Some PiCo pipelines for analyzing stock-market data.
See the home README for build instructions.
The stock_pricing.cpp
code is an example of batch pipeline (like word-count), meaning file-based I/O.
It takes in input a series of stock records and computes the maximum price for each stock name.
Pricing is computed by the Black-Scholes function, from the PARSEC benchmark suite.
cd /path/to/build/examples/stock-market
./stock_pricing testdata/stock_options_64K.txt max_prices.txt
The stock_pricing_stream.cpp
is similar but works in a streaming fashion.
A stream of records is read from a network socket and the output stream is written to the standard output.
This example also shows window-based stream processing.
The following code uses netcat for streaming the records to a socket on port 4000
of localhost
cat testdata/stock_options_64K.txt | nc -l 4000 & ./stock_pricing_stream localhost 4000
synopsis may be different on your system.
The stock_tweets.cpp
processes a stream of tweets.
It extracts tweets containing stock names and performs some window-based reduction on the resulting sub-stream.
Generate 1000 synthetic tweets, some of them containing a stock name from the NADSAQ index:
cd testdata
./generate_tweets nasdaq_europe.txt 1000 >> tweets.txt
Analyze them:
cd ..
cat testdata/tweets.txt | nc -l 4000 & ./stock_tweets testdata/nasdaq_europe.txt localhost 4000
synopsis may be different on your system.