diff --git a/GaloisRamification/GaloisRamification.lean b/GaloisRamification/GaloisRamification.lean index 91739c2..2dbe604 100644 --- a/GaloisRamification/GaloisRamification.lean +++ b/GaloisRamification/GaloisRamification.lean @@ -89,34 +89,6 @@ theorem prime_iff_isMaximal {p : Ideal A} (hp0 : p ≠ ⊥) : Prime p ↔ p.IsMa ⟨fun hp ↦ (isPrime_of_prime hp).isMaximal hp.ne_zero, fun hp ↦ prime_of_isPrime hp0 hp.isPrime⟩ -namespace Ideal --- lemmas of isomorphisms act on ideals -/-- A ring isomorphism sends a prime ideal to a prime ideal. -/ -instance {R S E : Type*} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (p : Ideal R) [p.IsPrime] [EquivLike E R S] - [RingEquivClass E R S] (e : E) : (map e p).IsPrime := by - exact map_isPrime_of_equiv e - -/-- A ring isomorphism sends a maximal ideal to a maximal ideal. -/ -instance map_isMaximal_of_equiv {R S E : Type*} [Ring R] [Ring S] (p : Ideal R) - [hp : p.IsMaximal] [EquivLike E R S] [RingEquivClass E R S] (e : E) : (map e p).IsMaximal := - map.isMaximal e (EquivLike.bijective e) hp - -/-- A maximal ideal pull back by a ring isomorphism is a maximal ideal. -/ -instance comap_isMaximal_of_equiv {R S E : Type*} [Ring R] [Ring S] (p : Ideal S) - [p.IsMaximal] [EquivLike E R S] [RingEquivClass E R S] (e : E) : (comap e p).IsMaximal := - comap_isMaximal_of_surjective e (EquivLike.surjective e) - -theorem mem_map_of_equiv {R S E : Type*} [Semiring R] [Semiring S] (I : Ideal R) - [EquivLike E R S] [RingEquivClass E R S] (e : E) (y : S) : y ∈ map e I ↔ ∃ x ∈ I, e x = y := by - constructor - · intro h - simp_rw [show map e I = _ from map_comap_of_equiv I (e : R ≃+* S)] at h - exact ⟨(e : R ≃+* S).symm y, h, RingEquiv.apply_symm_apply (e : R ≃+* S) y⟩ - · rintro ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩ - exact mem_map_of_mem e hx - -end Ideal - end lie_over section transitive diff --git a/GaloisRamification/ToMathlib.lean b/GaloisRamification/ToMathlib.lean index 5dd66b3..4101d89 100644 --- a/GaloisRamification/ToMathlib.lean +++ b/GaloisRamification/ToMathlib.lean @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.Valuation.ValuationRing import GaloisRamification.ToMathlib.Finite import GaloisRamification.ToMathlib.FractionRing +import GaloisRamification.ToMathlib.IsGalois import GaloisRamification.ToMathlib.Normal import GaloisRamification.ToMathlib.restrictScalarsHom import GaloisRamification.ToMathlib.separableClosure diff --git a/lake-manifest.json b/lake-manifest.json index e16da4e..b9373cc 100644 --- a/lake-manifest.json +++ b/lake-manifest.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "dc72dcdb8e97b3c56bd70f06f043ed2dee3258e6", + "rev": "85f6511d93f9e6a8188ec9985c82f08f65c26cae", "name": "batteries", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "", - "rev": "e91cdbcf5a387801a6225b41b0056c63206a9f7f", + "rev": "e43d3141c5d7f7a2db92205bb02f6fee3c7f9d75", "name": "mathlib", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": null,