diff --git a/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim b/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 9c296ac..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2788 +0,0 @@ -" vim-plug: Vim plugin manager -" ============================ -" -" Download plug.vim and put it in ~/.vim/autoload -" -" curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ -" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim -" -" Edit your .vimrc -" -" call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') -" -" " Make sure you use single quotes -" -" " Shorthand notation; fetches https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align -" Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' -" -" " Any valid git URL is allowed -" Plug 'https://github.com/junegunn/vim-github-dashboard.git' -" -" " Multiple Plug commands can be written in a single line using | separators -" Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips' | Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' -" -" " On-demand loading -" Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' } -" Plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' } -" -" " Using a non-default branch -" Plug 'rdnetto/YCM-Generator', { 'branch': 'stable' } -" -" " Using a tagged release; wildcard allowed (requires git 1.9.2 or above) -" Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'tag': '*' } -" -" " Plugin options -" Plug 'nsf/gocode', { 'tag': 'v.20150303', 'rtp': 'vim' } -" -" " Plugin outside ~/.vim/plugged with post-update hook -" Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' } -" -" " Unmanaged plugin (manually installed and updated) -" Plug '~/my-prototype-plugin' -" -" " Initialize plugin system -" call plug#end() -" -" Then reload .vimrc and :PlugInstall to install plugins. -" -" Plug options: -" -"| Option | Description | -"| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | -"| `branch`/`tag`/`commit` | Branch/tag/commit of the repository to use | -"| `rtp` | Subdirectory that contains Vim plugin | -"| `dir` | Custom directory for the plugin | -"| `as` | Use different name for the plugin | -"| `do` | Post-update hook (string or funcref) | -"| `on` | On-demand loading: Commands or ``-mappings | -"| `for` | On-demand loading: File types | -"| `frozen` | Do not update unless explicitly specified | -" -" More information: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug -" -" -" Copyright (c) 2017 Junegunn Choi -" -" MIT License -" -" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -" the following conditions: -" -" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -" -" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -" MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND -" NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE -" LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -" OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION -" WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -if exists('g:loaded_plug') - finish -endif -let g:loaded_plug = 1 - -let s:cpo_save = &cpo -set cpo&vim - -let s:plug_src = 'https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug.git' -let s:plug_tab = get(s:, 'plug_tab', -1) -let s:plug_buf = get(s:, 'plug_buf', -1) -let s:mac_gui = has('gui_macvim') && has('gui_running') -let s:is_win = has('win32') -let s:nvim = has('nvim-0.2') || (has('nvim') && exists('*jobwait') && !s:is_win) -let s:vim8 = has('patch-8.0.0039') && exists('*job_start') -if s:is_win && &shellslash - set noshellslash - let s:me = resolve(expand(':p')) - set shellslash -else - let s:me = resolve(expand(':p')) -endif -let s:base_spec = { 'branch': '', 'frozen': 0 } -let s:TYPE = { -\ 'string': type(''), -\ 'list': type([]), -\ 'dict': type({}), -\ 'funcref': type(function('call')) -\ } -let s:loaded = get(s:, 'loaded', {}) -let s:triggers = get(s:, 'triggers', {}) - -function! s:isabsolute(dir) abort - return a:dir =~# '^/' || (has('win32') && a:dir =~? '^\%(\\\|[A-Z]:\)') -endfunction - -function! s:git_dir(dir) abort - let gitdir = s:trim(a:dir) . '/.git' - if isdirectory(gitdir) - return gitdir - endif - if !filereadable(gitdir) - return '' - endif - let gitdir = matchstr(get(readfile(gitdir), 0, ''), '^gitdir: \zs.*') - if len(gitdir) && !s:isabsolute(gitdir) - let gitdir = a:dir . '/' . gitdir - endif - return isdirectory(gitdir) ? gitdir : '' -endfunction - -function! s:git_origin_url(dir) abort - let gitdir = s:git_dir(a:dir) - let config = gitdir . '/config' - if empty(gitdir) || !filereadable(config) - return '' - endif - return matchstr(join(readfile(config)), '\[remote "origin"\].\{-}url\s*=\s*\zs\S*\ze') -endfunction - -function! s:git_revision(dir) abort - let gitdir = s:git_dir(a:dir) - let head = gitdir . '/HEAD' - if empty(gitdir) || !filereadable(head) - return '' - endif - - let line = get(readfile(head), 0, '') - let ref = matchstr(line, '^ref: \zs.*') - if empty(ref) - return line - endif - - if filereadable(gitdir . '/' . ref) - return get(readfile(gitdir . '/' . ref), 0, '') - endif - - if filereadable(gitdir . '/packed-refs') - for line in readfile(gitdir . '/packed-refs') - if line =~# ' ' . ref - return matchstr(line, '^[0-9a-f]*') - endif - endfor - endif - - return '' -endfunction - -function! s:git_local_branch(dir) abort - let gitdir = s:git_dir(a:dir) - let head = gitdir . '/HEAD' - if empty(gitdir) || !filereadable(head) - return '' - endif - let branch = matchstr(get(readfile(head), 0, ''), '^ref: refs/heads/\zs.*') - return len(branch) ? branch : 'HEAD' -endfunction - -function! s:git_origin_branch(spec) - if len(a:spec.branch) - return a:spec.branch - endif - - " The file may not be present if this is a local repository - let gitdir = s:git_dir(a:spec.dir) - let origin_head = gitdir.'/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD' - if len(gitdir) && filereadable(origin_head) - return matchstr(get(readfile(origin_head), 0, ''), - \ '^ref: refs/remotes/origin/\zs.*') - endif - - " The command may not return the name of a branch in detached HEAD state - let result = s:lines(s:system('git symbolic-ref --short HEAD', a:spec.dir)) - return v:shell_error ? '' : result[-1] -endfunction - -if s:is_win - function! s:plug_call(fn, ...) - let shellslash = &shellslash - try - set noshellslash - return call(a:fn, a:000) - finally - let &shellslash = shellslash - endtry - endfunction -else - function! s:plug_call(fn, ...) - return call(a:fn, a:000) - endfunction -endif - -function! s:plug_getcwd() - return s:plug_call('getcwd') -endfunction - -function! s:plug_fnamemodify(fname, mods) - return s:plug_call('fnamemodify', a:fname, a:mods) -endfunction - -function! s:plug_expand(fmt) - return s:plug_call('expand', a:fmt, 1) -endfunction - -function! s:plug_tempname() - return s:plug_call('tempname') -endfunction - -function! plug#begin(...) - if a:0 > 0 - let s:plug_home_org = a:1 - let home = s:path(s:plug_fnamemodify(s:plug_expand(a:1), ':p')) - elseif exists('g:plug_home') - let home = s:path(g:plug_home) - elseif !empty(&rtp) - let home = s:path(split(&rtp, ',')[0]) . '/plugged' - else - return s:err('Unable to determine plug home. Try calling plug#begin() with a path argument.') - endif - if s:plug_fnamemodify(home, ':t') ==# 'plugin' && s:plug_fnamemodify(home, ':h') ==# s:first_rtp - return s:err('Invalid plug home. '.home.' is a standard Vim runtime path and is not allowed.') - endif - - let g:plug_home = home - let g:plugs = {} - let g:plugs_order = [] - let s:triggers = {} - - call s:define_commands() - return 1 -endfunction - -function! s:define_commands() - command! -nargs=+ -bar Plug call plug#() - if !executable('git') - return s:err('`git` executable not found. Most commands will not be available. To suppress this message, prepend `silent!` to `call plug#begin(...)`.') - endif - if has('win32') - \ && &shellslash - \ && (&shell =~# 'cmd\(\.exe\)\?$' || &shell =~# 'powershell\(\.exe\)\?$') - return s:err('vim-plug does not support shell, ' . &shell . ', when shellslash is set.') - endif - if !has('nvim') - \ && (has('win32') || has('win32unix')) - \ && !has('multi_byte') - return s:err('Vim needs +multi_byte feature on Windows to run shell commands. Enable +iconv for best results.') - endif - command! -nargs=* -bar -bang -complete=customlist,s:names PlugInstall call s:install(0, []) - command! -nargs=* -bar -bang -complete=customlist,s:names PlugUpdate call s:update(0, []) - command! -nargs=0 -bar -bang PlugClean call s:clean(0) - command! -nargs=0 -bar PlugUpgrade if s:upgrade() | execute 'source' s:esc(s:me) | endif - command! -nargs=0 -bar PlugStatus call s:status() - command! -nargs=0 -bar PlugDiff call s:diff() - command! -nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=file PlugSnapshot call s:snapshot(0, ) -endfunction - -function! s:to_a(v) - return type(a:v) == s:TYPE.list ? a:v : [a:v] -endfunction - -function! s:to_s(v) - return type(a:v) == s:TYPE.string ? a:v : join(a:v, "\n") . "\n" -endfunction - -function! s:glob(from, pattern) - return s:lines(globpath(a:from, a:pattern)) -endfunction - -function! s:source(from, ...) - let found = 0 - for pattern in a:000 - for vim in s:glob(a:from, pattern) - execute 'source' s:esc(vim) - let found = 1 - endfor - endfor - return found -endfunction - -function! s:assoc(dict, key, val) - let a:dict[a:key] = add(get(a:dict, a:key, []), a:val) -endfunction - -function! s:ask(message, ...) - call inputsave() - echohl WarningMsg - let answer = input(a:message.(a:0 ? ' (y/N/a) ' : ' (y/N) ')) - echohl None - call inputrestore() - echo "\r" - return (a:0 && answer =~? '^a') ? 2 : (answer =~? '^y') ? 1 : 0 -endfunction - -function! s:ask_no_interrupt(...) - try - return call('s:ask', a:000) - catch - return 0 - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:lazy(plug, opt) - return has_key(a:plug, a:opt) && - \ (empty(s:to_a(a:plug[a:opt])) || - \ !isdirectory(a:plug.dir) || - \ len(s:glob(s:rtp(a:plug), 'plugin')) || - \ len(s:glob(s:rtp(a:plug), 'after/plugin'))) -endfunction - -function! plug#end() - if !exists('g:plugs') - return s:err('plug#end() called without calling plug#begin() first') - endif - - if exists('#PlugLOD') - augroup PlugLOD - autocmd! - augroup END - augroup! PlugLOD - endif - let lod = { 'ft': {}, 'map': {}, 'cmd': {} } - - if exists('g:did_load_filetypes') - filetype off - endif - for name in g:plugs_order - if !has_key(g:plugs, name) - continue - endif - let plug = g:plugs[name] - if get(s:loaded, name, 0) || !s:lazy(plug, 'on') && !s:lazy(plug, 'for') - let s:loaded[name] = 1 - continue - endif - - if has_key(plug, 'on') - let s:triggers[name] = { 'map': [], 'cmd': [] } - for cmd in s:to_a(plug.on) - if cmd =~? '^.\+' - if empty(mapcheck(cmd)) && empty(mapcheck(cmd, 'i')) - call s:assoc(lod.map, cmd, name) - endif - call add(s:triggers[name].map, cmd) - elseif cmd =~# '^[A-Z]' - let cmd = substitute(cmd, '!*$', '', '') - if exists(':'.cmd) != 2 - call s:assoc(lod.cmd, cmd, name) - endif - call add(s:triggers[name].cmd, cmd) - else - call s:err('Invalid `on` option: '.cmd. - \ '. Should start with an uppercase letter or ``.') - endif - endfor - endif - - if has_key(plug, 'for') - let types = s:to_a(plug.for) - if !empty(types) - augroup filetypedetect - call s:source(s:rtp(plug), 'ftdetect/**/*.vim', 'after/ftdetect/**/*.vim') - augroup END - endif - for type in types - call s:assoc(lod.ft, type, name) - endfor - endif - endfor - - for [cmd, names] in items(lod.cmd) - execute printf( - \ 'command! -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file %s call s:lod_cmd(%s, "", , , , %s)', - \ cmd, string(cmd), string(names)) - endfor - - for [map, names] in items(lod.map) - for [mode, map_prefix, key_prefix] in - \ [['i', '', ''], ['n', '', ''], ['v', '', 'gv'], ['o', '', '']] - execute printf( - \ '%snoremap %s %s:call lod_map(%s, %s, %s, "%s")', - \ mode, map, map_prefix, string(map), string(names), mode != 'i', key_prefix) - endfor - endfor - - for [ft, names] in items(lod.ft) - augroup PlugLOD - execute printf('autocmd FileType %s call lod_ft(%s, %s)', - \ ft, string(ft), string(names)) - augroup END - endfor - - call s:reorg_rtp() - filetype plugin indent on - if has('vim_starting') - if has('syntax') && !exists('g:syntax_on') - syntax enable - end - else - call s:reload_plugins() - endif -endfunction - -function! s:loaded_names() - return filter(copy(g:plugs_order), 'get(s:loaded, v:val, 0)') -endfunction - -function! s:load_plugin(spec) - call s:source(s:rtp(a:spec), 'plugin/**/*.vim', 'after/plugin/**/*.vim') -endfunction - -function! s:reload_plugins() - for name in s:loaded_names() - call s:load_plugin(g:plugs[name]) - endfor -endfunction - -function! s:trim(str) - return substitute(a:str, '[\/]\+$', '', '') -endfunction - -function! s:version_requirement(val, min) - for idx in range(0, len(a:min) - 1) - let v = get(a:val, idx, 0) - if v < a:min[idx] | return 0 - elseif v > a:min[idx] | return 1 - endif - endfor - return 1 -endfunction - -function! s:git_version_requirement(...) - if !exists('s:git_version') - let s:git_version = map(split(split(s:system(['git', '--version']))[2], '\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)') - endif - return s:version_requirement(s:git_version, a:000) -endfunction - -function! s:progress_opt(base) - return a:base && !s:is_win && - \ s:git_version_requirement(1, 7, 1) ? '--progress' : '' -endfunction - -function! s:rtp(spec) - return s:path(a:spec.dir . get(a:spec, 'rtp', '')) -endfunction - -if s:is_win - function! s:path(path) - return s:trim(substitute(a:path, '/', '\', 'g')) - endfunction - - function! s:dirpath(path) - return s:path(a:path) . '\' - endfunction - - function! s:is_local_plug(repo) - return a:repo =~? '^[a-z]:\|^[%~]' - endfunction - - " Copied from fzf - function! s:wrap_cmds(cmds) - let cmds = [ - \ '@echo off', - \ 'setlocal enabledelayedexpansion'] - \ + (type(a:cmds) == type([]) ? a:cmds : [a:cmds]) - \ + ['endlocal'] - if has('iconv') - if !exists('s:codepage') - let s:codepage = libcallnr('kernel32.dll', 'GetACP', 0) - endif - return map(cmds, printf('iconv(v:val."\r", "%s", "cp%d")', &encoding, s:codepage)) - endif - return map(cmds, 'v:val."\r"') - endfunction - - function! s:batchfile(cmd) - let batchfile = s:plug_tempname().'.bat' - call writefile(s:wrap_cmds(a:cmd), batchfile) - let cmd = plug#shellescape(batchfile, {'shell': &shell, 'script': 0}) - if &shell =~# 'powershell\(\.exe\)\?$' - let cmd = '& ' . cmd - endif - return [batchfile, cmd] - endfunction -else - function! s:path(path) - return s:trim(a:path) - endfunction - - function! s:dirpath(path) - return substitute(a:path, '[/\\]*$', '/', '') - endfunction - - function! s:is_local_plug(repo) - return a:repo[0] =~ '[/$~]' - endfunction -endif - -function! s:err(msg) - echohl ErrorMsg - echom '[vim-plug] '.a:msg - echohl None -endfunction - -function! s:warn(cmd, msg) - echohl WarningMsg - execute a:cmd 'a:msg' - echohl None -endfunction - -function! s:esc(path) - return escape(a:path, ' ') -endfunction - -function! s:escrtp(path) - return escape(a:path, ' ,') -endfunction - -function! s:remove_rtp() - for name in s:loaded_names() - let rtp = s:rtp(g:plugs[name]) - execute 'set rtp-='.s:escrtp(rtp) - let after = globpath(rtp, 'after') - if isdirectory(after) - execute 'set rtp-='.s:escrtp(after) - endif - endfor -endfunction - -function! s:reorg_rtp() - if !empty(s:first_rtp) - execute 'set rtp-='.s:first_rtp - execute 'set rtp-='.s:last_rtp - endif - - " &rtp is modified from outside - if exists('s:prtp') && s:prtp !=# &rtp - call s:remove_rtp() - unlet! s:middle - endif - - let s:middle = get(s:, 'middle', &rtp) - let rtps = map(s:loaded_names(), 's:rtp(g:plugs[v:val])') - let afters = filter(map(copy(rtps), 'globpath(v:val, "after")'), '!empty(v:val)') - let rtp = join(map(rtps, 'escape(v:val, ",")'), ',') - \ . ','.s:middle.',' - \ . join(map(afters, 'escape(v:val, ",")'), ',') - let &rtp = substitute(substitute(rtp, ',,*', ',', 'g'), '^,\|,$', '', 'g') - let s:prtp = &rtp - - if !empty(s:first_rtp) - execute 'set rtp^='.s:first_rtp - execute 'set rtp+='.s:last_rtp - endif -endfunction - -function! s:doautocmd(...) - if exists('#'.join(a:000, '#')) - execute 'doautocmd' ((v:version > 703 || has('patch442')) ? '' : '') join(a:000) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:dobufread(names) - for name in a:names - let path = s:rtp(g:plugs[name]) - for dir in ['ftdetect', 'ftplugin', 'after/ftdetect', 'after/ftplugin'] - if len(finddir(dir, path)) - if exists('#BufRead') - doautocmd BufRead - endif - return - endif - endfor - endfor -endfunction - -function! plug#load(...) - if a:0 == 0 - return s:err('Argument missing: plugin name(s) required') - endif - if !exists('g:plugs') - return s:err('plug#begin was not called') - endif - let names = a:0 == 1 && type(a:1) == s:TYPE.list ? a:1 : a:000 - let unknowns = filter(copy(names), '!has_key(g:plugs, v:val)') - if !empty(unknowns) - let s = len(unknowns) > 1 ? 's' : '' - return s:err(printf('Unknown plugin%s: %s', s, join(unknowns, ', '))) - end - let unloaded = filter(copy(names), '!get(s:loaded, v:val, 0)') - if !empty(unloaded) - for name in unloaded - call s:lod([name], ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin']) - endfor - call s:dobufread(unloaded) - return 1 - end - return 0 -endfunction - -function! s:remove_triggers(name) - if !has_key(s:triggers, a:name) - return - endif - for cmd in s:triggers[a:name].cmd - execute 'silent! delc' cmd - endfor - for map in s:triggers[a:name].map - execute 'silent! unmap' map - execute 'silent! iunmap' map - endfor - call remove(s:triggers, a:name) -endfunction - -function! s:lod(names, types, ...) - for name in a:names - call s:remove_triggers(name) - let s:loaded[name] = 1 - endfor - call s:reorg_rtp() - - for name in a:names - let rtp = s:rtp(g:plugs[name]) - for dir in a:types - call s:source(rtp, dir.'/**/*.vim') - endfor - if a:0 - if !s:source(rtp, a:1) && !empty(s:glob(rtp, a:2)) - execute 'runtime' a:1 - endif - call s:source(rtp, a:2) - endif - call s:doautocmd('User', name) - endfor -endfunction - -function! s:lod_ft(pat, names) - let syn = 'syntax/'.a:pat.'.vim' - call s:lod(a:names, ['plugin', 'after/plugin'], syn, 'after/'.syn) - execute 'autocmd! PlugLOD FileType' a:pat - call s:doautocmd('filetypeplugin', 'FileType') - call s:doautocmd('filetypeindent', 'FileType') -endfunction - -function! s:lod_cmd(cmd, bang, l1, l2, args, names) - call s:lod(a:names, ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin']) - call s:dobufread(a:names) - execute printf('%s%s%s %s', (a:l1 == a:l2 ? '' : (a:l1.','.a:l2)), a:cmd, a:bang, a:args) -endfunction - -function! s:lod_map(map, names, with_prefix, prefix) - call s:lod(a:names, ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin']) - call s:dobufread(a:names) - let extra = '' - while 1 - let c = getchar(0) - if c == 0 - break - endif - let extra .= nr2char(c) - endwhile - - if a:with_prefix - let prefix = v:count ? v:count : '' - let prefix .= '"'.v:register.a:prefix - if mode(1) == 'no' - if v:operator == 'c' - let prefix = "\" . prefix - endif - let prefix .= v:operator - endif - call feedkeys(prefix, 'n') - endif - call feedkeys(substitute(a:map, '^', "\", '') . extra) -endfunction - -function! plug#(repo, ...) - if a:0 > 1 - return s:err('Invalid number of arguments (1..2)') - endif - - try - let repo = s:trim(a:repo) - let opts = a:0 == 1 ? s:parse_options(a:1) : s:base_spec - let name = get(opts, 'as', s:plug_fnamemodify(repo, ':t:s?\.git$??')) - let spec = extend(s:infer_properties(name, repo), opts) - if !has_key(g:plugs, name) - call add(g:plugs_order, name) - endif - let g:plugs[name] = spec - let s:loaded[name] = get(s:loaded, name, 0) - catch - return s:err(repo . ' ' . v:exception) - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:parse_options(arg) - let opts = copy(s:base_spec) - let type = type(a:arg) - let opt_errfmt = 'Invalid argument for "%s" option of :Plug (expected: %s)' - if type == s:TYPE.string - if empty(a:arg) - throw printf(opt_errfmt, 'tag', 'string') - endif - let opts.tag = a:arg - elseif type == s:TYPE.dict - for opt in ['branch', 'tag', 'commit', 'rtp', 'dir', 'as'] - if has_key(a:arg, opt) - \ && (type(a:arg[opt]) != s:TYPE.string || empty(a:arg[opt])) - throw printf(opt_errfmt, opt, 'string') - endif - endfor - for opt in ['on', 'for'] - if has_key(a:arg, opt) - \ && type(a:arg[opt]) != s:TYPE.list - \ && (type(a:arg[opt]) != s:TYPE.string || empty(a:arg[opt])) - throw printf(opt_errfmt, opt, 'string or list') - endif - endfor - if has_key(a:arg, 'do') - \ && type(a:arg.do) != s:TYPE.funcref - \ && (type(a:arg.do) != s:TYPE.string || empty(a:arg.do)) - throw printf(opt_errfmt, 'do', 'string or funcref') - endif - call extend(opts, a:arg) - if has_key(opts, 'dir') - let opts.dir = s:dirpath(s:plug_expand(opts.dir)) - endif - else - throw 'Invalid argument type (expected: string or dictionary)' - endif - return opts -endfunction - -function! s:infer_properties(name, repo) - let repo = a:repo - if s:is_local_plug(repo) - return { 'dir': s:dirpath(s:plug_expand(repo)) } - else - if repo =~ ':' - let uri = repo - else - if repo !~ '/' - throw printf('Invalid argument: %s (implicit `vim-scripts'' expansion is deprecated)', repo) - endif - let fmt = get(g:, 'plug_url_format', 'https://git::@github.com/%s.git') - let uri = printf(fmt, repo) - endif - return { 'dir': s:dirpath(g:plug_home.'/'.a:name), 'uri': uri } - endif -endfunction - -function! s:install(force, names) - call s:update_impl(0, a:force, a:names) -endfunction - -function! s:update(force, names) - call s:update_impl(1, a:force, a:names) -endfunction - -function! plug#helptags() - if !exists('g:plugs') - return s:err('plug#begin was not called') - endif - for spec in values(g:plugs) - let docd = join([s:rtp(spec), 'doc'], '/') - if isdirectory(docd) - silent! execute 'helptags' s:esc(docd) - endif - endfor - return 1 -endfunction - -function! s:syntax() - syntax clear - syntax region plug1 start=/\%1l/ end=/\%2l/ contains=plugNumber - syntax region plug2 start=/\%2l/ end=/\%3l/ contains=plugBracket,plugX - syn match plugNumber /[0-9]\+[0-9.]*/ contained - syn match plugBracket /[[\]]/ contained - syn match plugX /x/ contained - syn match plugDash /^-\{1}\ / - syn match plugPlus /^+/ - syn match plugStar /^*/ - syn match plugMessage /\(^- \)\@<=.*/ - syn match plugName /\(^- \)\@<=[^ ]*:/ - syn match plugSha /\%(: \)\@<=[0-9a-f]\{4,}$/ - syn match plugTag /(tag: [^)]\+)/ - syn match plugInstall /\(^+ \)\@<=[^:]*/ - syn match plugUpdate /\(^* \)\@<=[^:]*/ - syn match plugCommit /^ \X*[0-9a-f]\{7,9} .*/ contains=plugRelDate,plugEdge,plugTag - syn match plugEdge /^ \X\+$/ - syn match plugEdge /^ \X*/ contained nextgroup=plugSha - syn match plugSha /[0-9a-f]\{7,9}/ contained - syn match plugRelDate /([^)]*)$/ contained - syn match plugNotLoaded /(not loaded)$/ - syn match plugError /^x.*/ - syn region plugDeleted start=/^\~ .*/ end=/^\ze\S/ - syn match plugH2 /^.*:\n-\+$/ - syn match plugH2 /^-\{2,}/ - syn keyword Function PlugInstall PlugStatus PlugUpdate PlugClean - hi def link plug1 Title - hi def link plug2 Repeat - hi def link plugH2 Type - hi def link plugX Exception - hi def link plugBracket Structure - hi def link plugNumber Number - - hi def link plugDash Special - hi def link plugPlus Constant - hi def link plugStar Boolean - - hi def link plugMessage Function - hi def link plugName Label - hi def link plugInstall Function - hi def link plugUpdate Type - - hi def link plugError Error - hi def link plugDeleted Ignore - hi def link plugRelDate Comment - hi def link plugEdge PreProc - hi def link plugSha Identifier - hi def link plugTag Constant - - hi def link plugNotLoaded Comment -endfunction - -function! s:lpad(str, len) - return a:str . repeat(' ', a:len - len(a:str)) -endfunction - -function! s:lines(msg) - return split(a:msg, "[\r\n]") -endfunction - -function! s:lastline(msg) - return get(s:lines(a:msg), -1, '') -endfunction - -function! s:new_window() - execute get(g:, 'plug_window', 'vertical topleft new') -endfunction - -function! s:plug_window_exists() - let buflist = tabpagebuflist(s:plug_tab) - return !empty(buflist) && index(buflist, s:plug_buf) >= 0 -endfunction - -function! s:switch_in() - if !s:plug_window_exists() - return 0 - endif - - if winbufnr(0) != s:plug_buf - let s:pos = [tabpagenr(), winnr(), winsaveview()] - execute 'normal!' s:plug_tab.'gt' - let winnr = bufwinnr(s:plug_buf) - execute winnr.'wincmd w' - call add(s:pos, winsaveview()) - else - let s:pos = [winsaveview()] - endif - - setlocal modifiable - return 1 -endfunction - -function! s:switch_out(...) - call winrestview(s:pos[-1]) - setlocal nomodifiable - if a:0 > 0 - execute a:1 - endif - - if len(s:pos) > 1 - execute 'normal!' s:pos[0].'gt' - execute s:pos[1] 'wincmd w' - call winrestview(s:pos[2]) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:finish_bindings() - nnoremap R :call retry() - nnoremap D :PlugDiff - nnoremap S :PlugStatus - nnoremap U :call status_update() - xnoremap U :call status_update() - nnoremap ]] :silent! call section('') - nnoremap [[ :silent! call section('b') -endfunction - -function! s:prepare(...) - if empty(s:plug_getcwd()) - throw 'Invalid current working directory. Cannot proceed.' - endif - - for evar in ['$GIT_DIR', '$GIT_WORK_TREE'] - if exists(evar) - throw evar.' detected. Cannot proceed.' - endif - endfor - - call s:job_abort() - if s:switch_in() - if b:plug_preview == 1 - pc - endif - enew - else - call s:new_window() - endif - - nnoremap q :if b:plug_preview==1pcendifbd - if a:0 == 0 - call s:finish_bindings() - endif - let b:plug_preview = -1 - let s:plug_tab = tabpagenr() - let s:plug_buf = winbufnr(0) - call s:assign_name() - - for k in ['', 'L', 'o', 'X', 'd', 'dd'] - execute 'silent! unmap ' k - endfor - setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nolist noswapfile nowrap cursorline modifiable nospell - if exists('+colorcolumn') - setlocal colorcolumn= - endif - setf vim-plug - if exists('g:syntax_on') - call s:syntax() - endif -endfunction - -function! s:assign_name() - " Assign buffer name - let prefix = '[Plugins]' - let name = prefix - let idx = 2 - while bufexists(name) - let name = printf('%s (%s)', prefix, idx) - let idx = idx + 1 - endwhile - silent! execute 'f' fnameescape(name) -endfunction - -function! s:chsh(swap) - let prev = [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] - if !s:is_win - set shell=sh - endif - if a:swap - if &shell =~# 'powershell\(\.exe\)\?$' || &shell =~# 'pwsh$' - let &shellredir = '2>&1 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s' - elseif &shell =~# 'sh' || &shell =~# 'cmd\(\.exe\)\?$' - set shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1 - endif - endif - return prev -endfunction - -function! s:bang(cmd, ...) - let batchfile = '' - try - let [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] = s:chsh(a:0) - " FIXME: Escaping is incomplete. We could use shellescape with eval, - " but it won't work on Windows. - let cmd = a:0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd - if s:is_win - let [batchfile, cmd] = s:batchfile(cmd) - endif - let g:_plug_bang = (s:is_win && has('gui_running') ? 'silent ' : '').'!'.escape(cmd, '#!%') - execute "normal! :execute g:_plug_bang\\" - finally - unlet g:_plug_bang - let [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] = [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] - if s:is_win && filereadable(batchfile) - call delete(batchfile) - endif - endtry - return v:shell_error ? 'Exit status: ' . v:shell_error : '' -endfunction - -function! s:regress_bar() - let bar = substitute(getline(2)[1:-2], '.*\zs=', 'x', '') - call s:progress_bar(2, bar, len(bar)) -endfunction - -function! s:is_updated(dir) - return !empty(s:system_chomp(['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%h', 'HEAD...HEAD@{1}'], a:dir)) -endfunction - -function! s:do(pull, force, todo) - for [name, spec] in items(a:todo) - if !isdirectory(spec.dir) - continue - endif - let installed = has_key(s:update.new, name) - let updated = installed ? 0 : - \ (a:pull && index(s:update.errors, name) < 0 && s:is_updated(spec.dir)) - if a:force || installed || updated - execute 'cd' s:esc(spec.dir) - call append(3, '- Post-update hook for '. name .' ... ') - let error = '' - let type = type(spec.do) - if type == s:TYPE.string - if spec.do[0] == ':' - if !get(s:loaded, name, 0) - let s:loaded[name] = 1 - call s:reorg_rtp() - endif - call s:load_plugin(spec) - try - execute spec.do[1:] - catch - let error = v:exception - endtry - if !s:plug_window_exists() - cd - - throw 'Warning: vim-plug was terminated by the post-update hook of '.name - endif - else - let error = s:bang(spec.do) - endif - elseif type == s:TYPE.funcref - try - call s:load_plugin(spec) - let status = installed ? 'installed' : (updated ? 'updated' : 'unchanged') - call spec.do({ 'name': name, 'status': status, 'force': a:force }) - catch - let error = v:exception - endtry - else - let error = 'Invalid hook type' - endif - call s:switch_in() - call setline(4, empty(error) ? (getline(4) . 'OK') - \ : ('x' . getline(4)[1:] . error)) - if !empty(error) - call add(s:update.errors, name) - call s:regress_bar() - endif - cd - - endif - endfor -endfunction - -function! s:hash_match(a, b) - return stridx(a:a, a:b) == 0 || stridx(a:b, a:a) == 0 -endfunction - -function! s:checkout(spec) - let sha = a:spec.commit - let output = s:git_revision(a:spec.dir) - if !empty(output) && !s:hash_match(sha, s:lines(output)[0]) - let credential_helper = s:git_version_requirement(2) ? '-c credential.helper= ' : '' - let output = s:system( - \ 'git '.credential_helper.'fetch --depth 999999 && git checkout '.plug#shellescape(sha).' --', a:spec.dir) - endif - return output -endfunction - -function! s:finish(pull) - let new_frozen = len(filter(keys(s:update.new), 'g:plugs[v:val].frozen')) - if new_frozen - let s = new_frozen > 1 ? 's' : '' - call append(3, printf('- Installed %d frozen plugin%s', new_frozen, s)) - endif - call append(3, '- Finishing ... ') | 4 - redraw - call plug#helptags() - call plug#end() - call setline(4, getline(4) . 'Done!') - redraw - let msgs = [] - if !empty(s:update.errors) - call add(msgs, "Press 'R' to retry.") - endif - if a:pull && len(s:update.new) < len(filter(getline(5, '$'), - \ "v:val =~ '^- ' && v:val !~# 'Already up.to.date'")) - call add(msgs, "Press 'D' to see the updated changes.") - endif - echo join(msgs, ' ') - call s:finish_bindings() -endfunction - -function! s:retry() - if empty(s:update.errors) - return - endif - echo - call s:update_impl(s:update.pull, s:update.force, - \ extend(copy(s:update.errors), [s:update.threads])) -endfunction - -function! s:is_managed(name) - return has_key(g:plugs[a:name], 'uri') -endfunction - -function! s:names(...) - return sort(filter(keys(g:plugs), 'stridx(v:val, a:1) == 0 && s:is_managed(v:val)')) -endfunction - -function! s:check_ruby() - silent! ruby require 'thread'; VIM::command("let g:plug_ruby = '#{RUBY_VERSION}'") - if !exists('g:plug_ruby') - redraw! - return s:warn('echom', 'Warning: Ruby interface is broken') - endif - let ruby_version = split(g:plug_ruby, '\.') - unlet g:plug_ruby - return s:version_requirement(ruby_version, [1, 8, 7]) -endfunction - -function! s:update_impl(pull, force, args) abort - let sync = index(a:args, '--sync') >= 0 || has('vim_starting') - let args = filter(copy(a:args), 'v:val != "--sync"') - let threads = (len(args) > 0 && args[-1] =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$') ? - \ remove(args, -1) : get(g:, 'plug_threads', 16) - - let managed = filter(copy(g:plugs), 's:is_managed(v:key)') - let todo = empty(args) ? filter(managed, '!v:val.frozen || !isdirectory(v:val.dir)') : - \ filter(managed, 'index(args, v:key) >= 0') - - if empty(todo) - return s:warn('echo', 'No plugin to '. (a:pull ? 'update' : 'install')) - endif - - if !s:is_win && s:git_version_requirement(2, 3) - let s:git_terminal_prompt = exists('$GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT') ? $GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT : '' - let $GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT = 0 - for plug in values(todo) - let plug.uri = substitute(plug.uri, - \ '^https://git::@github\.com', 'https://github.com', '') - endfor - endif - - if !isdirectory(g:plug_home) - try - call mkdir(g:plug_home, 'p') - catch - return s:err(printf('Invalid plug directory: %s. '. - \ 'Try to call plug#begin with a valid directory', g:plug_home)) - endtry - endif - - if has('nvim') && !exists('*jobwait') && threads > 1 - call s:warn('echom', '[vim-plug] Update Neovim for parallel installer') - endif - - let use_job = s:nvim || s:vim8 - let python = (has('python') || has('python3')) && !use_job - let ruby = has('ruby') && !use_job && (v:version >= 703 || v:version == 702 && has('patch374')) && !(s:is_win && has('gui_running')) && threads > 1 && s:check_ruby() - - let s:update = { - \ 'start': reltime(), - \ 'all': todo, - \ 'todo': copy(todo), - \ 'errors': [], - \ 'pull': a:pull, - \ 'force': a:force, - \ 'new': {}, - \ 'threads': (python || ruby || use_job) ? min([len(todo), threads]) : 1, - \ 'bar': '', - \ 'fin': 0 - \ } - - call s:prepare(1) - call append(0, ['', '']) - normal! 2G - silent! redraw - - let s:clone_opt = [] - if get(g:, 'plug_shallow', 1) - call extend(s:clone_opt, ['--depth', '1']) - if s:git_version_requirement(1, 7, 10) - call add(s:clone_opt, '--no-single-branch') - endif - endif - - if has('win32unix') || has('wsl') - call extend(s:clone_opt, ['-c', 'core.eol=lf', '-c', 'core.autocrlf=input']) - endif - - let s:submodule_opt = s:git_version_requirement(2, 8) ? ' --jobs='.threads : '' - - " Python version requirement (>= 2.7) - if python && !has('python3') && !ruby && !use_job && s:update.threads > 1 - redir => pyv - silent python import platform; print platform.python_version() - redir END - let python = s:version_requirement( - \ map(split(split(pyv)[0], '\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)'), [2, 6]) - endif - - if (python || ruby) && s:update.threads > 1 - try - let imd = &imd - if s:mac_gui - set noimd - endif - if ruby - call s:update_ruby() - else - call s:update_python() - endif - catch - let lines = getline(4, '$') - let printed = {} - silent! 4,$d _ - for line in lines - let name = s:extract_name(line, '.', '') - if empty(name) || !has_key(printed, name) - call append('$', line) - if !empty(name) - let printed[name] = 1 - if line[0] == 'x' && index(s:update.errors, name) < 0 - call add(s:update.errors, name) - end - endif - endif - endfor - finally - let &imd = imd - call s:update_finish() - endtry - else - call s:update_vim() - while use_job && sync - sleep 100m - if s:update.fin - break - endif - endwhile - endif -endfunction - -function! s:log4(name, msg) - call setline(4, printf('- %s (%s)', a:msg, a:name)) - redraw -endfunction - -function! s:update_finish() - if exists('s:git_terminal_prompt') - let $GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT = s:git_terminal_prompt - endif - if s:switch_in() - call append(3, '- Updating ...') | 4 - for [name, spec] in items(filter(copy(s:update.all), 'index(s:update.errors, v:key) < 0 && (s:update.force || s:update.pull || has_key(s:update.new, v:key))')) - let [pos, _] = s:logpos(name) - if !pos - continue - endif - if has_key(spec, 'commit') - call s:log4(name, 'Checking out '.spec.commit) - let out = s:checkout(spec) - elseif has_key(spec, 'tag') - let tag = spec.tag - if tag =~ '\*' - let tags = s:lines(s:system('git tag --list '.plug#shellescape(tag).' --sort -version:refname 2>&1', spec.dir)) - if !v:shell_error && !empty(tags) - let tag = tags[0] - call s:log4(name, printf('Latest tag for %s -> %s', spec.tag, tag)) - call append(3, '') - endif - endif - call s:log4(name, 'Checking out '.tag) - let out = s:system('git checkout -q '.plug#shellescape(tag).' -- 2>&1', spec.dir) - else - let branch = s:git_origin_branch(spec) - call s:log4(name, 'Merging origin/'.s:esc(branch)) - let out = s:system('git checkout -q '.plug#shellescape(branch).' -- 2>&1' - \. (has_key(s:update.new, name) ? '' : ('&& git merge --ff-only '.plug#shellescape('origin/'.branch).' 2>&1')), spec.dir) - endif - if !v:shell_error && filereadable(spec.dir.'/.gitmodules') && - \ (s:update.force || has_key(s:update.new, name) || s:is_updated(spec.dir)) - call s:log4(name, 'Updating submodules. This may take a while.') - let out .= s:bang('git submodule update --init --recursive'.s:submodule_opt.' 2>&1', spec.dir) - endif - let msg = s:format_message(v:shell_error ? 'x': '-', name, out) - if v:shell_error - call add(s:update.errors, name) - call s:regress_bar() - silent execute pos 'd _' - call append(4, msg) | 4 - elseif !empty(out) - call setline(pos, msg[0]) - endif - redraw - endfor - silent 4 d _ - try - call s:do(s:update.pull, s:update.force, filter(copy(s:update.all), 'index(s:update.errors, v:key) < 0 && has_key(v:val, "do")')) - catch - call s:warn('echom', v:exception) - call s:warn('echo', '') - return - endtry - call s:finish(s:update.pull) - call setline(1, 'Updated. Elapsed time: ' . split(reltimestr(reltime(s:update.start)))[0] . ' sec.') - call s:switch_out('normal! gg') - endif -endfunction - -function! s:job_abort() - if (!s:nvim && !s:vim8) || !exists('s:jobs') - return - endif - - for [name, j] in items(s:jobs) - if s:nvim - silent! call jobstop(j.jobid) - elseif s:vim8 - silent! call job_stop(j.jobid) - endif - if j.new - call s:rm_rf(g:plugs[name].dir) - endif - endfor - let s:jobs = {} -endfunction - -function! s:last_non_empty_line(lines) - let len = len(a:lines) - for idx in range(len) - let line = a:lines[len-idx-1] - if !empty(line) - return line - endif - endfor - return '' -endfunction - -function! s:job_out_cb(self, data) abort - let self = a:self - let data = remove(self.lines, -1) . a:data - let lines = map(split(data, "\n", 1), 'split(v:val, "\r", 1)[-1]') - call extend(self.lines, lines) - " To reduce the number of buffer updates - let self.tick = get(self, 'tick', -1) + 1 - if !self.running || self.tick % len(s:jobs) == 0 - let bullet = self.running ? (self.new ? '+' : '*') : (self.error ? 'x' : '-') - let result = self.error ? join(self.lines, "\n") : s:last_non_empty_line(self.lines) - call s:log(bullet, self.name, result) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:job_exit_cb(self, data) abort - let a:self.running = 0 - let a:self.error = a:data != 0 - call s:reap(a:self.name) - call s:tick() -endfunction - -function! s:job_cb(fn, job, ch, data) - if !s:plug_window_exists() " plug window closed - return s:job_abort() - endif - call call(a:fn, [a:job, a:data]) -endfunction - -function! s:nvim_cb(job_id, data, event) dict abort - return (a:event == 'stdout' || a:event == 'stderr') ? - \ s:job_cb('s:job_out_cb', self, 0, join(a:data, "\n")) : - \ s:job_cb('s:job_exit_cb', self, 0, a:data) -endfunction - -function! s:spawn(name, cmd, opts) - let job = { 'name': a:name, 'running': 1, 'error': 0, 'lines': [''], - \ 'new': get(a:opts, 'new', 0) } - let s:jobs[a:name] = job - - if s:nvim - if has_key(a:opts, 'dir') - let job.cwd = a:opts.dir - endif - let argv = a:cmd - call extend(job, { - \ 'on_stdout': function('s:nvim_cb'), - \ 'on_stderr': function('s:nvim_cb'), - \ 'on_exit': function('s:nvim_cb'), - \ }) - let jid = s:plug_call('jobstart', argv, job) - if jid > 0 - let job.jobid = jid - else - let job.running = 0 - let job.error = 1 - let job.lines = [jid < 0 ? argv[0].' is not executable' : - \ 'Invalid arguments (or job table is full)'] - endif - elseif s:vim8 - let cmd = join(map(copy(a:cmd), 'plug#shellescape(v:val, {"script": 0})')) - if has_key(a:opts, 'dir') - let cmd = s:with_cd(cmd, a:opts.dir, 0) - endif - let argv = s:is_win ? ['cmd', '/s', '/c', '"'.cmd.'"'] : ['sh', '-c', cmd] - let jid = job_start(s:is_win ? join(argv, ' ') : argv, { - \ 'out_cb': function('s:job_cb', ['s:job_out_cb', job]), - \ 'err_cb': function('s:job_cb', ['s:job_out_cb', job]), - \ 'exit_cb': function('s:job_cb', ['s:job_exit_cb', job]), - \ 'err_mode': 'raw', - \ 'out_mode': 'raw' - \}) - if job_status(jid) == 'run' - let job.jobid = jid - else - let job.running = 0 - let job.error = 1 - let job.lines = ['Failed to start job'] - endif - else - let job.lines = s:lines(call('s:system', has_key(a:opts, 'dir') ? [a:cmd, a:opts.dir] : [a:cmd])) - let job.error = v:shell_error != 0 - let job.running = 0 - endif -endfunction - -function! s:reap(name) - let job = s:jobs[a:name] - if job.error - call add(s:update.errors, a:name) - elseif get(job, 'new', 0) - let s:update.new[a:name] = 1 - endif - let s:update.bar .= job.error ? 'x' : '=' - - let bullet = job.error ? 'x' : '-' - let result = job.error ? join(job.lines, "\n") : s:last_non_empty_line(job.lines) - call s:log(bullet, a:name, empty(result) ? 'OK' : result) - call s:bar() - - call remove(s:jobs, a:name) -endfunction - -function! s:bar() - if s:switch_in() - let total = len(s:update.all) - call setline(1, (s:update.pull ? 'Updating' : 'Installing'). - \ ' plugins ('.len(s:update.bar).'/'.total.')') - call s:progress_bar(2, s:update.bar, total) - call s:switch_out() - endif -endfunction - -function! s:logpos(name) - let max = line('$') - for i in range(4, max > 4 ? max : 4) - if getline(i) =~# '^[-+x*] '.a:name.':' - for j in range(i + 1, max > 5 ? max : 5) - if getline(j) !~ '^ ' - return [i, j - 1] - endif - endfor - return [i, i] - endif - endfor - return [0, 0] -endfunction - -function! s:log(bullet, name, lines) - if s:switch_in() - let [b, e] = s:logpos(a:name) - if b > 0 - silent execute printf('%d,%d d _', b, e) - if b > winheight('.') - let b = 4 - endif - else - let b = 4 - endif - " FIXME For some reason, nomodifiable is set after :d in vim8 - setlocal modifiable - call append(b - 1, s:format_message(a:bullet, a:name, a:lines)) - call s:switch_out() - endif -endfunction - -function! s:update_vim() - let s:jobs = {} - - call s:bar() - call s:tick() -endfunction - -function! s:tick() - let pull = s:update.pull - let prog = s:progress_opt(s:nvim || s:vim8) -while 1 " Without TCO, Vim stack is bound to explode - if empty(s:update.todo) - if empty(s:jobs) && !s:update.fin - call s:update_finish() - let s:update.fin = 1 - endif - return - endif - - let name = keys(s:update.todo)[0] - let spec = remove(s:update.todo, name) - let new = empty(globpath(spec.dir, '.git', 1)) - - call s:log(new ? '+' : '*', name, pull ? 'Updating ...' : 'Installing ...') - redraw - - let has_tag = has_key(spec, 'tag') - if !new - let [error, _] = s:git_validate(spec, 0) - if empty(error) - if pull - let cmd = s:git_version_requirement(2) ? ['git', '-c', 'credential.helper=', 'fetch'] : ['git', 'fetch'] - if has_tag && !empty(globpath(spec.dir, '.git/shallow')) - call extend(cmd, ['--depth', '99999999']) - endif - if !empty(prog) - call add(cmd, prog) - endif - call s:spawn(name, cmd, { 'dir': spec.dir }) - else - let s:jobs[name] = { 'running': 0, 'lines': ['Already installed'], 'error': 0 } - endif - else - let s:jobs[name] = { 'running': 0, 'lines': s:lines(error), 'error': 1 } - endif - else - let cmd = ['git', 'clone'] - if !has_tag - call extend(cmd, s:clone_opt) - endif - if !empty(prog) - call add(cmd, prog) - endif - call s:spawn(name, extend(cmd, [spec.uri, s:trim(spec.dir)]), { 'new': 1 }) - endif - - if !s:jobs[name].running - call s:reap(name) - endif - if len(s:jobs) >= s:update.threads - break - endif -endwhile -endfunction - -function! s:update_python() -let py_exe = has('python') ? 'python' : 'python3' -execute py_exe "<< EOF" -import datetime -import functools -import os -try: - import queue -except ImportError: - import Queue as queue -import random -import re -import shutil -import signal -import subprocess -import tempfile -import threading as thr -import time -import traceback -import vim - -G_NVIM = vim.eval("has('nvim')") == '1' -G_PULL = vim.eval('s:update.pull') == '1' -G_RETRIES = int(vim.eval('get(g:, "plug_retries", 2)')) + 1 -G_TIMEOUT = int(vim.eval('get(g:, "plug_timeout", 60)')) -G_CLONE_OPT = ' '.join(vim.eval('s:clone_opt')) -G_PROGRESS = vim.eval('s:progress_opt(1)') -G_LOG_PROB = 1.0 / int(vim.eval('s:update.threads')) -G_STOP = thr.Event() -G_IS_WIN = vim.eval('s:is_win') == '1' - -class PlugError(Exception): - def __init__(self, msg): - self.msg = msg -class CmdTimedOut(PlugError): - pass -class CmdFailed(PlugError): - pass -class InvalidURI(PlugError): - pass -class Action(object): - INSTALL, UPDATE, ERROR, DONE = ['+', '*', 'x', '-'] - -class Buffer(object): - def __init__(self, lock, num_plugs, is_pull): - self.bar = '' - self.event = 'Updating' if is_pull else 'Installing' - self.lock = lock - self.maxy = int(vim.eval('winheight(".")')) - self.num_plugs = num_plugs - - def __where(self, name): - """ Find first line with name in current buffer. Return line num. """ - found, lnum = False, 0 - matcher = re.compile('^[-+x*] {0}:'.format(name)) - for line in vim.current.buffer: - if matcher.search(line) is not None: - found = True - break - lnum += 1 - - if not found: - lnum = -1 - return lnum - - def header(self): - curbuf = vim.current.buffer - curbuf[0] = self.event + ' plugins ({0}/{1})'.format(len(self.bar), self.num_plugs) - - num_spaces = self.num_plugs - len(self.bar) - curbuf[1] = '[{0}{1}]'.format(self.bar, num_spaces * ' ') - - with self.lock: - vim.command('normal! 2G') - vim.command('redraw') - - def write(self, action, name, lines): - first, rest = lines[0], lines[1:] - msg = ['{0} {1}{2}{3}'.format(action, name, ': ' if first else '', first)] - msg.extend([' ' + line for line in rest]) - - try: - if action == Action.ERROR: - self.bar += 'x' - vim.command("call add(s:update.errors, '{0}')".format(name)) - elif action == Action.DONE: - self.bar += '=' - - curbuf = vim.current.buffer - lnum = self.__where(name) - if lnum != -1: # Found matching line num - del curbuf[lnum] - if lnum > self.maxy and action in set([Action.INSTALL, Action.UPDATE]): - lnum = 3 - else: - lnum = 3 - curbuf.append(msg, lnum) - - self.header() - except vim.error: - pass - -class Command(object): - CD = 'cd /d' if G_IS_WIN else 'cd' - - def __init__(self, cmd, cmd_dir=None, timeout=60, cb=None, clean=None): - self.cmd = cmd - if cmd_dir: - self.cmd = '{0} {1} && {2}'.format(Command.CD, cmd_dir, self.cmd) - self.timeout = timeout - self.callback = cb if cb else (lambda msg: None) - self.clean = clean if clean else (lambda: None) - self.proc = None - - @property - def alive(self): - """ Returns true only if command still running. """ - return self.proc and self.proc.poll() is None - - def execute(self, ntries=3): - """ Execute the command with ntries if CmdTimedOut. - Returns the output of the command if no Exception. - """ - attempt, finished, limit = 0, False, self.timeout - - while not finished: - try: - attempt += 1 - result = self.try_command() - finished = True - return result - except CmdTimedOut: - if attempt != ntries: - self.notify_retry() - self.timeout += limit - else: - raise - - def notify_retry(self): - """ Retry required for command, notify user. """ - for count in range(3, 0, -1): - if G_STOP.is_set(): - raise KeyboardInterrupt - msg = 'Timeout. Will retry in {0} second{1} ...'.format( - count, 's' if count != 1 else '') - self.callback([msg]) - time.sleep(1) - self.callback(['Retrying ...']) - - def try_command(self): - """ Execute a cmd & poll for callback. Returns list of output. - Raises CmdFailed -> return code for Popen isn't 0 - Raises CmdTimedOut -> command exceeded timeout without new output - """ - first_line = True - - try: - tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') - preexec_fn = not G_IS_WIN and os.setsid or None - self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=tfile, - stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, - stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, - preexec_fn=preexec_fn) - thrd = thr.Thread(target=(lambda proc: proc.wait()), args=(self.proc,)) - thrd.start() - - thread_not_started = True - while thread_not_started: - try: - thrd.join(0.1) - thread_not_started = False - except RuntimeError: - pass - - while self.alive: - if G_STOP.is_set(): - raise KeyboardInterrupt - - if first_line or random.random() < G_LOG_PROB: - first_line = False - line = '' if G_IS_WIN else nonblock_read(tfile.name) - if line: - self.callback([line]) - - time_diff = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(tfile.name) - if time_diff > self.timeout: - raise CmdTimedOut(['Timeout!']) - - thrd.join(0.5) - - tfile.seek(0) - result = [line.decode('utf-8', 'replace').rstrip() for line in tfile] - - if self.proc.returncode != 0: - raise CmdFailed([''] + result) - - return result - except: - self.terminate() - raise - - def terminate(self): - """ Terminate process and cleanup. """ - if self.alive: - if G_IS_WIN: - os.kill(self.proc.pid, signal.SIGINT) - else: - os.killpg(self.proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) - self.clean() - -class Plugin(object): - def __init__(self, name, args, buf_q, lock): - self.name = name - self.args = args - self.buf_q = buf_q - self.lock = lock - self.tag = args.get('tag', 0) - - def manage(self): - try: - if os.path.exists(self.args['dir']): - self.update() - else: - self.install() - with self.lock: - thread_vim_command("let s:update.new['{0}'] = 1".format(self.name)) - except PlugError as exc: - self.write(Action.ERROR, self.name, exc.msg) - except KeyboardInterrupt: - G_STOP.set() - self.write(Action.ERROR, self.name, ['Interrupted!']) - except: - # Any exception except those above print stack trace - msg = 'Trace:\n{0}'.format(traceback.format_exc().rstrip()) - self.write(Action.ERROR, self.name, msg.split('\n')) - raise - - def install(self): - target = self.args['dir'] - if target[-1] == '\\': - target = target[0:-1] - - def clean(target): - def _clean(): - try: - shutil.rmtree(target) - except OSError: - pass - return _clean - - self.write(Action.INSTALL, self.name, ['Installing ...']) - callback = functools.partial(self.write, Action.INSTALL, self.name) - cmd = 'git clone {0} {1} {2} {3} 2>&1'.format( - '' if self.tag else G_CLONE_OPT, G_PROGRESS, self.args['uri'], - esc(target)) - com = Command(cmd, None, G_TIMEOUT, callback, clean(target)) - result = com.execute(G_RETRIES) - self.write(Action.DONE, self.name, result[-1:]) - - def repo_uri(self): - cmd = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>&1 && git config -f .git/config remote.origin.url' - command = Command(cmd, self.args['dir'], G_TIMEOUT,) - result = command.execute(G_RETRIES) - return result[-1] - - def update(self): - actual_uri = self.repo_uri() - expect_uri = self.args['uri'] - regex = re.compile(r'^(?:\w+://)?(?:[^@/]*@)?([^:/]*(?::[0-9]*)?)[:/](.*?)(?:\.git)?/?$') - ma = regex.match(actual_uri) - mb = regex.match(expect_uri) - if ma is None or mb is None or ma.groups() != mb.groups(): - msg = ['', - 'Invalid URI: {0}'.format(actual_uri), - 'Expected {0}'.format(expect_uri), - 'PlugClean required.'] - raise InvalidURI(msg) - - if G_PULL: - self.write(Action.UPDATE, self.name, ['Updating ...']) - callback = functools.partial(self.write, Action.UPDATE, self.name) - fetch_opt = '--depth 99999999' if self.tag and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.args['dir'], '.git/shallow')) else '' - cmd = 'git fetch {0} {1} 2>&1'.format(fetch_opt, G_PROGRESS) - com = Command(cmd, self.args['dir'], G_TIMEOUT, callback) - result = com.execute(G_RETRIES) - self.write(Action.DONE, self.name, result[-1:]) - else: - self.write(Action.DONE, self.name, ['Already installed']) - - def write(self, action, name, msg): - self.buf_q.put((action, name, msg)) - -class PlugThread(thr.Thread): - def __init__(self, tname, args): - super(PlugThread, self).__init__() - self.tname = tname - self.args = args - - def run(self): - thr.current_thread().name = self.tname - buf_q, work_q, lock = self.args - - try: - while not G_STOP.is_set(): - name, args = work_q.get_nowait() - plug = Plugin(name, args, buf_q, lock) - plug.manage() - work_q.task_done() - except queue.Empty: - pass - -class RefreshThread(thr.Thread): - def __init__(self, lock): - super(RefreshThread, self).__init__() - self.lock = lock - self.running = True - - def run(self): - while self.running: - with self.lock: - thread_vim_command('noautocmd normal! a') - time.sleep(0.33) - - def stop(self): - self.running = False - -if G_NVIM: - def thread_vim_command(cmd): - vim.session.threadsafe_call(lambda: vim.command(cmd)) -else: - def thread_vim_command(cmd): - vim.command(cmd) - -def esc(name): - return '"' + name.replace('"', '\"') + '"' - -def nonblock_read(fname): - """ Read a file with nonblock flag. Return the last line. """ - fread = os.open(fname, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) - buf = os.read(fread, 100000).decode('utf-8', 'replace') - os.close(fread) - - line = buf.rstrip('\r\n') - left = max(line.rfind('\r'), line.rfind('\n')) - if left != -1: - left += 1 - line = line[left:] - - return line - -def main(): - thr.current_thread().name = 'main' - nthreads = int(vim.eval('s:update.threads')) - plugs = vim.eval('s:update.todo') - mac_gui = vim.eval('s:mac_gui') == '1' - - lock = thr.Lock() - buf = Buffer(lock, len(plugs), G_PULL) - buf_q, work_q = queue.Queue(), queue.Queue() - for work in plugs.items(): - work_q.put(work) - - start_cnt = thr.active_count() - for num in range(nthreads): - tname = 'PlugT-{0:02}'.format(num) - thread = PlugThread(tname, (buf_q, work_q, lock)) - thread.start() - if mac_gui: - rthread = RefreshThread(lock) - rthread.start() - - while not buf_q.empty() or thr.active_count() != start_cnt: - try: - action, name, msg = buf_q.get(True, 0.25) - buf.write(action, name, ['OK'] if not msg else msg) - buf_q.task_done() - except queue.Empty: - pass - except KeyboardInterrupt: - G_STOP.set() - - if mac_gui: - rthread.stop() - rthread.join() - -main() -EOF -endfunction - -function! s:update_ruby() - ruby << EOF - module PlugStream - SEP = ["\r", "\n", nil] - def get_line - buffer = '' - loop do - char = readchar rescue return - if SEP.include? char.chr - buffer << $/ - break - else - buffer << char - end - end - buffer - end - end unless defined?(PlugStream) - - def esc arg - %["#{arg.gsub('"', '\"')}"] - end - - def killall pid - pids = [pid] - if /mswin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM - pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'INT', pid.to_i rescue nil } - else - unless `which pgrep 2> /dev/null`.empty? - children = pids - until children.empty? - children = children.map { |pid| - `pgrep -P #{pid}`.lines.map { |l| l.chomp } - }.flatten - pids += children - end - end - pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'TERM', pid.to_i rescue nil } - end - end - - def compare_git_uri a, b - regex = %r{^(?:\w+://)?(?:[^@/]*@)?([^:/]*(?::[0-9]*)?)[:/](.*?)(?:\.git)?/?$} - regex.match(a).to_a.drop(1) == regex.match(b).to_a.drop(1) - end - - require 'thread' - require 'fileutils' - require 'timeout' - running = true - iswin = VIM::evaluate('s:is_win').to_i == 1 - pull = VIM::evaluate('s:update.pull').to_i == 1 - base = VIM::evaluate('g:plug_home') - all = VIM::evaluate('s:update.todo') - limit = VIM::evaluate('get(g:, "plug_timeout", 60)') - tries = VIM::evaluate('get(g:, "plug_retries", 2)') + 1 - nthr = VIM::evaluate('s:update.threads').to_i - maxy = VIM::evaluate('winheight(".")').to_i - vim7 = VIM::evaluate('v:version').to_i <= 703 && RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ - cd = iswin ? 'cd /d' : 'cd' - tot = VIM::evaluate('len(s:update.todo)') || 0 - bar = '' - skip = 'Already installed' - mtx = Mutex.new - take1 = proc { mtx.synchronize { running && all.shift } } - logh = proc { - cnt = bar.length - $curbuf[1] = "#{pull ? 'Updating' : 'Installing'} plugins (#{cnt}/#{tot})" - $curbuf[2] = '[' + bar.ljust(tot) + ']' - VIM::command('normal! 2G') - VIM::command('redraw') - } - where = proc { |name| (1..($curbuf.length)).find { |l| $curbuf[l] =~ /^[-+x*] #{name}:/ } } - log = proc { |name, result, type| - mtx.synchronize do - ing = ![true, false].include?(type) - bar += type ? '=' : 'x' unless ing - b = case type - when :install then '+' when :update then '*' - when true, nil then '-' else - VIM::command("call add(s:update.errors, '#{name}')") - 'x' - end - result = - if type || type.nil? - ["#{b} #{name}: #{result.lines.to_a.last || 'OK'}"] - elsif result =~ /^Interrupted|^Timeout/ - ["#{b} #{name}: #{result}"] - else - ["#{b} #{name}"] + result.lines.map { |l| " " << l } - end - if lnum = where.call(name) - $curbuf.delete lnum - lnum = 4 if ing && lnum > maxy - end - result.each_with_index do |line, offset| - $curbuf.append((lnum || 4) - 1 + offset, line.gsub(/\e\[./, '').chomp) - end - logh.call - end - } - bt = proc { |cmd, name, type, cleanup| - tried = timeout = 0 - begin - tried += 1 - timeout += limit - fd = nil - data = '' - if iswin - Timeout::timeout(timeout) do - tmp = VIM::evaluate('tempname()') - system("(#{cmd}) > #{tmp}") - data = File.read(tmp).chomp - File.unlink tmp rescue nil - end - else - fd = IO.popen(cmd).extend(PlugStream) - first_line = true - log_prob = 1.0 / nthr - while line = Timeout::timeout(timeout) { fd.get_line } - data << line - log.call name, line.chomp, type if name && (first_line || rand < log_prob) - first_line = false - end - fd.close - end - [$? == 0, data.chomp] - rescue Timeout::Error, Interrupt => e - if fd && !fd.closed? - killall fd.pid - fd.close - end - cleanup.call if cleanup - if e.is_a?(Timeout::Error) && tried < tries - 3.downto(1) do |countdown| - s = countdown > 1 ? 's' : '' - log.call name, "Timeout. Will retry in #{countdown} second#{s} ...", type - sleep 1 - end - log.call name, 'Retrying ...', type - retry - end - [false, e.is_a?(Interrupt) ? "Interrupted!" : "Timeout!"] - end - } - main = Thread.current - threads = [] - watcher = Thread.new { - if vim7 - while VIM::evaluate('getchar(1)') - sleep 0.1 - end - else - require 'io/console' # >= Ruby 1.9 - nil until IO.console.getch == 3.chr - end - mtx.synchronize do - running = false - threads.each { |t| t.raise Interrupt } unless vim7 - end - threads.each { |t| t.join rescue nil } - main.kill - } - refresh = Thread.new { - while true - mtx.synchronize do - break unless running - VIM::command('noautocmd normal! a') - end - sleep 0.2 - end - } if VIM::evaluate('s:mac_gui') == 1 - - clone_opt = VIM::evaluate('s:clone_opt').join(' ') - progress = VIM::evaluate('s:progress_opt(1)') - nthr.times do - mtx.synchronize do - threads << Thread.new { - while pair = take1.call - name = pair.first - dir, uri, tag = pair.last.values_at *%w[dir uri tag] - exists = File.directory? dir - ok, result = - if exists - chdir = "#{cd} #{iswin ? dir : esc(dir)}" - ret, data = bt.call "#{chdir} && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>&1 && git config -f .git/config remote.origin.url", nil, nil, nil - current_uri = data.lines.to_a.last - if !ret - if data =~ /^Interrupted|^Timeout/ - [false, data] - else - [false, [data.chomp, "PlugClean required."].join($/)] - end - elsif !compare_git_uri(current_uri, uri) - [false, ["Invalid URI: #{current_uri}", - "Expected: #{uri}", - "PlugClean required."].join($/)] - else - if pull - log.call name, 'Updating ...', :update - fetch_opt = (tag && File.exist?(File.join(dir, '.git/shallow'))) ? '--depth 99999999' : '' - bt.call "#{chdir} && git fetch #{fetch_opt} #{progress} 2>&1", name, :update, nil - else - [true, skip] - end - end - else - d = esc dir.sub(%r{[\\/]+$}, '') - log.call name, 'Installing ...', :install - bt.call "git clone #{clone_opt unless tag} #{progress} #{uri} #{d} 2>&1", name, :install, proc { - FileUtils.rm_rf dir - } - end - mtx.synchronize { VIM::command("let s:update.new['#{name}'] = 1") } if !exists && ok - log.call name, result, ok - end - } if running - end - end - threads.each { |t| t.join rescue nil } - logh.call - refresh.kill if refresh - watcher.kill -EOF -endfunction - -function! s:shellesc_cmd(arg, script) - let escaped = substitute('"'.a:arg.'"', '[&|<>()@^!"]', '^&', 'g') - return substitute(escaped, '%', (a:script ? '%' : '^') . '&', 'g') -endfunction - -function! s:shellesc_ps1(arg) - return "'".substitute(escape(a:arg, '\"'), "'", "''", 'g')."'" -endfunction - -function! s:shellesc_sh(arg) - return "'".substitute(a:arg, "'", "'\\\\''", 'g')."'" -endfunction - -" Escape the shell argument based on the shell. -" Vim and Neovim's shellescape() are insufficient. -" 1. shellslash determines whether to use single/double quotes. -" Double-quote escaping is fragile for cmd.exe. -" 2. It does not work for powershell. -" 3. It does not work for *sh shells if the command is executed -" via cmd.exe (ie. cmd.exe /c sh -c command command_args) -" 4. It does not support batchfile syntax. -" -" Accepts an optional dictionary with the following keys: -" - shell: same as Vim/Neovim 'shell' option. -" If unset, fallback to 'cmd.exe' on Windows or 'sh'. -" - script: If truthy and shell is cmd.exe, escape for batchfile syntax. -function! plug#shellescape(arg, ...) - if a:arg =~# '^[A-Za-z0-9_/:.-]\+$' - return a:arg - endif - let opts = a:0 > 0 && type(a:1) == s:TYPE.dict ? a:1 : {} - let shell = get(opts, 'shell', s:is_win ? 'cmd.exe' : 'sh') - let script = get(opts, 'script', 1) - if shell =~# 'cmd\(\.exe\)\?$' - return s:shellesc_cmd(a:arg, script) - elseif shell =~# 'powershell\(\.exe\)\?$' || shell =~# 'pwsh$' - return s:shellesc_ps1(a:arg) - endif - return s:shellesc_sh(a:arg) -endfunction - -function! s:glob_dir(path) - return map(filter(s:glob(a:path, '**'), 'isdirectory(v:val)'), 's:dirpath(v:val)') -endfunction - -function! s:progress_bar(line, bar, total) - call setline(a:line, '[' . s:lpad(a:bar, a:total) . ']') -endfunction - -function! s:compare_git_uri(a, b) - " See `git help clone' - " https:// [user@] github.com[:port] / junegunn/vim-plug [.git] - " [git@] github.com[:port] : junegunn/vim-plug [.git] - " file:// / junegunn/vim-plug [/] - " / junegunn/vim-plug [/] - let pat = '^\%(\w\+://\)\='.'\%([^@/]*@\)\='.'\([^:/]*\%(:[0-9]*\)\=\)'.'[:/]'.'\(.\{-}\)'.'\%(\.git\)\=/\?$' - let ma = matchlist(a:a, pat) - let mb = matchlist(a:b, pat) - return ma[1:2] ==# mb[1:2] -endfunction - -function! s:format_message(bullet, name, message) - if a:bullet != 'x' - return [printf('%s %s: %s', a:bullet, a:name, s:lastline(a:message))] - else - let lines = map(s:lines(a:message), '" ".v:val') - return extend([printf('x %s:', a:name)], lines) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:with_cd(cmd, dir, ...) - let script = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 1 - return printf('cd%s %s && %s', s:is_win ? ' /d' : '', plug#shellescape(a:dir, {'script': script}), a:cmd) -endfunction - -function! s:system(cmd, ...) - let batchfile = '' - try - let [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] = s:chsh(1) - if type(a:cmd) == s:TYPE.list - " Neovim's system() supports list argument to bypass the shell - " but it cannot set the working directory for the command. - " Assume that the command does not rely on the shell. - if has('nvim') && a:0 == 0 - return system(a:cmd) - endif - let cmd = join(map(copy(a:cmd), 'plug#shellescape(v:val, {"shell": &shell, "script": 0})')) - if &shell =~# 'powershell\(\.exe\)\?$' - let cmd = '& ' . cmd - endif - else - let cmd = a:cmd - endif - if a:0 > 0 - let cmd = s:with_cd(cmd, a:1, type(a:cmd) != s:TYPE.list) - endif - if s:is_win && type(a:cmd) != s:TYPE.list - let [batchfile, cmd] = s:batchfile(cmd) - endif - return system(cmd) - finally - let [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] = [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] - if s:is_win && filereadable(batchfile) - call delete(batchfile) - endif - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:system_chomp(...) - let ret = call('s:system', a:000) - return v:shell_error ? '' : substitute(ret, '\n$', '', '') -endfunction - -function! s:git_validate(spec, check_branch) - let err = '' - if isdirectory(a:spec.dir) - let result = [s:git_local_branch(a:spec.dir), s:git_origin_url(a:spec.dir)] - let remote = result[-1] - if empty(remote) - let err = join([remote, 'PlugClean required.'], "\n") - elseif !s:compare_git_uri(remote, a:spec.uri) - let err = join(['Invalid URI: '.remote, - \ 'Expected: '.a:spec.uri, - \ 'PlugClean required.'], "\n") - elseif a:check_branch && has_key(a:spec, 'commit') - let sha = s:git_revision(a:spec.dir) - if empty(sha) - let err = join(add(result, 'PlugClean required.'), "\n") - elseif !s:hash_match(sha, a:spec.commit) - let err = join([printf('Invalid HEAD (expected: %s, actual: %s)', - \ a:spec.commit[:6], sha[:6]), - \ 'PlugUpdate required.'], "\n") - endif - elseif a:check_branch - let current_branch = result[0] - " Check tag - let origin_branch = s:git_origin_branch(a:spec) - if has_key(a:spec, 'tag') - let tag = s:system_chomp('git describe --exact-match --tags HEAD 2>&1', a:spec.dir) - if a:spec.tag !=# tag && a:spec.tag !~ '\*' - let err = printf('Invalid tag: %s (expected: %s). Try PlugUpdate.', - \ (empty(tag) ? 'N/A' : tag), a:spec.tag) - endif - " Check branch - elseif origin_branch !=# current_branch - let err = printf('Invalid branch: %s (expected: %s). Try PlugUpdate.', - \ current_branch, origin_branch) - endif - if empty(err) - let [ahead, behind] = split(s:lastline(s:system([ - \ 'git', 'rev-list', '--count', '--left-right', - \ printf('HEAD...origin/%s', origin_branch) - \ ], a:spec.dir)), '\t') - if !v:shell_error && ahead - if behind - " Only mention PlugClean if diverged, otherwise it's likely to be - " pushable (and probably not that messed up). - let err = printf( - \ "Diverged from origin/%s (%d commit(s) ahead and %d commit(s) behind!\n" - \ .'Backup local changes and run PlugClean and PlugUpdate to reinstall it.', origin_branch, ahead, behind) - else - let err = printf("Ahead of origin/%s by %d commit(s).\n" - \ .'Cannot update until local changes are pushed.', - \ origin_branch, ahead) - endif - endif - endif - endif - else - let err = 'Not found' - endif - return [err, err =~# 'PlugClean'] -endfunction - -function! s:rm_rf(dir) - if isdirectory(a:dir) - return s:system(s:is_win - \ ? 'rmdir /S /Q '.plug#shellescape(a:dir) - \ : ['rm', '-rf', a:dir]) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:clean(force) - call s:prepare() - call append(0, 'Searching for invalid plugins in '.g:plug_home) - call append(1, '') - - " List of valid directories - let dirs = [] - let errs = {} - let [cnt, total] = [0, len(g:plugs)] - for [name, spec] in items(g:plugs) - if !s:is_managed(name) - call add(dirs, spec.dir) - else - let [err, clean] = s:git_validate(spec, 1) - if clean - let errs[spec.dir] = s:lines(err)[0] - else - call add(dirs, spec.dir) - endif - endif - let cnt += 1 - call s:progress_bar(2, repeat('=', cnt), total) - normal! 2G - redraw - endfor - - let allowed = {} - for dir in dirs - let allowed[s:dirpath(s:plug_fnamemodify(dir, ':h:h'))] = 1 - let allowed[dir] = 1 - for child in s:glob_dir(dir) - let allowed[child] = 1 - endfor - endfor - - let todo = [] - let found = sort(s:glob_dir(g:plug_home)) - while !empty(found) - let f = remove(found, 0) - if !has_key(allowed, f) && isdirectory(f) - call add(todo, f) - call append(line('$'), '- ' . f) - if has_key(errs, f) - call append(line('$'), ' ' . errs[f]) - endif - let found = filter(found, 'stridx(v:val, f) != 0') - end - endwhile - - 4 - redraw - if empty(todo) - call append(line('$'), 'Already clean.') - else - let s:clean_count = 0 - call append(3, ['Directories to delete:', '']) - redraw! - if a:force || s:ask_no_interrupt('Delete all directories?') - call s:delete([6, line('$')], 1) - else - call setline(4, 'Cancelled.') - nnoremap d :set opfunc=delete_opg@ - nmap dd d_ - xnoremap d :call delete_op(visualmode(), 1) - echo 'Delete the lines (d{motion}) to delete the corresponding directories' - endif - endif - 4 - setlocal nomodifiable -endfunction - -function! s:delete_op(type, ...) - call s:delete(a:0 ? [line("'<"), line("'>")] : [line("'["), line("']")], 0) -endfunction - -function! s:delete(range, force) - let [l1, l2] = a:range - let force = a:force - let err_count = 0 - while l1 <= l2 - let line = getline(l1) - if line =~ '^- ' && isdirectory(line[2:]) - execute l1 - redraw! - let answer = force ? 1 : s:ask('Delete '.line[2:].'?', 1) - let force = force || answer > 1 - if answer - let err = s:rm_rf(line[2:]) - setlocal modifiable - if empty(err) - call setline(l1, '~'.line[1:]) - let s:clean_count += 1 - else - delete _ - call append(l1 - 1, s:format_message('x', line[1:], err)) - let l2 += len(s:lines(err)) - let err_count += 1 - endif - let msg = printf('Removed %d directories.', s:clean_count) - if err_count > 0 - let msg .= printf(' Failed to remove %d directories.', err_count) - endif - call setline(4, msg) - setlocal nomodifiable - endif - endif - let l1 += 1 - endwhile -endfunction - -function! s:upgrade() - echo 'Downloading the latest version of vim-plug' - redraw - let tmp = s:plug_tempname() - let new = tmp . '/plug.vim' - - try - let out = s:system(['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', s:plug_src, tmp]) - if v:shell_error - return s:err('Error upgrading vim-plug: '. out) - endif - - if readfile(s:me) ==# readfile(new) - echo 'vim-plug is already up-to-date' - return 0 - else - call rename(s:me, s:me . '.old') - call rename(new, s:me) - unlet g:loaded_plug - echo 'vim-plug has been upgraded' - return 1 - endif - finally - silent! call s:rm_rf(tmp) - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:upgrade_specs() - for spec in values(g:plugs) - let spec.frozen = get(spec, 'frozen', 0) - endfor -endfunction - -function! s:status() - call s:prepare() - call append(0, 'Checking plugins') - call append(1, '') - - let ecnt = 0 - let unloaded = 0 - let [cnt, total] = [0, len(g:plugs)] - for [name, spec] in items(g:plugs) - let is_dir = isdirectory(spec.dir) - if has_key(spec, 'uri') - if is_dir - let [err, _] = s:git_validate(spec, 1) - let [valid, msg] = [empty(err), empty(err) ? 'OK' : err] - else - let [valid, msg] = [0, 'Not found. Try PlugInstall.'] - endif - else - if is_dir - let [valid, msg] = [1, 'OK'] - else - let [valid, msg] = [0, 'Not found.'] - endif - endif - let cnt += 1 - let ecnt += !valid - " `s:loaded` entry can be missing if PlugUpgraded - if is_dir && get(s:loaded, name, -1) == 0 - let unloaded = 1 - let msg .= ' (not loaded)' - endif - call s:progress_bar(2, repeat('=', cnt), total) - call append(3, s:format_message(valid ? '-' : 'x', name, msg)) - normal! 2G - redraw - endfor - call setline(1, 'Finished. '.ecnt.' error(s).') - normal! gg - setlocal nomodifiable - if unloaded - echo "Press 'L' on each line to load plugin, or 'U' to update" - nnoremap L :call status_load(line('.')) - xnoremap L :call status_load(line('.')) - end -endfunction - -function! s:extract_name(str, prefix, suffix) - return matchstr(a:str, '^'.a:prefix.' \zs[^:]\+\ze:.*'.a:suffix.'$') -endfunction - -function! s:status_load(lnum) - let line = getline(a:lnum) - let name = s:extract_name(line, '-', '(not loaded)') - if !empty(name) - call plug#load(name) - setlocal modifiable - call setline(a:lnum, substitute(line, ' (not loaded)$', '', '')) - setlocal nomodifiable - endif -endfunction - -function! s:status_update() range - let lines = getline(a:firstline, a:lastline) - let names = filter(map(lines, 's:extract_name(v:val, "[x-]", "")'), '!empty(v:val)') - if !empty(names) - echo - execute 'PlugUpdate' join(names) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:is_preview_window_open() - silent! wincmd P - if &previewwindow - wincmd p - return 1 - endif -endfunction - -function! s:find_name(lnum) - for lnum in reverse(range(1, a:lnum)) - let line = getline(lnum) - if empty(line) - return '' - endif - let name = s:extract_name(line, '-', '') - if !empty(name) - return name - endif - endfor - return '' -endfunction - -function! s:preview_commit() - if b:plug_preview < 0 - let b:plug_preview = !s:is_preview_window_open() - endif - - let sha = matchstr(getline('.'), '^ \X*\zs[0-9a-f]\{7,9}') - if empty(sha) - return - endif - - let name = s:find_name(line('.')) - if empty(name) || !has_key(g:plugs, name) || !isdirectory(g:plugs[name].dir) - return - endif - - if exists('g:plug_pwindow') && !s:is_preview_window_open() - execute g:plug_pwindow - execute 'e' sha - else - execute 'pedit' sha - wincmd P - endif - setlocal previewwindow filetype=git buftype=nofile nobuflisted modifiable - let batchfile = '' - try - let [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] = s:chsh(1) - let cmd = 'cd '.plug#shellescape(g:plugs[name].dir).' && git show --no-color --pretty=medium '.sha - if s:is_win - let [batchfile, cmd] = s:batchfile(cmd) - endif - execute 'silent %!' cmd - finally - let [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] = [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] - if s:is_win && filereadable(batchfile) - call delete(batchfile) - endif - endtry - setlocal nomodifiable - nnoremap q :q - wincmd p -endfunction - -function! s:section(flags) - call search('\(^[x-] \)\@<=[^:]\+:', a:flags) -endfunction - -function! s:format_git_log(line) - let indent = ' ' - let tokens = split(a:line, nr2char(1)) - if len(tokens) != 5 - return indent.substitute(a:line, '\s*$', '', '') - endif - let [graph, sha, refs, subject, date] = tokens - let tag = matchstr(refs, 'tag: [^,)]\+') - let tag = empty(tag) ? ' ' : ' ('.tag.') ' - return printf('%s%s%s%s%s (%s)', indent, graph, sha, tag, subject, date) -endfunction - -function! s:append_ul(lnum, text) - call append(a:lnum, ['', a:text, repeat('-', len(a:text))]) -endfunction - -function! s:diff() - call s:prepare() - call append(0, ['Collecting changes ...', '']) - let cnts = [0, 0] - let bar = '' - let total = filter(copy(g:plugs), 's:is_managed(v:key) && isdirectory(v:val.dir)') - call s:progress_bar(2, bar, len(total)) - for origin in [1, 0] - let plugs = reverse(sort(items(filter(copy(total), (origin ? '' : '!').'(has_key(v:val, "commit") || has_key(v:val, "tag"))')))) - if empty(plugs) - continue - endif - call s:append_ul(2, origin ? 'Pending updates:' : 'Last update:') - for [k, v] in plugs - let branch = s:git_origin_branch(v) - if len(branch) - let range = origin ? '..origin/'.branch : 'HEAD@{1}..' - let cmd = ['git', 'log', '--graph', '--color=never'] - if s:git_version_requirement(2, 10, 0) - call add(cmd, '--no-show-signature') - endif - call extend(cmd, ['--pretty=format:%x01%h%x01%d%x01%s%x01%cr', range]) - if has_key(v, 'rtp') - call extend(cmd, ['--', v.rtp]) - endif - let diff = s:system_chomp(cmd, v.dir) - if !empty(diff) - let ref = has_key(v, 'tag') ? (' (tag: '.v.tag.')') : has_key(v, 'commit') ? (' '.v.commit) : '' - call append(5, extend(['', '- '.k.':'.ref], map(s:lines(diff), 's:format_git_log(v:val)'))) - let cnts[origin] += 1 - endif - endif - let bar .= '=' - call s:progress_bar(2, bar, len(total)) - normal! 2G - redraw - endfor - if !cnts[origin] - call append(5, ['', 'N/A']) - endif - endfor - call setline(1, printf('%d plugin(s) updated.', cnts[0]) - \ . (cnts[1] ? printf(' %d plugin(s) have pending updates.', cnts[1]) : '')) - - if cnts[0] || cnts[1] - nnoremap (plug-preview) :silent! call preview_commit() - if empty(maparg("\", 'n')) - nmap (plug-preview) - endif - if empty(maparg('o', 'n')) - nmap o (plug-preview) - endif - endif - if cnts[0] - nnoremap X :call revert() - echo "Press 'X' on each block to revert the update" - endif - normal! gg - setlocal nomodifiable -endfunction - -function! s:revert() - if search('^Pending updates', 'bnW') - return - endif - - let name = s:find_name(line('.')) - if empty(name) || !has_key(g:plugs, name) || - \ input(printf('Revert the update of %s? (y/N) ', name)) !~? '^y' - return - endif - - call s:system('git reset --hard HEAD@{1} && git checkout '.plug#shellescape(g:plugs[name].branch).' --', g:plugs[name].dir) - setlocal modifiable - normal! "_dap - setlocal nomodifiable - echo 'Reverted' -endfunction - -function! s:snapshot(force, ...) abort - call s:prepare() - setf vim - call append(0, ['" Generated by vim-plug', - \ '" '.strftime("%c"), - \ '" :source this file in vim to restore the snapshot', - \ '" or execute: vim -S snapshot.vim', - \ '', '', 'PlugUpdate!']) - 1 - let anchor = line('$') - 3 - let names = sort(keys(filter(copy(g:plugs), - \'has_key(v:val, "uri") && !has_key(v:val, "commit") && isdirectory(v:val.dir)'))) - for name in reverse(names) - let sha = s:git_revision(g:plugs[name].dir) - if !empty(sha) - call append(anchor, printf("silent! let g:plugs['%s'].commit = '%s'", name, sha)) - redraw - endif - endfor - - if a:0 > 0 - let fn = s:plug_expand(a:1) - if filereadable(fn) && !(a:force || s:ask(a:1.' already exists. Overwrite?')) - return - endif - call writefile(getline(1, '$'), fn) - echo 'Saved as '.a:1 - silent execute 'e' s:esc(fn) - setf vim - endif -endfunction - -function! s:split_rtp() - return split(&rtp, '\\\@ | blast" +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", ":New ", opt) + +--removing a buffer +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", [[bdelete]], opt) + +-- tabnew and tabprev +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", [[BufferLineCycleNext]], opt) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", [[BufferLineCyclePrev]], opt) diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/compe/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/compe/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d65845b --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/compe/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +vim.cmd [[packadd nvim-lspconfig]] +vim.cmd [[packadd nvim-compe]] + +vim.o.completeopt = "menuone,noselect" + +require "compe".setup { + enabled = true, + autocomplete = true, + debug = false, + min_length = 1, + preselect = "enable", + throttle_time = 80, + source_timeout = 200, + incomplete_delay = 400, + max_abbr_width = 100, + max_kind_width = 100, + max_menu_width = 100, + documentation = true, + source = { + path = true, + buffer = true, + calc = true, + vsnip = true, + nvim_lsp = true, + nvim_lua = true, + spell = true, + tags = true, + snippets_nvim = true, + treesitter = true + } +} + +local t = function(str) + return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, true, true, true) +end + +local check_back_space = function() + local col = vim.fn.col(".") - 1 + if col == 0 or vim.fn.getline("."):sub(col, col):match("%s") then + return true + else + return false + end +end + +-- tab completion + +_G.tab_complete = function() + if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then + return t "" + elseif check_back_space() then + return t "" + else + return vim.fn["compe#complete"]() + end +end +_G.s_tab_complete = function() + if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then + return t "" + elseif vim.fn.call("vsnip#jumpable", {-1}) == 1 then + return t "(vsnip-jump-prev)" + else + return t "" + end +end + +-- mappings + +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "", "v:lua.tab_complete()", {expr = true}) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "", "v:lua.tab_complete()", {expr = true}) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "", "v:lua.s_tab_complete()", {expr = true}) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "", "v:lua.s_tab_complete()", {expr = true}) + +function _G.completions() + local npairs = require("nvim-autopairs") + if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then + if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then + return vim.fn["compe#confirm"]("") + end + end + return npairs.check_break_line_char() +end + +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "", "v:lua.completions()", {expr = true}) diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/file-icons/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/file-icons/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..52acffe --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/file-icons/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +vim.cmd [[packadd nvim-web-devicons]] + +require "nvim-web-devicons".setup { + override = { + html = { + icon = "", + color = "#DE8C92", + name = "html" + }, + css = { + icon = "", + color = "#61afef", + name = "css" + }, + js = { + icon = "", + color = "#EBCB8B", + name = "js" + }, + ts = { + icon = "ﯤ", + color = "#519ABA", + name = "ts" + }, + kt = { + icon = "󱈙", + color = "#ffcb91", + name = "kt" + }, + png = { + icon = " ", + color = "#BD77DC", + name = "png" + }, + jpg = { + icon = " ", + color = "#BD77DC", + name = "jpg" + }, + jpeg = { + icon = " ", + color = "#BD77DC", + name = "jpeg" + }, + mp3 = { + icon = "", + color = "#C8CCD4", + name = "mp3" + }, + mp4 = { + icon = "", + color = "#C8CCD4", + name = "mp4" + }, + out = { + icon = "", + color = "#C8CCD4", + name = "out" + }, + Dockerfile = { + icon = "", + color = "#b8b5ff", + name = "Dockerfile" + }, + rb = { + icon = "", + color = "#ff75a0", + name = "rb" + }, + vue = { + icon = "﵂", + color = "#7eca9c", + name = "vue" + }, + py = { + icon = "", + color = "#a7c5eb", + name = "py" + }, + toml = { + icon = "", + color = "#61afef", + name = "toml" + }, + lock = { + icon = "", + color = "#DE6B74", + name = "lock" + }, + zip = { + icon = "", + color = "#EBCB8B", + name = "zip" + }, + xz = { + icon = "", + color = "#EBCB8B", + name = "xz" + } + } +} diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/gitsigns/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/gitsigns/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..83bf7d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/gitsigns/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +require("gitsigns").setup { + signs = { + add = {hl = "DiffAdd", text = "▌", numhl = "GitSignsAddNr"}, + change = {hl = "DiffChange", text = "▌", numhl = "GitSignsChangeNr"}, + delete = {hl = "DiffDelete", text = "_", numhl = "GitSignsDeleteNr"}, + topdelete = {hl = "DiffDelete", text = "‾", numhl = "GitSignsDeleteNr"}, + changedelete = {hl = "DiffChange", text = "~", numhl = "GitSignsChangeNr"} + }, + numhl = false, + keymaps = { + -- Default keymap options + noremap = true, + buffer = true, + ["n ]c"] = {expr = true, '&diff ? \']c\' : \'lua require"gitsigns".next_hunk()\''}, + ["n [c"] = {expr = true, '&diff ? \'[c\' : \'lua require"gitsigns".prev_hunk()\''}, + ["n hs"] = 'lua require"gitsigns".stage_hunk()', + ["n hu"] = 'lua require"gitsigns".undo_stage_hunk()', + ["n hr"] = 'lua require"gitsigns".reset_hunk()', + ["n hp"] = 'lua require"gitsigns".preview_hunk()', + ["n hb"] = 'lua require"gitsigns".blame_line()' + }, + watch_index = { + interval = 100 + }, + sign_priority = 5, + status_formatter = nil -- Use default +} + +local cmd = vim.cmd + +cmd "hi DiffAdd guifg=#81A1C1 guibg = none" +cmd "hi DiffChange guifg =#3A3E44 guibg = none" +cmd "hi DiffModified guifg = #81A1C1 guibg = none" diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/lspconfig/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/lspconfig/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a7fc687 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/lspconfig/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +vim.cmd [[packadd nvim-lspconfig]] +vim.cmd [[packadd nvim-compe]] + +local nvim_lsp = require("lspconfig") + +function on_attach(client) + local function buf_set_keymap(...) + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...) + end + local function buf_set_option(...) + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...) + end + + buf_set_option("omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc") + + -- Mappings. + local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true} + buf_set_keymap("n", "gD", "lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "gd", "lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "K", "lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "gi", "lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "", "lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "wa", "lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "wr", "lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "wl", "lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "D", "lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "rn", "lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "gr", "lua vim.lsp.buf.references()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "e", "lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "[d", "lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_prev()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "]d", "lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()", opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "q", "lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist()", opts) + + -- Set some keybinds conditional on server capabilities + if client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting then + buf_set_keymap("n", "f", "lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", opts) + elseif client.resolved_capabilities.document_range_formatting then + buf_set_keymap("n", "f", "lua vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting()", opts) + end +end + +local lspconf = require "lspconfig" +local servers = {"html", "cssls", "tsserver", "pyright"} + +for k, lang in pairs(servers) do + lspconf[lang].setup { + root_dir = function() + return vim.loop.cwd() + end + } +end + +-- lua lsp settings +USER = "/home/" .. vim.fn.expand("$USER") + +local sumneko_root_path = USER .. "/.config/lua-language-server" +local sumneko_binary = USER .. "/.config/lua-language-server/bin/Linux/lua-language-server" + +require "lspconfig".sumneko_lua.setup { + cmd = {sumneko_binary, "-E", sumneko_root_path .. "/main.lua"}, + root_dir = function() + return vim.loop.cwd() + end, + settings = { + Lua = { + runtime = { + version = "LuaJIT", + path = vim.split(package.path, ";") + }, + diagnostics = { + globals = {"vim"} + }, + workspace = { + library = {[vim.fn.expand("$VIMRUNTIME/lua")] = true, [vim.fn.expand("$VIMRUNTIME/lua/vim/lsp")] = true} + }, + telemetry = { + enable = false + } + } + } +} diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d7369e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) + local options = {noremap = true} + if opts then + options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts) + end + vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options) +end + +-- copy any selected text with pressing y +map("", "c", '"+y') + +-- OPEN TERMINALS -- +map("n", "", [[vnew term://zsh ]], opt) -- open term over right +map("n", "", [[ split term://zsh | resize 10 ]], opt) -- open term bottom + +-- COPY EVERYTHING -- +map("n", "", [[ %y+]], opt) + +-- toggle numbers --- +map("n", "n", [[ set nu!]], opt) + +-- toggle truezen.nvim's ataraxis mode +map("n", "z", [[ TZAtaraxis]], opt) + +-- save +map("n", "", [[:w]], opt) +map("v", "", [[:w]], opt) +map("i", "", [[:w]], opt) + +-- quit +map("n", "", [[:q]], opt) +map("v", "", [[:q]], opt) +map("i", "", [[:q]], opt) + +-- quit without saving +map("n", "", [[:q!]], opt) +map("v", "", [[:q!]], opt) +map("i", "", [[:q!]], opt) + +-- home text +map("n", "", [[]], opt) +map("i", "", [[]], opt) +map("c", "", [[]], opt) + +-- end text +map("n", "", [[]], opt) +map("i", "", [[]], opt) +map("c", "", [[]], opt) + +-- wrap text + diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/tes b/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/tes new file mode 100755 index 0000000..257baa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/tes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +sdasdasdasdasd diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/misc-utils/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/misc-utils/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8ccdfd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/misc-utils/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +local scopes = {o = vim.o, b = vim.bo, w = vim.wo} + +local function opt(scope, key, value) + scopes[scope][key] = value + if scope ~= "o" then + scopes["o"][key] = value + end +end + +opt("o", "hidden", true) +opt("o", "ignorecase", true) +opt("o", "splitbelow", true) +opt("o", "splitright", true) +opt("o", "termguicolors", true) +opt("w", "number", true) +opt("o", "numberwidth", 2) +opt("w", "cul", true) + +opt("o", "mouse", "a") + +opt("w", "signcolumn", "yes") +opt("o", "cmdheight", 1) + +opt("o", "updatetime", 250) -- update interval for gitsigns +opt("o", "clipboard", "unnamedplus") + +-- for indenline +opt("b", "expandtab", true) +opt("b", "shiftwidth", 2) + +local M = {} + +function M.is_buffer_empty() + -- Check whether the current buffer is empty + return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand("%:t")) == 1 +end + +function M.has_width_gt(cols) + -- Check if the windows width is greater than a given number of columns + return vim.fn.winwidth(0) / 2 > cols +end + +return M diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/nvimTree/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/nvimTree/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ba7abc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/nvimTree/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +local cmd = vim.cmd +local g = vim.g + +local colors = { + + bg = "#1e222a", + line_bg = "#1e222a", + fg = "#D8DEE9", + fg_green = "#65a380", + yellow = "#A3BE8C", + cyan = "#22262C", + darkblue = "#61afef", + green = "#BBE67E", + orange = "#FF8800", + purple = "#252930", + magenta = "#c678dd", + blue = "#22262C", + -- red = "#DF8890", + -- red = "#FA5AA4", + red = "#FA74B2", + lightbg = "#282c34", + nord = "#81A1C1", + greenYel = "#EBCB8B" + +} + +cmd [[packadd nvim-tree.lua]] + +vim.o.termguicolors = true + +g.nvim_tree_side = "left" +g.nvim_tree_width = 30 +g.nvim_tree_ignore = {".git", "node_modules", ".cache"} +g.nvim_tree_auto_open = 0 +g.nvim_tree_auto_close = 0 +g.nvim_tree_quit_on_open = 0 +g.nvim_tree_follow = 1 +g.nvim_tree_indent_markers = 1 +g.nvim_tree_hide_dotfiles = 0 +g.nvim_tree_git_hl = 1 +g.nvim_tree_root_folder_modifier = ":~" +g.nvim_tree_tab_open = 1 +g.nvim_tree_allow_resize = 1 + +g.nvim_tree_show_icons = { + git = 1, + folders = 1, + files = 1 +} + +g.nvim_tree_icons = { + default = " ", + symlink = " ", + git = { + unstaged = "✗", + staged = "✓", + unmerged = "", + renamed = "➜", + untracked = "★" + }, + folder = { + default = "", + open = "", + symlink = "" + } +} + +local get_lua_cb = function(cb_name) + return string.format(":lua require'nvim-tree'.on_keypress('%s')", cb_name) +end + +-- Mappings for nvimtree + +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap( + "n", + "", + ":NvimTreeToggle", + { + noremap = true, + silent = true + } +) + +g.nvim_tree_bindings = { + [""] = get_lua_cb("edit"), + ["o"] = get_lua_cb("edit"), + ["<2-LeftMouse>"] = get_lua_cb("edit"), + ["<2-RightMouse>"] = get_lua_cb("cd"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("cd"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("vsplit"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("split"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("tabnew"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("close_node"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("close_node"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("preview"), + ["I"] = get_lua_cb("toggle_ignored"), + ["H"] = get_lua_cb("toggle_dotfiles"), + ["R"] = get_lua_cb("refresh"), + ["a"] = get_lua_cb("create"), + ["d"] = get_lua_cb("remove"), + ["r"] = get_lua_cb("rename"), + [""] = get_lua_cb("full_rename"), + ["x"] = get_lua_cb("cut"), + ["c"] = get_lua_cb("copy"), + ["p"] = get_lua_cb("paste"), + ["[c"] = get_lua_cb("prev_git_item"), + ["]c"] = get_lua_cb("next_git_item"), + ["-"] = get_lua_cb("dir_up"), + ["q"] = get_lua_cb("close") +} + +-- cmd "hi NvimTreeFolderIcon guifg = #61afef" +cmd "hi NvimTreeFolderIcon guifg = nord" + +-- cmd "hi NvimTreeFolderName guifg = #61afef" +cmd "hi NvimTreeFolderName guifg = white" + +cmd "hi NvimTreeIndentMarker guifg = #383c44" +-- cmd "hi NvimTreeIndentMarker guifg=#ABB2BF" diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/pluginsList/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/pluginsList/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7f7aa4f --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/pluginsList/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +-- check if packer is installed (~/local/share/nvim/site/pack) +local packer_exists = pcall(vim.cmd, [[packadd packer.nvim]]) + +-- using { } when using a different branch of the plugin or loading the plugin with certain commands +return require("packer").startup( + function() + use {"wbthomason/packer.nvim", opt = true} + use {"lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim", branch = "lua"} + + -- color related stuff + use "norcalli/nvim-base16.lua" + use "norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua" + + -- lsp stuff + use "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" + use "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" + use "hrsh7th/nvim-compe" + use "onsails/lspkind-nvim" + use "sbdchd/neoformat" + use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" + + use "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim" + use "akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua" + use "glepnir/galaxyline.nvim" + use "windwp/nvim-autopairs" + use "alvan/vim-closetag" + + -- file managing , picker etc + use "kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua" + use "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons" + use "ryanoasis/vim-devicons" + use "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" + use "nvim-telescope/telescope-media-files.nvim" + use "nvim-lua/popup.nvim" + + -- misc + use "tweekmonster/startuptime.vim" + use "907th/vim-auto-save" + use "kdav5758/TrueZen.nvim" + use "karb94/neoscroll.nvim" + use "ayu-theme/ayu-vim" + end +) diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/settings/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/settings/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c534911 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/settings/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +local cmd = vim.cmd + +-- Return to last edit position when opening files +cmd [[au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif]]; + +-- Set underline cursor +cmd [[set cursorline]]; + +cmd [[set nowrap]]; diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/statusline/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/statusline/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4e8e10a --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/statusline/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +local gl = require("galaxyline") +local gls = gl.section + +gl.short_line_list = {" "} -- keeping this table { } as empty will show inactive statuslines + +local colors = { + bg = "#1e222a", + line_bg = "#1e222a", + fg = "#D8DEE9", + fg_green = "#65a380", + yellow = "#A3BE8C", + cyan = "#22262C", + darkblue = "#61afef", + green = "#BBE67E", + orange = "#FF8800", + purple = "#252930", + magenta = "#c678dd", + blue = "#22262C", + -- red = "#DF8890", + -- red = "#FA5AA4", + red = "#FA74B2", + red2 = "#e06c75", + lightbg = "#282c34", + nord = "#81A1C1", + greenYel = "#EBCB8B" +} + +gls.left[1] = { + leftRounded = { + provider = function() + return "" + end, + highlight = {colors.fg, colors.bg} + } +} + +gls.left[2] = { + statusOs = { + provider = function() + return "  Android " + end, + highlight = {colors.bg, colors.fg}, + --separator = " ", + seperator_highlight = {colors.nord, colors.bg}, + } +} + +--gls.left[3] = { +-- statusUser = { +-- provider = function() +-- return "  xShin " +-- end, +-- highlight = {colors.bg, colors.fg}, +-- seperator = " ", +-- seperator_highlight = {colors.bg, colors.bg} +-- } +--} + +gls.left[3] = { + left_rightRounded = { + provider = function() + return "" + end, + highlight = {colors.fg, colors.bg}, + seperator = " ", + } +} + +gls.left[4] = { + leftRoundedFile = { + provider = function() + return "" + end, + highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.bg} + } +} + +gls.left[5] = { + FileIcon = { + provider = "FileIcon", + condition = buffer_not_empty, + highlight = {require("galaxyline.provider_fileinfo").get_file_icon_color, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[6] = { + FileName = { + provider = {"FileName", "FileSize"}, + condition = buffer_not_empty, + highlight = {colors.fg, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[7] = { + teech = { + provider = function() + return "" + end, + separator = " ", + highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +local checkwidth = function() + local squeeze_width = vim.fn.winwidth(0) / 2 + if squeeze_width > 40 then + return true + end + return false +end + +gls.left[8] = { + DiffAdd = { + provider = "DiffAdd", + condition = checkwidth, + icon = "  ", + highlight = {colors.greenYel, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[9] = { + DiffModified = { + provider = "DiffModified", + condition = checkwidth, + icon = " ", + highlight = {colors.orange, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[10] = { + DiffRemove = { + provider = "DiffRemove", + condition = checkwidth, + icon = " ", + highlight = {colors.red, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[11] = { + LeftEnd = { + provider = function() + return " " + end, + separator = " ", + separator_highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg}, + highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[12] = { + DiagnosticError = { + provider = "DiagnosticError", + icon = "  ", + highlight = {colors.red, colors.bg} + } +} + +gls.left[13] = { + Space = { + provider = function() + return " " + end, + highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.left[14] = { + DiagnosticWarn = { + provider = "DiagnosticWarn", + icon = "  ", + highlight = {colors.blue, colors.bg} + } +} + +gls.right[1] = { + GitIcon = { + provider = function() + -- return "  " + return "  GitBranch " + end, + condition = require("galaxyline.provider_vcs").check_git_workspace, + highlight = {colors.fg, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.right[2] = { + GitBranch = { + provider = "GitBranch", + condition = require("galaxyline.provider_vcs").check_git_workspace, + highlight = {colors.green, colors.line_bg} + } +} + +gls.right[3] = { + right_LeftRounded = { + provider = function() + return "" + end, + separator = " ", + separator_highlight = {colors.bg, colors.bg}, + -- highlight = {colors.red, colors.bg} + highlight = {colors.nord, colors.bg} + } +} + +gls.right[4] = { + ViMode = { + provider = function() + local alias = { + n = " NORMAL", + i = " INSERT", + c = "COMMAND", + V = "VISUAL", + [""] = "VISUAL", + v = "VISUAL", + R = "REPLACE" + } + return alias[vim.fn.mode()] + end, + highlight = {colors.bg, colors.nord} + } +} + +gls.right[5] = { + PerCent = { + provider = "LinePercent", + separator = " ", + separator_highlight = {colors.nord, colors.nord}, + highlight = {colors.bg, colors.fg} + } +} + +gls.right[6] = { + rightRounded = { + provider = function() + return "" + end, + highlight = {colors.fg, colors.bg} + } +} diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/telescope/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/telescope/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..744cb7b --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/telescope/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +require("telescope").setup { + defaults = { + vimgrep_arguments = { + "rg", + "--color=never", + "--no-heading", + "--with-filename", + "--line-number", + "--column", + "--smart-case" + }, + prompt_position = "bottom", + prompt_prefix = " ", + selection_caret = " ", + entry_prefix = " ", + initial_mode = "insert", + selection_strategy = "reset", + sorting_strategy = "descending", + layout_strategy = "horizontal", + layout_defaults = { + horizontal = { + mirror = false, + preview_width = 0.5 + }, + vertical = { + mirror = false + } + }, + file_sorter = require "telescope.sorters".get_fuzzy_file, + file_ignore_patterns = {}, + generic_sorter = require "telescope.sorters".get_generic_fuzzy_sorter, + shorten_path = true, + winblend = 0, + width = 0.75, + preview_cutoff = 120, + results_height = 1, + results_width = 0.8, + border = {}, + borderchars = {"─", "│", "─", "│", "╭", "╮", "╯", "╰"}, + color_devicons = true, + use_less = true, + set_env = {["COLORTERM"] = "truecolor"}, -- default = nil, + file_previewer = require "telescope.previewers".vim_buffer_cat.new, + grep_previewer = require "telescope.previewers".vim_buffer_vimgrep.new, + qflist_previewer = require "telescope.previewers".vim_buffer_qflist.new, + -- Developer configurations: Not meant for general override + buffer_previewer_maker = require "telescope.previewers".buffer_previewer_maker + }, + extensions = { + media_files = { + filetypes = {"png", "webp", "jpg", "jpeg"}, + find_cmd = "rg" -- find command (defaults to `fd`) + } + } +} + +require("telescope").load_extension("media_files") + +local opt = {noremap = true, silent = true} + +vim.g.mapleader = " " + +-- mappings +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "ff", [[lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files()]], opt) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap( + "n", + "fp", + [[lua require('telescope').extensions.media_files.media_files()]], + opt +) + +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "fb", [[lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers()]], opt) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "fh", [[lua require('telescope.builtin').help_tags()]], opt) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "fo", [[lua require('telescope.builtin').oldfiles()]], opt) +vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "fm", [[ Neoformat]], opt) + +-- highlights + +local cmd = vim.cmd + +cmd "hi TelescopeBorder guifg=#2a2e36" +cmd "hi TelescopePromptBorder guifg=#2a2e36" +cmd "hi TelescopeResultsBorder guifg=#2a2e36" +cmd "hi TelescopePreviewBorder guifg=#525865" diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..274668b --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +local ts_config = require("nvim-treesitter.configs") + +ts_config.setup { + ensure_installed = { + "javascript", + "html", + "css", + "bash", + "lua", + "json" + -- "cpp", + -- "rust", + -- "python" + }, + highlight = { + enable = true, + use_languagetree = true + } +} diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/zenmode/lua.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/zenmode/lua.lua new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5843173 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/zenmode/lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +require("true-zen").setup( + { + true_false_commands = false, + cursor_by_mode = false, + bottom = { + hidden_laststatus = 0, + hidden_ruler = false, + hidden_showmode = false, + hidden_showcmd = false, + hidden_cmdheight = 1, + shown_laststatus = 2, + shown_ruler = true, + shown_showmode = false, + shown_showcmd = false, + shown_cmdheight = 1 + }, + top = { + hidden_showtabline = 0, + shown_showtabline = 2 + }, + left = { + hidden_number = false, + hidden_relativenumber = false, + hidden_signcolumn = "no", + shown_number = true, + shown_relativenumber = false, + shown_signcolumn = "no" + }, + ataraxis = { + left_right_padding = 40 + } + } +) diff --git a/.config/nvim/settings/coc.vim b/.config/nvim/settings/coc.vim deleted file mode 100644 index d8ad61b..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/settings/coc.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -" Some servers have issues with backup files, see #649. -set nobackup -set nowritebackup - -" Give more space for displaying messages. -set cmdheight=1 - -" Having longer updatetime (default is 4000 ms = 4 s) leads to noticeable -" delays and poor user experience. -set updatetime=300 - -" Don't pass messages to |ins-completion-menu|. -set shortmess+=c - -" Always show the signcolumn, otherwise it would shift the text each time -" diagnostics appear/become resolved. -if has("patch-8.1.1564") - " Recently vim can merge signcolumn and number column into one - set signcolumn=number -else - set signcolumn=yes -endif - -" Use tab for trigger completion with characters ahead and navigate. -" NOTE: Use command ':verbose imap ' to make sure tab is not mapped by -" other plugin before putting this into your config. -inoremap - \ pumvisible() ? "\" : - \ check_back_space() ? "\" : - \ coc#refresh() -inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" - -function! s:check_back_space() abort - let col = col('.') - 1 - return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' -endfunction - -" Use to trigger completion. -if has('nvim') - inoremap coc#refresh() -else - inoremap coc#refresh() -endif - -" Make auto-select the first completion item and notify coc.nvim to -" format on enter, could be remapped by other vim plugin -inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() - \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\" - -" Use `[g` and `]g` to navigate diagnostics -" Use `:CocDiagnostics` to get all diagnostics of current buffer in location list. -nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) -nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) - -" GoTo code navigation. -nmap gd (coc-definition) -nmap gy (coc-type-definition) -nmap gi (coc-implementation) -nmap gr (coc-references) - -" Use K to show documentation in preview window. -nnoremap K :call show_documentation() - -function! s:show_documentation() - if (index(['vim','help'], &filetype) >= 0) - execute 'h '.expand('') - elseif (coc#rpc#ready()) - call CocActionAsync('doHover') - else - execute '!' . &keywordprg . " " . expand('') - endif -endfunction - -" Highlight the symbol and its references when holding the cursor. -autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') - -" Symbol renaming. -nmap rn (coc-rename) - -" Formatting selected code. -xmap f (coc-format-selected) -nmap f (coc-format-selected) - -augroup mygroup - autocmd! - " Setup formatexpr specified filetype(s). - autocmd FileType typescript,json setl formatexpr=CocAction('formatSelected') - " Update signature help on jump placeholder. - autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp') -augroup end - -" Applying codeAction to the selected region. -" Example: `aap` for current paragraph -xmap a (coc-codeaction-selected) -nmap a (coc-codeaction-selected) - -" Remap keys for applying codeAction to the current buffer. -nmap ac (coc-codeaction) -" Apply AutoFix to problem on the current line. -nmap qf (coc-fix-current) - -" Map function and class text objects -" NOTE: Requires 'textDocument.documentSymbol' support from the language server. -xmap if (coc-funcobj-i) -omap if (coc-funcobj-i) -xmap af (coc-funcobj-a) -omap af (coc-funcobj-a) -xmap ic (coc-classobj-i) -omap ic (coc-classobj-i) -xmap ac (coc-classobj-a) -omap ac (coc-classobj-a) - -" Remap and for scroll float windows/popups. -if has('nvim-0.4.0') || has('patch-8.2.0750') - nnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\" - nnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\" - inoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? "\=coc#float#scroll(1)\" : "\" - inoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? "\=coc#float#scroll(0)\" : "\" - vnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\" - vnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\" -endif - -" Use CTRL-S for selections ranges. -" Requires 'textDocument/selectionRange' support of language server. -"nmap (coc-range-select) -"xmap (coc-range-select) - -" Add `:Format` command to format current buffer. -command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format') - -" Add `:Fold` command to fold current buffer. -command! -nargs=? Fold :call CocAction('fold', ) - -" Add `:OR` command for organize imports of the current buffer. -command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport') - -" Add (Neo)Vim's native statusline support. -" NOTE: Please see `:h coc-status` for integrations with external plugins that -" provide custom statusline: lightline.vim, vim-airline. -set statusline^=%{coc#status()}%{get(b:,'coc_current_function','')} - -" Mappings for CoCList -" Show all diagnostics. -nnoremap a :CocList diagnostics -" Manage extensions. -nnoremap e :CocList extensions -" Show commands. -nnoremap c :CocList commands -" Find symbol of current document. -nnoremap o :CocList outline -" Search workspace symbols. -nnoremap s :CocList -I symbols -" Do default action for next item. -nnoremap j :CocNext -" Do default action for previous item. -nnoremap k :CocPrev -" Resume latest coc list. -nnoremap p :CocListResume diff --git a/.config/nvim/settings/keybinds.vim b/.config/nvim/settings/keybinds.vim deleted file mode 100644 index a4b10e2..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/settings/keybinds.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -" Author : xShin -" GitHub : https://github.com/xshin404 - -" Ctrl+s == save -nmap :w -vmap :w -imap :w - -" Ctrl+q == quit -nmap :q -vmap :q -imap :q - -" Ctrl+alt+q == quit! -nmap :q! -vmap :q! -imap :q! - -" Ctrl+b == NERDTree -nmap :NERDTree -vmap :NERDTree -imap :NERDTree - -" Ctrl-a left text Ctrl-e right text (Beginning and end of line) -nmap -nmap -imap -imap -cmap -cmap - -" Control-C Copy in visual mode -vmap y - -" Control-V Paste in insert and command mode -imap pa -cmap 0 - -" Alt-z Wrap text -nmap :set wrap -vmap :set wrap -imap :set wrap - -" Ctrl-Alt-z Wrap text -nmap :set nowrap -vmap :set nowrap -imap :set nowrap - -" Ctrl-Alt-t Move to first line (Shift-g move to end line) -"nmap :m 0 -"vmap :m 0 -"imap :m 0 - -" Ctrl-Alt-n Toggle Hybrid Line Number -nmap :set nu! rnu! -vmap :set nu! rnu! -imap :set nu! rnu! - -" Ctrl-Alt-b Turn hybrid line numbers off -nmap :set nonu nornu -vmap :set nonu nornu -imap :set nonu nornu - -" Alt+c Enable termguicolors -nmap :set termguicolors -vmap :set termguicolors -imap :set termguicolors - -" Ctrl+Alt+g Disable termguicolors -nmap :set notermguicolors -vmap :set notermguicolors -imap :set notermguicolors - diff --git a/.config/nvim/settings/plugins.vim b/.config/nvim/settings/plugins.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 20027d7..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/settings/plugins.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -" -if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim')) - autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall -endif - -call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugs') - " Themes - Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox' - Plug 'joshdick/onedark.vim' - Plug 'bluz71/vim-nightfly-guicolors' - Plug 'ChristianChiarulli/nvcode-color-schemes.vim' - - " VS Code like - Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim' - - " auto pairs for (), [], "", '', {} - Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs' - - " Statusline theme - "Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' - "Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' - - " Better syntax highlighting - "Plug 'scrooloose/syntastic' - Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' - - " FUZZY FINDER - Plug 'junegunn/fzf' - - " NERDTree file explorer - Plug 'preservim/nerdtree' - - " Dev icons for files and folders - Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' - - Plug 'ayu-theme/ayu-vim' -call plug#end() - -" Automatically install missing plugins on startup -autocmd VimEnter * - \ if len(filter(values(g:plugs), '!isdirectory(v:val.dir)')) - \| PlugInstall --sync | q - \| endif - diff --git a/.config/nvim/settings/sets.vim b/.config/nvim/settings/sets.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 9b16054..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/settings/sets.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -" Author : xShin & Annzc -" GitHub : https://github.com/xshin404 -" https://github.com/annzc - -nnoremap :noh -" general set -set encoding=utf-8 -set fileencoding=utf-8 -syntax enable -"set noswapfile -set nowrap -set mouse=a -set guicursor= - -" remove show mode like -INSERT- since statusline -" do that automatically -set noshowmode - -" tab & indentation handling -set tabstop=4 -set softtabstop=4 -set shiftwidth=4 -set expandtab -set smarttab -set autoindent -set smartindent -set backspace=indent,eol,start - -" decor -set relativenumber -set scrolloff=3 -set sidescrolloff=7 -set cursorline " line pointer highlight - -" support devices clipboard -set clipboard=unnamedplus - -" Hybrid Line Number -set nu! rnu! - -" Return to last edit position when opening files -au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif - -" Shell -set shell=/usr/bin/zsh - -" NERDTree Show Hidden Files -let NERDTreeShowHidden=1 - -" disable autocomment -autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o - -" unset termguicolors / true color - -set notermguicolors diff --git a/.config/nvim/settings/themes.vim b/.config/nvim/settings/themes.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 9d2fc97..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/settings/themes.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -" set the colorscheme you want -" default is onedark -" just comment out your desired colorscheme - -"source $HOME/.config/nvim/themes/gruvbox.vim -"source $HOME/.config/nvim/themes/nvcode.vim -"source $HOME/.config/nvim/themes/nightfly.vim -source $HOME/.config/nvim/themes/onedark.vim - -"set termguicolors " enable true colors support -"let ayucolor="light" " for light version of theme -"let ayucolor="mirage" " for mirage version of theme -"let ayucolor="dark" " for dark version of theme -"colorscheme ayu diff --git a/.config/nvim/themes/gruvbox.vim b/.config/nvim/themes/gruvbox.vim deleted file mode 100644 index fa6a0f6..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/themes/gruvbox.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -let g:airline_theme='gruvbox' -colorscheme gruvbox diff --git a/.config/nvim/themes/nightfly.vim b/.config/nvim/themes/nightfly.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 3922919..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/themes/nightfly.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -set termguicolors -let g:airline_theme='nightfly' -colorscheme nightfly diff --git a/.config/nvim/themes/nvcode.vim b/.config/nvim/themes/nvcode.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 2b93cb4..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/themes/nvcode.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -let g:airline_theme='nvcode' -colorscheme nvcode diff --git a/.config/nvim/themes/onedark.vim b/.config/nvim/themes/onedark.vim deleted file mode 100644 index ef5416c..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/themes/onedark.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -" onedark.vim override: Don't set a background color when running in a terminal; -if (has("autocmd") && !has("gui_running")) - augroup colorset - autocmd! - let s:white = { "gui": "#ABB2BF", "cterm": "145", "cterm16" : "7" } - autocmd ColorScheme * call onedark#set_highlight("Normal", { "fg": s:white }) " `bg` will not be styled since there is no `bg` setting - augroup END -endif - -hi Comment cterm=italic -let g:airline_theme='onedark' -let g:onedark_hide_endofbuffer=1 -let g:onedark_terminal_italics=1 -let g:onedark_termcolors=256 - -syntax on -colorscheme onedark - - -" checks if your terminal has 24-bit color support -if (has("termguicolors")) - set termguicolors - hi LineNr ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE -endif diff --git a/.config/nvim/themes/statusline.vim b/.config/nvim/themes/statusline.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 7abc3fb..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/themes/statusline.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -" ==================================================================== -" Make sure to: -" 1. source this file somewhere at the bottom of your config. -" 2. disable any statusline plugins, as they will override this. -" ==================================================================== - -" Do not show mode under the statusline since the statusline itself changes -" color depending on mode -set noshowmode - -set laststatus=2 -" ~~~~ Statusline configuration ~~~~ -" ':help statusline' is your friend! -function! RedrawModeColors(mode) " {{{ - " Normal mode - if a:mode == 'n' - hi MyStatuslineAccent ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - hi MyStatuslineFilename ctermfg=4 cterm=none ctermbg=0 - hi MyStatuslineAccentBody ctermbg=8 cterm=NONE ctermfg=4 - " Insert mode - elseif a:mode == 'i' - hi MyStatuslineAccent ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - hi MyStatuslineFilename ctermfg=1 cterm=none ctermbg=0 - hi MyStatuslineAccentBody ctermbg=8 cterm=NONE ctermfg=1 - " Replace mode - elseif a:mode == 'R' - hi MyStatuslineAccent ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - hi MyStatuslineFilename ctermfg=3 cterm=none ctermbg=0 - hi MyStatuslineAccentBody ctermbg=8 cterm=NONE ctermfg=3 - " Visual mode - elseif a:mode == 'v' || a:mode == 'V' || a:mode == '^V' - hi MyStatuslineAccent ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - hi MyStatuslineFilename ctermfg=5 cterm=none ctermbg=0 - hi MyStatuslineAccentBody ctermbg=8 cterm=NONE ctermfg=5 - " Command mode - elseif a:mode == 'c' - hi MyStatuslineAccent ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - hi MyStatuslineFilename ctermfg=6 cterm=none ctermbg=0 - hi MyStatuslineAccentBody ctermbg=8 cterm=NONE ctermfg=6 - " Terminal mode - elseif a:mode == 't' - hi MyStatuslineAccent ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - hi MyStatuslineFilename ctermfg=1 cterm=none ctermbg=0 - hi MyStatuslineAccentBody ctermbg=8 cterm=NONE ctermfg=1 - endif - " Return empty string so as not to display anything in the statusline - return '' -endfunction -" }}} -function! SetModifiedSymbol(modified) " {{{ - if a:modified == 1 - hi MyStatuslineModifiedBody ctermbg=0 cterm=bold ctermfg=1 - else - hi MyStatuslineModifiedBody ctermbg=0 cterm=bold ctermfg=8 - endif - return '' -endfunction -" }}} -function! SetFiletype(filetype) " {{{ - if a:filetype == '' - return '-' - else - return a:filetype - endif -endfunction -" }}} - -" Statusbar items -" ==================================================================== - -" This will not be displayed, but the function RedrawModeColors will be -" called every time the mode changes, thus updating the colors used for the -" components. -set statusline=%{RedrawModeColors(mode())} -" Left side items -" ======================= -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineAccent# -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineAccentBody#\ -" Filename -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineFilename#\ %.20f -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineSeparator#\ -" Modified status -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineModified# -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineModifiedBody#%{SetModifiedSymbol(&modified)} -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineModified# -" Right side items -" ======================= -set statusline+=%= -" Line and Column -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineLineCol# -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineLineColBody#%2l -set statusline+=\/%#MyStatuslineLineColBody#%2c -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineLineCol# -" Padding -set statusline+=\ -" Current scroll percentage and total lines of the file -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslinePercentage# -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslinePercentageBody#%P -set statusline+=\/\%#MyStatuslinePercentageBody#%L -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslinePercentage# -" Padding -set statusline+=\ -" Filetype -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineFiletype# -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineFiletypeBody#%{SetFiletype(&filetype)} -set statusline+=%#MyStatuslineFiletype# - -" Setup the colors -hi StatusLine ctermfg=5 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE -hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=8 ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold - -hi MyStatuslineSeparator ctermfg=0 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - -hi MyStatuslineModified ctermfg=0 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE - -hi MyStatuslineFiletype ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=0 -hi MyStatuslineFiletypeBody ctermfg=5 cterm=italic ctermbg=0 - -hi MyStatuslinePercentage ctermfg=0 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE -hi MyStatuslinePercentageBody ctermbg=0 cterm=none ctermfg=6 - -hi MyStatuslineLineCol ctermfg=0 cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE -hi MyStatuslineLineColBody ctermbg=0 cterm=none ctermfg=2 diff --git a/.local/bin/awesomeshot b/.local/bin/awesomeshot new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bd5f7f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/bin/awesomeshot @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +#/data/data/com.termux/usr/bin/env bash + +# Variable Color +COLOR_BASED="\e[39m" +COLOR_DANGER="\e[91m" +COLOR_WARNING="\e[93m" +COLOR_SUCCESS="\e[92m" + +# Variable Information Awesomeshot +VERSION="0.0.1" +PROGRAM_NAME="awesomeshot" +REPOSITORY_URL="https://github.com/xshin404/awesomeshot" +BUILD_DATE="Sunday, 25 July 2021" + +# Variable Imagemagick + +## Imagemagick Color +BACKGROUND_COLOR="#545862" +SHADOW_SIZE="50x10+0+10" +SHADOW_COLOR="#000000" +BORDER_SIZE=70 +BORDER_COLOR="#ABB2BF" + +## Imagemagick Footer +FOOTER_POSITION="SouthWest" +FOOTER_XY="+280+25" +FOOTER_TEXT=" Awesomeshot on $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %r')" +FOOTER_FONT="JetBrains-Mono-Regular-Nerd-Font-Complete" +FOOTER_FONT_SIZE="18" +FOOTER_FOREGROUND_COLOR="#0E1419" +FOOTER_BACKGROUND_COLOR="none" + +## Log Message +LOG_OK="[${COLOR_SUCCESS}OK${COLOR_BASED}]" +LOG_ERROR="[${COLOR_DANGER}ERROR${COLOR_BASED}]" + +# Function Log Date +function logdate() { + echo -e "[${COLOR_WARNING}$(date +'%d-%m-%Y %r')${COLOR_BASED}] > $@" +} + +# Function Magick + +## Function magickrounded +function magickrounded() { + convert $NEW_FILE_PWD \ + \( \ + +clone \ + -alpha extract -draw \ + 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,20 20,0 fill white circle 20,20 20,0' \ + \( +clone -flip \) \ + -compose Multiply -composite \ + \( +clone -flop \) \ + -compose Multiply -composite \ + \) \ + -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite $NEW_FILE_PWD +} + +## Function magickshadow +function magickshadow() { + convert $NEW_FILE_PWD \ + \( \ + +clone \ + -background "$SHADOW_COLOR" \ + -shadow $SHADOW_SIZE \ + \) \ + +swap \ + -background none \ + -layers merge \ + +repage $NEW_FILE_PWD +} + +## Function magickborder +function magickborder() { + convert $NEW_FILE_PWD -bordercolor "$BORDER_COLOR" -border $BORDER_SIZE $NEW_FILE_PWD +} + +## Function magickfooter +function magickfooter() { + echo -n "$FOOTER_TEXT" | + convert $NEW_FILE_PWD \ + -gravity $FOOTER_POSITION \ + -pointsize $FOOTER_FONT_SIZE \ + -fill $FOOTER_FOREGROUND_COLOR \ + -undercolor $FOOTER_BACKGROUND_COLOR \ + -font $FOOTER_FONT \ + -annotate $FOOTER_XY \ + @- $NEW_FILE_PWD +} + +# Option Execute + +## Function execute +function execute() { + logdate Getting Option Execute... + if [[ "$@" == "-r" ]]; then + echo -e "Rounded : Enable" + echo -e "Footer : Disable" + logdate Execute awesomeshot + logdate Searching newest file on pwd... + if [ `find | sort -r | head | sed -n 1p 2>/dev/null` ]; then + NEW_FILE_PWD=`find | sort -r | head | sed -n 1p` + logdate $NEW_FILE_PWD $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate Add rounded corner to image... + if magickrounded; then + logdate Rounded $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate Add shadow to image... + if magickshadow; then + logdate Shadow $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate Add border to image... + if magickborder; then + logdate Shadow $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate $NEW_FILE_PWD [${COLOR_SUCCESS}DONE${COLOR_BASED}] + else + logdate Border $LOG_ERROR + fi + else + logdate Shadow $LOG_ERROR + fi + else + logdate Rounded $LOG_ERROR + fi + fi + elif [[ "$@" == "-r -f" ]]; then + echo -e "Rounded : Enable" + echo -e "Footer : Enable" + logdate Execute awesomeshot + logdate Searching newest file on pwd... + if [ `find | sort -r | head | sed -n 1p 2>/dev/null` ]; then + NEW_FILE_PWD=`find | sort -r | head | sed -n 1p` + logdate $NEW_FILE_PWD $LOG_OK + # sleep 3s + logdate Add rounded corner to image... + if magickrounded; then + logdate Rounded $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate Add shadow to image... + if magickshadow; then + logdate Shadow $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate Add border to image... + if magickborder; then + logdate Shadow $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate Add footer to image... + if magickfooter; then + logdate Footer $LOG_OK + # sleep 1s + logdate $NEW_FILE_PWD [${COLOR_SUCCESS}DONE${COLOR_BASED}] + else + logdate Footer $LOG_ERROR + fi + else + logdate Border $LOG_ERROR + fi + else + logdate Shadow $LOG_ERROR + fi + else + logdate Rounded $LOG_ERROR + fi + fi + elif [[ "$@" == "-f" ]]; then + echo -e "Footer : Enable" + echo -e "Rounded : Disable" + elif [[ "$@" == "-f -r" ]]; then + echo -e "Footer : Enable" + echo -e "Rounded : Enable" + else + echo -e "[${COLOR_DANGER}ERROR${COLOR_BASED}] > Unknown option" + exit 1 + fi + exit 1 + NEW_FILE_PWD=`find | sort -r | head | sed -n 1p` + logdate Execute awesomeshot + logdate Searching newest file on pwd + logdate Edit image to rounded... + magickrounded + logdate Adding shadow image... + magickshadow + logdate Adding border image... + magickborder + logdate Adding footer image... + magickfooter + logdate Getting image file name... + logdate $NEW_FILE_PWD + logdate [${COLOR_SUCCESS}DONE${COLOR_BASED}] +} + +## Function Information +function information() { + echo -e "Program Name : $PROGRAM_NAME" + echo -e "Version : v$VERSION" + echo -e "Repository URL : $REPOSITORY_URL" + echo -e "Build Date : $BUILD_DATE" +} + +## Function Help +function help() { + + # Usage Help + echo -e "Usage: + awesomeshot [options] + " + + # Option Help + echo -e "Options: + -f Run awesomeshot with footer text + -h Print this help message + -i Print information about this program + -m Run awesomeshot with custom mode 'light|dark' (default light) + -p Run awesomeshot on pwd + -v Print version information + " +} + +case $@ in + -v ) + echo -e "$PROGRAM_NAME v$VERSION" + ;; + -i ) + information + ;; + -h ) + help + ;; + "" ) + execute + ;; + -f ) + execute $@ + ;; + $@ ) + execute $@ + ;; +esac \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/bin/shot b/.local/bin/shot deleted file mode 100755 index 9f7e8fc..0000000 --- a/.local/bin/shot +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/env bash -SAVE_DIR=/sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots -ORI_DIR=ORI - -mkdir -p $SAVE_DIR/$ORI_DIR - -[ $1 ] && sec=$1 || sec=5 - -{ - clear - echo -e "\e[94m[!] screenshot will be taken in ${1}s ..." - echo -e "\e[0m" - - { - sleep $sec && - SAVE_NAME=$(echo -e "Screenshot-$(date +'%d-%m-%Y_%r').png"|sed 's/://g;s/ //g') && - sudo screencap -p $SAVE_DIR/$SAVE_NAME - { - A=$(termux-dialog confirm -i \ -"Screenshot has successfully taken. - -Now prettifying using imagemagick. - -Please wait a moment ..." | jq '.text') - - [[ $A == '"no"' ]] && B=$(termux-dialog \ - confirm \ - -i "Cancel Conversion now?" | jq '.text') - - [[ $B == '"yes"' ]] && termux-dialog confirm \ - -i "Conversion Aborted." && pkill bash && - pkill convert - } & - - sleep 0.1 - - bash \ - $HOME/.scripts/shot-magick \ - $SAVE_DIR/$SAVE_NAME \ - -r -c - - mv $SAVE_DIR/$SAVE_NAME $SAVE_DIR/$ORI_DIR - - } >/dev/null - - SAVE_NAME="$(echo $SAVE_NAME|sed 's/.png$//')_ShotMg.png" - - A=$(termux-dialog confirm \ - -t "Screenshot saved!" \ - -i "Your screenshot has been saved in: - -$SAVE_DIR/${SAVE_NAME} - -Open it now?" | - jq '.text') - - [[ $A == '"yes"' ]] && xdg-open "$SAVE_DIR/$SAVE_NAME" -} & - diff --git a/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/rounded-custom.zsh-theme b/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/rounded-custom.zsh-theme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..feaf9e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/rounded-custom.zsh-theme @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# Rounded minimal zsh theme +# Creator: owl4ce +# ---------------------------------- +# https://github.com/owl4ce/dotfiles +# Requires Nerd Fonts for the icons + +#if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then +# user_symbol="%F{8}%K{8}%F{1}%{%k%}%F{8}%f" +#else +# user_symbol="%F{8}%K{8}%F{5}%{%k%}%F{8}%f" +#fi + +# Configuration +num_dirs=2 # Use 0 for full path +truncated_path="%F{7}%K{7}%F{0} %K{7}%F{0}%$num_dirs~%{%k%}%F{7}" +background_jobs="%(1j.%F{0}%K{0}%F{3}%{%k%}%F{0}%f.)" +non_zero_return_value="%(0?..%F{0}%K{0}%F{1}%{%k%}%F{0}%f)" + +# Left part of prompt +PROMPT='$truncated_path $user_symbol ' +# Right part of prompt +RPROMPT=' $background_jobs $non_zero_return_value' +# Input in bold +zle_highlight=(default:bold) diff --git a/.termux/colors.properties b/.termux/colors.properties index 3e9bfce..74bb396 100644 --- a/.termux/colors.properties +++ b/.termux/colors.properties @@ -1,19 +1,20 @@ -color0=#2f343f -color1=#fd6b85 -color2=#63e0be -color3=#fed270 -color4=#67d4f2 -color5=#ff8167 -color6=#63e0be -color7=#eeeeee -color8=#4f4f5b -color9=#fd6b85 -color10=#63e0be -color11=#fed270 -color12=#67d4f2 -color13=#ff8167 -color14=#63e0be -color15=#eeeeee -background=#2a2c3a -foreground=#eeeeee -cursor=#fd6b85 +foreground=#c8ccd4 +background=#1e222a +cursor=#abb2bf +color0=#1e222a +color1=#e06c75 +color2=#98c379 +color3=#e5c07b +color4=#61afef +color5=#c678dd +color6=#56b6c2 +#color7=#abb2bf +color7=#D8DEE9 +color8=#545862 +color9=#e06c75 +color10=#98c379 +color11=#e5c07b +color12=#61afef +color13=#c678dd +color14=#56b6c2 +color15=#c8ccd4 diff --git a/.termux/colors/siduck-onedark.colors b/.termux/colors/siduck-onedark.colors index d4099e9..74bb396 100644 --- a/.termux/colors/siduck-onedark.colors +++ b/.termux/colors/siduck-onedark.colors @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ color3=#e5c07b color4=#61afef color5=#c678dd color6=#56b6c2 -color7=#abb2bf +#color7=#abb2bf +color7=#D8DEE9 color8=#545862 color9=#e06c75 color10=#98c379 diff --git a/.xshin.var b/.xshin.var index 7292412..2078929 100644 --- a/.xshin.var +++ b/.xshin.var @@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ lightweightpkgs=( "ncmpcpp" "cava" "neovim" + "imagemagick" ) @@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ fullpkgs=( "ncmpcpp" "cava" "neovim" - "nodejs" + "imagemagick" ) @@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ function zshtheme() { done cp $DIR/.zshrc $HOME - sed -i 's/ZSH_THEME=""/ZSH_THEME="la-round"/g' ~/.zshrc + sed -i 's/ZSH_THEME=""/ZSH_THEME="rounded-custom"/g' ~/.zshrc } @@ -610,15 +611,30 @@ function neovimplug() { echo -e "\n⚙️ Installing neovim plugins" - start_spinner "‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎📦 coc.vim & etc" + start_spinner "‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎📦 packer plugin" sleep 2 - ( + git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim &>/dev/null + + function check() { - set -e - nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qall > /dev/null 2>&1 - - ) + if [[ -f ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim ]]; then + + stop_spinner $? + + else + + cp "empty" > /dev/null 2>&1 + stop_spinner $? + start_spinner "‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎📦 packer plugin" + git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim &>/dev/null + check + + fi + + } + + check if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then diff --git a/READFULL.md b/READFULL.md index fc3daeb..b11186a 100644 --- a/READFULL.md +++ b/READFULL.md @@ -242,41 +242,6 @@ To remove Termux Login in autostart delete on ~/.zshrc `bash ~/.scripts/login.sh -
- Neovim - - - Colorscheme - - |Onedark|Ayu Dark|Gruvbox| - |--|--|--| - |![Image](/assets/images/neovim/theme/onedark.jpg)|![Image](/assets/images/neovim/theme/ayu-dark.jpg)|![Image](/assets/images/neovim/theme/gruvbox.jpg)| - - - Plugin - - |Vim Plug|CocList marketplace| - |--|--| - |![Image](/assets/images/neovim/Vim-Plug.jpg)|![Image](/assets/images/neovim/CocList-marketplace.jpg)| - - - Keybindings - - |Keys|Mode|Action| - |--|--|--| - | `C-s` | nmap, vmap, imap | Save | - | `C-q` | nmap, vmap, imap | Quit | - | `C-M-q` | nmap, vmap, imap | Quit Without Saving | - | `C-b` | nmap, vmap, imap | Nerdtree | - | `C-a` | nmap, vmap, cmap | Home Text | - | `C-e` | nmap, vmap, cmap | End Text | - | `C-C` | vmap | Copy | - | `C-V` | imap, cmap | Paste | - | `M-c` | nmap, vmap, cmap | Set Termguicolors | - | `C-M-c` | nmap, vmap, cmap | Unset Termguicolors | - | `M-z` | nmap, vmap, imap | Wrap Text | - | `C-M-z` | nmap, vmap, imap | Unwrap Text | - | `C-M-n` | nmap, vmap, imap | Set Toggle Hybrid Line Number | - | `C-M-b` | nmap, vmap, imap | Unset off Hybrid Line Number | - -
### Troubleshooting @@ -343,11 +308,12 @@ To remove Termux Login in autostart delete on ~/.zshrc `bash ~/.scripts/login.sh - **Other** - [Dotfiles Indonesia](https://t.me/dotfiles_id) + - [Siduck76](https://github.com/siduck76) - [nekonako](https://github.com/nekonako) - [Oh-My-ZSH](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh) - [MPD](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Music_Player_Daemon) - [Ncmpcpp](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ncmpcpp) - - [Dotfiles](https://github.com/owl4ce/dotfiles) + - [Owl4ce Dotfiles](https://github.com/owl4ce/dotfiles) - [Neovim](https://neovim.io) - [Vim Plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) - [Neofetch](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch)