LAMP provides public data exports to support transit performance analysis.
Access instructions for all LAMP public data exports
Some LAMP data exports are used by OPMI for Tableau dashboarding.
LAMP currently produces the following sets of public data exports:
Each row represents a unique trip_id
pair for each service_date
of revenue rail service.
field name | type | description | source |
service_date | int64 | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_date value in Trip Descriptor as int instead of string |
start_time | int64 | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_time value in Trip Descriptor converted to seconds after midnight |
route_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT route_id value in Trip Descriptor |
branch_route_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT route_id value in Trip Descriptor for lines with multiple routes, NULL if line has single route, e.g. Green-B for Green-B route, NULL for Blue route. EXCEPTION: LAMP Inserts Red-A or Red-B to indicate Red -line Ashmont or Braintree branch if trip stops at station south of JFK/UMass. |
trunk_route_id | string | line if multiple routes exist on line, otherwise route_id , e.g. Green for Green-B route, Blue for Blue route |
trip_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT trip_id value in Trip Descriptor |
direction_id | bool | equivalent to GTFS-RT direction_id value in Trip Descriptor as bool instead of int |
direction | string | equivalent to GTFS direction value from directions.txt for route_id -direction_id pair |
direction_destination | string | equivalent to GTFS direction_destination value from directions.txt for route_id -direction_id pair |
stop_count | int16 | number of stops recorded on trip | LAMP Calculated |
vehicle_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT id value in VehicleDescriptor |
vehicle_label | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT label value in VehicleDescriptor. |
vehicle_consist | string | Pipe separated concatenation of multi_carriage_details labels in CarriageDetails |
stop_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT stop_id value in VehiclePosition |
parent_station | string | stop_name of the parent_station associated with the stop_id from stops.txt |
stop_sequence | int16 | equivalent to GTFS-RT current_stop_sequence value in VehiclePosition |
move_timestamp | int64 | earliest "IN_TRANSIT_TO" or "INCOMING_AT" status timestamp for a trip-stop pair from GTFS-RT VehiclePosition |
stop_timestamp | int64 | earliest "STOPPED_AT" status timestamp for a trip-stop pair from GTFS-RT VehiclePosition or last arrival timestamp from GTFS-RT StopTimeUpdate if VehiclePosition value is not available |
travel_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent traveling to the stop_id of trip-stop pair from previous stop_id on trip |
LAMP Calculated |
dwell_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent stopped at stop_id of trip-stop pair |
LAMP Calculated |
headway_branch_seconds | int64 | seconds between consecutive vehicles departing parent_station on branch_route_id |
LAMP Calculated |
headway_trunk_seconds | int64 | seconds between consecutive vehicles departing parent_station on trunk_route_id |
LAMP Calculated |
scheduled_arrival_time | int64 | arrival_time of this trip-stop pair at stop_id for matched planned trip from stop_times.txt |
scheduled_departure_time | int64 | departure_time of this trip-stop pair at stop_id for matched planned trip from stop_times.txt |
scheduled_travel_time | int64 | planned seconds a vehicle spent traveling to the stop_id of trip-stop pair from previous stop_id on trip, derived from from stop_times.txt |
LAMP Calculated |
scheduled_headway_branch | int64 | planned seconds between consecutive vehicles departing parent_station on branch_route_id , derived from from stop_times.txt |
LAMP Calculated |
scheduled_headway_trunk | int64 | planned seconds between consecutive vehicles departing parent_station on trunk_route_id , derived from from stop_times.txt |
LAMP Calculated |
Below are the following OPMI Tableau Exports.
Each row represents a unique trip_id
pair for each service_date
of rail service.
field name | type | description | source |
service_date | date | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_date value in Trip Descriptor as date instead of string |
start_datetime | datetime | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_time added to start_date from Trip Descriptor |
LAMP Calculated |
static_start_datetime | datetime | equivalent to start_datetime if planned trip, otherwise GTFS-RT start_date added to static_start_time |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_sequence | int16 | equivalent to GTFS-RT current_stop_sequence value in VehiclePosition |
canonical_stop_sequence | int16 | stop sequence based on "canonical" route trip as defined in route_patterns.txt table | LAMP Calculated |
previous_canonical_stop_sequence | int16 | canonical_stop_sequence for previous stop on trip |
LAMP Calculated |
sync_stop_sequence | int16 | stop sequence that is consistent across all branches of a trunk_route_id for a particular parent_station |
LAMP Calculated |
previous_sync_stop_sequence | int16 | sync_stop_sequence for previous stop on trip |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT stop_id value in VehiclePosition |
previous_stop_id | string | stop_id for previous stop on trip |
parent_station | string | stop_name of the parent_station associated with the stop_id from stops.txt |
previous_parent_station | string | parent_station for previous stop on trip |
stop_name | string | equivalent to GTFS stop_name from stops.txt for stop_id |
previous_stop_name | string | stop_name for previous stop on trip |
previous_stop_departure_datetime | datetime | earliest "IN_TRANSIT_TO" OR "INCOMING_AT" status timestamp for a trip-stop pair from GTFS-RT VehiclePosition as an Eastern datetime |
stop_arrival_datetime | datetime | earliest "STOPPED_AT" status timestamp for a trip-stop pair from GTFS-RT VehiclePosition or last arrival timestamp from GTFS-RT StopTimeUpdate if VehiclePosition value is not available as an Eastern datetime |
stop_departure_datetime | datetime | equivalent to previous_stop_departure_datetime for next stop on trip |
previous_stop_departure_sec | int64 | previous_stop_departure_datetime as seconds after midnight |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_arrival_sec | int64 | stop_arrival_datetime as seconds after midnight |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_departure_sec | int64 | stop_departure_datetime as seconds after midnight |
LAMP Calculated |
is_revenue | boolean | equivalent to MBTA GTFS-RT revenue value in Trip Descriptor as only bool |
direction_id | int8 | equivalent to GTFS-RT direction_id value in Trip Descriptor |
route_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT route_id value in Trip Descriptor |
branch_route_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT route_id value in Trip Descriptor for lines with multiple routes, NULL if line has single route, e.g. Green-B for Green-B route, NULL for Blue route_id. EXCEPTION: LAMP Inserts Red-A or Red-B to indicate Red -line Ashmont or Braintree branch if trip stops at station south of JFK/UMass. |
trunk_route_id | string | line if multiple routes exist on line, otherwise route_id , e.g. Green for Green-B route, Blue for Blue route |
start_time | int64 | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_time value in Trip Descriptor converted to seconds after midnight |
vehicle_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT id value in VehicleDescriptor |
stop_count | int16 | number of stops recorded on trip | LAMP Calculated |
trip_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT trip_id value in Trip Descriptor |
vehicle_label | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT label value in VehicleDescriptor. |
vehicle_consist | string | Pipe separated concatenation of multi_carriage_details labels in CarriageDetails |
direction | string | equivalent to GTFS direction value from directions.txt for route_id -direction_id pair |
direction_destination | string | equivalent to GTFS direction_destination value from directions.txt for route_id -direction_id pair |
static_trip_id_guess | string | GTFS trip_id from trips.txt, will match GTFS-RT trip_id if trip is not ADDED, if trip is ADDED will be closest matching GTFS trip_id based on start_time |
LAMP Calculated |
static_start_time | int64 | earliest arrival_time from stop_times.txt for static_trip_id_guess |
static_stop_count | int64 | planned stop count from stop_times.txt of static_trip_id_guess trip |
exact_static_trip_match | bool | false if trip_id is unplanned, otherwise true |
LAMP Calculated |
static_version_key | int64 | internal LAMP foreign-key linking real-time events to static tables in Database Schema | LAMP Calculated |
travel_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent traveling to the stop_id of trip-stop pair from previous stop_id on trip |
LAMP Calculated |
dwell_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent stopped at stop_id of trip-stop pair |
LAMP Calculated |
headway_branch_seconds | int64 | seconds between consecutive vehicles departing parent_station on branch_route_id |
LAMP Calculated |
headway_trunk_seconds | int64 | seconds between consecutive vehicles departing parent_station on trunk_route_id |
LAMP Calculated |
LAMP calculated dataset containing planned route_id
and service_id
combinations for each service_date
in GTFS Schedules.
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
route_id | string | route_id from routes.txt |
service_id | string | service_id from trips.txt |
service_date | int64 | date of service as int in "YYYYMMDD" format |
service_date_calc | date | date of service |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
service_id | string | service_id from calendar_dates.txt |
date | int64 | date from calendar_dates.txt as int in "YYYYMMDD" format |
calendar_date | date | date from calendar_dates.txt |
exception_type | int8 | exception_type from calendar_dates.txt |
holiday_name | string | holiday_name from calendar_dates.txt |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
service_id | string | service_id from calendar.txt |
monday | bool | monday from calendar.txt as bool |
tuesday | bool | tuesday from calendar.txt as bool |
wednesday | bool | wednesday from calendar.txt as bool |
thursday | bool | thursday from calendar.txt as bool |
friday | bool | friday from calendar.txt as bool |
saturday | bool | saturday from calendar.txt as bool |
sunday | bool | sunday from calendar.txt as bool |
start_date | date | start_date from calendar.txt |
end_date | date | end_date from calendar.txt |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
feed_start_date | date | feed_start_date from feed_info.txt |
feed_end_date | date | feed_end_date from feed_info.txt |
feed_version | string | feed_version from feed_info.txt |
feed_active_date | date | date extracted from feed_version |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
route_id | string | route_id from routes.txt |
agency_id | int8 | agency_id from routes.txt |
route_short_name | string | route_short_name from routes.txt |
route_long_name | string | route_long_name from routes.txt |
route_desc | string | route_desc from routes.txt |
route_type | int8 | route_type from routes.txt |
route_sort_order | int32 | route_sort_order from routes.txt |
route_fare_class | string | route_fare_class from routes.txt |
line_id | string | line_id from routes.txt |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
trip_id | string | trip_id from stop_times.txt |
arrival_time | int32 | arrival_time from stop_times.txt as seconds after midnight |
departure_time | int32 | departure_time from stop_times.txt as seconds after midnight |
schedule_travel_time_seconds | int64 | (calculated) planned seconds the vehicle spent traveling to the stop_id of trip-stop pair from previous stop_id on trip |
schedule_headway_branch_seconds | int64 | (calculated) planned seconds between consecutive vehicles departing stop_id on branch_route_id |
schedule_headway_trunk_seconds | int64 | (calculated) planned seconds between consecutive vehicles departing stop_id on trunk_route_id |
stop_id | string | stop_id from stop_times.txt |
stop_sequence | int16 | stop_sequence from stop_times.txt |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
stop_id | string | stop_id from stops.txt |
stop_name | string | stop_name from stops.txt |
stop_desc | string | stop_desc from stops.txt |
platform_code | string | platform_code from stops.txt |
platform_name | string | platform_name from stops.txt |
parent_station | string | parent_station from stops.txt |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
field name | type | description |
pk_id | int64 | LAMP primary key |
route_id | string | route_id from trips.txt |
branch_route_id | string | route_id for lines with multiple routes, NULL if line has single route, e.g. Green-B for Green-B route, NULL for Blue route. EXCEPTION: LAMP Inserts Red-A or Red-B to indicate Red -line Ashmont or Braintree branch if trip stops at station south of JFK/UMass. |
trunk_route_id | string | line if multiple routes exist on line, otherwise route_id , e.g. Green for Green-B route, Blue for Blue route_id |
service_id | string | service_id from trips.txt |
trip_id | string | trip_id from trips.txt |
direction_id | int8 | direction_id from trips.txt |
block_id | string | block_id from trips.txt |
static_version_key | int64 | key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables |
The MBTA GTFS Realtime Alerts feed is archived in this dataset.
Each row of this dataset represents an entry from the informed_entity
and active_period
fields of the Alert message being exploded.
In generating this dataset, translation string fields contain only the English translation. All timestamp fields are in POSIX Time, the integer number of seconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC. These are converted to datetimes in are Eastern Standard Time for user convenience.
field name | type | description |
id | int64 | Unique identifier for this Alert. Subsequent updates to it will have the same ID. |
cause | string | Equivalent to cause in GTFS-RT Alert message. |
cause_detail | string | Equivalent to cause_detail in GTFS-RT Alert message. |
effect | string | Equivalent to effect in GTFS-RT Alert message. |
effect_detail | string | Equivalent to effect_detail in GTFS-RT Alert message. |
severity_level | string | Equivalent to severity_level in GTFS-RT Alert message. |
severity | int8 | Equivalent to Alert-severity in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
alert_lifecycle | string | Equivalent to Alert-alert_lifecycle in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
duration_certainty | string | Equivalent to Alert-duration_certainty in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
header_text.translation.text | string | Equivalent to header_text[n][text] in Alert message where n is the index of the English Translation. |
description_text.translation.text | string | Equivalent to description_text[n][text] in Alert message where n is the index of the English Translation. |
service_effect_text.translation.text | string | Equivalent to Alert-service_effect_text[n][text] in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message where n is the index of the English Translation. |
timeframe_text.translation.text | string | Equivalent to Alert-timeframe_text[n][text] in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message where n is the index of the English Translation. |
recurrence_text.translation.text | string | Equivalent to Alert-recurrence_text[n][text] in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message where n is the index of the English Translation. |
created_timestamp | uint64 | Equivalent to Alert-created_timestamp in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
created_datetime | datetime | created_timestamp as EST Datetime. |
last_modified_timestamp | uint64 | Equivalent to Alert-last_modified_timestamp in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
last_modified_datetime | datetime | last_modified_timestamp as EST Datetime. |
last_push_notification_timestamp | uint64 | Equivalent to Alert-last_push_notification_timestamp in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
last_push_notification_datetime | datetime | last_push_notification_timestamp as EST Datetime. |
closed_timestamp | uint64 | Equivalent to Alert-closed_timestamp in MBTA Enhance GTFS-RT Message. |
closed_datetime | datetime | closed_timestamp as EST Datetime. |
active_period.start_datetime | datetime | Equivalent to active_period[n][start] in Alert message as EST Datetime. A record is produced for every index n . |
active_period.start_timestamp | uint64 | Equivalent to active_period[n][start] in Alert message as POSIX Timestamp. A record is produced for every index n . |
active_period.end_datetime | datetime | Equivalent to active_period[n][end] in Alert message as EST Datetime. A record is produced for every index n . |
active_period.end_timestamp | uint64 | Equivalent to active_period[n][end] in Alert message as POSIX Timestamp. A record is produced for every index n . |
informed_entity.route_id | string | Equivalent to informed_entity[n][route_id] in Alert. A record is produced for every index n . |
informed_entity.route_type | int8 | Equivalent to informed_entity[n][route_type] in Alert. A record is produced for every index n . |
informed_entity.direction_id | int8 | Equivalent to informed_entity[n][direction_id] in Alert. A record is produced for every index n . |
informed_entity.stop_id | string | Equivalent to informed_entity[n][stop_id] in Alert. A record is produced for every index n . |
informed_entity.facility_id | string | Equivalent to informed_entity[n][faciliy_id] in Alert. A record is produced for every index n . |
informed_entity.activities | string | Equivalent to informed_entity[n][activities] as a | delimitated string. All potential values are defined in the Activity enum. |
LAMP_ALL_Bus_Events & LAMP_RECENT_Bus_Events have the same data dictionary.
Each row represents a unique trip_id
pair for each service_date
of bus service.
Bus has additional data source: TransitMaster. Buses have TransitMaster devices to keep track of their location.
field name | type | description | source |
service_date | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_date value in Trip Descriptor |
route_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT route_id value in Trip Descriptor |
trip_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT trip_id value in Trip Descriptor |
start_time | int64 | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_time value in Trip Descriptor converted to seconds after midnight |
start_dt | datetime | equivalent to GTFS-RT start_time added to start_date from Trip Descriptor |
stop_count | uint32 | number of stops recorded on trip | LAMP Calculated |
direction_id | int8 | equivalent to GTFS-RT direction_id value in Trip Descriptor |
stop_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT stop_id value in VehiclePosition |
stop_sequence | int64 | equivalent to GTFS-RT current_stop_sequence value in VehiclePosition |
vehicle_id | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT id value in VehicleDescriptor |
vehicle_label | string | equivalent to GTFS-RT label value in VehicleDescriptor. |
gtfs_travel_to_dt | datetime | earliest "IN_TRANSIT_TO" or "INCOMING_AT" status timestamp for a trip-stop pair from GTFS-RT VehiclePosition |
tm_stop_sequence | int64 | TransitMaster stop sequence | TransitMaster |
plan_trip_id | string | GTFS trip_id from trips.txt, will match GTFS-RT trip_id if trip is not ADDED, if trip is ADDED will be closest matching GTFS trip_id based on start_time |
LAMP Calculated |
exact_plan_trip_match | boolean | Indicates if plan_trip_id matches trip_id | LAMP Calculated |
block_id | string | block_id from trips.txt |
service_id | string | service_id from trips.txt |
route_pattern_id | string | Database-unique identifier for the route pattern. For the MBTA, this will generally be a concatenation including the route_id and direction_id. Values from this field are referenced in trips.txt. route_patterns.txt | GTFS |
route_pattern_typicality | int64 | Explains how common the route pattern is. For the MBTA, this is within the context of the entire route. route_patterns.txt | GTFS |
direction | string | equivalent to GTFS direction value from directions.txt for route_id -direction_id pair |
direction_destination | string | equivalent to GTFS direction_destination value from directions.txt for route_id -direction_id pair |
plan_stop_count | uint32 | planned stop count from stop_times.txt of plan_trip_id trip |
LAMP Calculated |
plan_start_time | int64 | Earliest arrival_time from stop_times.txt for plan_trip_id |
plan_start_dt | datetime | equivalent to start_datetime if planned trip, otherwise GTFS-RT start_date added to plan_start_time |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_name | string | equivalent to GTFS stop_name from stops.txt for stop_id |
plan_travel_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent traveling to the stop_id of trip-stop pair from previous stop_id on trip |
LAMP Calculated |
plan_route_direction_headway_seconds | int64 | planned seconds between consecutive vehicles departing stop_id on trips with same route_id and direction_id |
LAMP Calculated |
plan_direction_destination_headway_seconds | int64 | planned seconds between consecutive vehicles departing stop_id on trips with same direction_destination |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_arrival_dt | datetime | earliest "STOPPED_AT" status timestamp for a trip-stop pair from GTFS-RT VehiclePosition |
stop_departure_dt | datetime | equivalent to gtfs_travel_to_dt for next stop on trip |
gtfs_travel_to_seconds | int64 | gtfs_travel_to_dt as seconds after midnight |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_arrival_seconds | int64 | stop_arrival_datetime as seconds after midnight |
LAMP Calculated |
stop_departure_seconds | int64 | stop_departure_datetime as seconds after midnight |
LAMP Calculated |
travel_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent traveling to the stop_id of trip-stop pair from previous stop_id on trip |
LAMP Calculated |
dwell_time_seconds | int64 | seconds the vehicle spent stopped at stop_id of trip-stop pair |
LAMP Calculated |
route_direction_headway_seconds | int64 | seconds between consecutive vehicles departing stop_id on trips with same route_id and direction_id |
LAMP Calculated |
direction_destination_headway_seconds | int64 | seconds between consecutive vehicles departing stop_id on trips with same direction_destination |
LAMP Calculated |