gcloud run deploy minio \
--image<project>/minio \
--platform managed \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--port 9000

## Example output:
# Service [minio0demo] revision [minio2-00001-fab] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
# Service URL:

Upon successful deployment, note the Service URL of the deployed service. You'd be able to open browsers and access Minio dashboard with the credentials you've set in Dockerfile earlier.

Create a New Bucket

Run the next command to create a new bucket (<bucket_name>) and set policy using mc - minio client Docker image

docker run -it minio/mc \
  mc config host add gcs <minio_service_url> <minio_access_key> <minio_secret_key> && \
  mc mb gcs/<bucket_name> && \
  mc policy set download gcs/<bucket_name>

## Example output:
# Bucket created successfully `gcs/sorry-cypress-demo`.
# Access permission for `gcs/sorry-cypress-demo` is set to `download`

🎉 You have setup Minio Gateway that sorry-cypress can use to store the recordings of your runs.

Deploying sorry-cypress Kit

Let's create 3 Cloud Run Services and deploy sorry-cypress components. We are going to run the following sequence of commands for each service:

  1. Pull latest docker image from Dockerhub
  2. Tag and push image to GCR associated with your project
  3. Deploy Google Cloud Run service using the newly generated image

Running a simple script hosted on GitHub would deploy the services.

  • -p is the current Google Cloud project
  • -n is the name prefix for generated Google Cloud Run services
curl -sL  \
|  source /dev/stdin -p <project> -n <services-prefix>

## Example output:
# 🏁  Finished deployment to Google Cloud Run
# test001-director:
# test001-api:
# test001-dashboard:

Note the URLs of the generated services, we'll use those in the next step to configure the services so they'll be able to communicate one with another.

Configuring sorry-cypress Services

Run the commands below, please be careful while substituting template strings with values obtained at previous steps

{% hint style="info" %} MINIO_ENDPOINT is the hostname of Minio URL you've obtained while setting up Minio Gateway. E.g. {% endhint %}

# director configuration
gcloud run services update <services_prefix>-director \
--platform managed \
--set-env-vars DASHBOARD_URL="<dashboard_service_url>" \
--set-env-vars EXECUTION_DRIVER="../execution/mongo/driver" \
--set-env-vars MONGODB_URI="<mongodb_uri>" \
--set-env-vars MONGODB_DATABASE="<mongodb_dbname>" \
--set-env-vars MINIO_ACCESS_KEY="<minio_access_key>" \
--set-env-vars MINIO_SECRET_KEY="<minio_secret_key>" \
--set-env-vars MINIO_ENDPOINT="" \
--set-env-vars MINIO_URL="" \
--set-env-vars MINIO_BUCKET="<minio_bucket_name>"

# api configuration
gcloud run services update <services_prefix>-api \
  --platform managed \
--set-env-vars MONGODB_URI="<mongodb_uri>" \
--set-env-vars MONGODB_DATABASE="<mongodb_dbname>" \
--set-env-vars APOLLO_PLAYGROUND="<apollo_playground>"

# dashboard configuration
gcloud run services update <services_prefix>-dashboard \
  --platform managed \
  --set-env-vars GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_URL="<api_service_url>"

🎉 Congratulations!

You've finished setting up sorry-cypress on Google Cloud - now you can open the Dashboard URL to see the dashboard.

Don't forget to reconfigure cypress agents to use Director service before running test.