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Releases: mdbrnowski/codeforces-toolbox

CF Toolbox 1.3.1

07 Aug 09:26
Choose a tag to compare

The verdict is now being checked continuously (from v1.3.0).
Bug related to PyPI is now fixed.

CF Toolbox 1.2.1

06 Aug 08:52
Choose a tag to compare

Version info can be accessed with -v or --version argument.

CF Toolbox 1.2.0

26 Jul 07:35
Choose a tag to compare

Support for C, Python, Java, Kotlin, Go, C# and Rust has been added.

CF Toolbox 1.1.0

23 Jul 09:29
Choose a tag to compare

Define platform-independent colors.
Some colors were not displayed correctly in Windows cmd and PowerShell.
Colorama was deleted form requirements and form code itself (I found out that there is a better way to display colors on Windows - it's marked in the code).

CF Toolbox 1.0.0

22 Jul 22:15
Choose a tag to compare

Add support for Linux and macOS.

CF Toolbox 0.1.0

22 Jul 07:32
Choose a tag to compare
CF Toolbox 0.1.0 Pre-release

Supports only Windows.
When it comes to programming languages, it only supports C++.