From 1ac31eaeb4bae543f1673c344ad9b16801efb686 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:34 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 01/41] New translations en-us.json (German) --- frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json b/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json index 894a38d0dd7..42c03c43a7c 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Füge deine Rezeptdaten ein. Jede Zeile wird als Eintrag in einer Liste dargestellt", "recipe-markup-specification": "Rezept Markup Spezifikation", "recipe-url": "Rezept URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Rezept hochladen", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Lade eine individuelle .zip-Datei hoch, die von einer anderen Mealie-Instanz exportiert wird.", "url-form-hint": "Kopiere einen Link von deiner Lieblingsrezept-Website und füge ihn ein", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Importiere ein Rezept mit der URL. Gib die URL für die Seite an, die du importieren möchtest und Mealie wird versuchen, das Rezept von dieser Seite einzulesen und deiner Sammlung hinzuzufügen.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Hast Du viele Rezepte, die Du auf einmal einlesen willst?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Probiere den Massenimporter aus", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importiere ursprüngliche Stichwörter als Schlagwörter", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Im Bearbeitungsmodus bleiben", "import-from-zip": "Von Zip importieren", "import-from-zip-description": "Importiere ein einzelnes Rezept, das von einer anderen Mealie-Instanz exportiert wurde.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip Dateien müssen aus Mealie exportiert worden sein", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Erstelle ein Rezept durch Hochladen eines Scans.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Lade ein PNG-Bild aus einem Kochbuch hoch", From 7e64dcc6e267969d77e232121eb10b1474c43d2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:35 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 02/41] New translations en-us.json (Russian) --- frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json index b4e199a2836..4260410cc79 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Вставьте в данные рецепта. Каждая строка будет рассматриваться как отдельный предмет в списке", "recipe-markup-specification": "Спецификация разметки рецепта", "recipe-url": "URL-адрес рецепта", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Загрузить рецепт", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Загрузить отдельный .zip файл, экспортированный из другой Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Скопируйте и вставьте ссылку из вашего любимого сайта рецептов", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Отсканировать рецепт по ссылке. Предоставьте ссылку на страницу, которую вы хотите отсканировать, и Mealie попытается вырезать рецепт с этого сайта и добавить его в свою коллекцию.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Хотите отсканировать несколько рецептов за раз?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Воспользуйтесь массовым импортом", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Импортировать исходные ключевые слова как теги", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Остаться в режиме редактирования", "import-from-zip": "Импорт из архива", "import-from-zip-description": "Импорт одного рецепта, который был экспортирован из другого экземпляра Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip файлы должны быть экспортированы из Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Создайте рецепт, загрузив скан.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Загрузить png изображение из книги рецептов", From 64bcea83495cb1ee59adb44faad069fdff8278b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:37 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 03/41] New translations en-us.json (Spanish) --- frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json b/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json index 0e1a625cb7e..d02f3a56dd5 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Pegar los datos de tu receta. Cada línea será tratada como un elemento de una lista", "recipe-markup-specification": "Definición de Markup de la receta", "recipe-url": "URL de la receta", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Subir una receta", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Sube un archivo .zip individual exportado desde otra instancia de Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copia y pega un enlace desde tu página web favorita", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Importa una receta por URL. Proporcione la URL para el sitio que desea importar, y Mealie intentará importar la receta de ese sitio y añadirla a su colección.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "¿Tienes muchas recetas que quieres raspar a la vez?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Prueba el importador masivo", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importar palabras clave originales como etiquetas", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Permanecer en modo edición", "import-from-zip": "Importar desde zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importa una receta única que fue exportada desde otra instancia de Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Los archivos .zip deben haber sido exportados desde Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Crea una receta subiendo una escaneada.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Suba una imagen png de un libro de recetas", From 7ca3518aba9d20f7b57c53bc42571cc396bbe79e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:38 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 04/41] New translations en-us.json (Danish) --- frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json b/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json index 4af4a3f0898..700ac6bc6cf 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Indsæt dine opskriftsdata. \nHver linje behandles som et element på en liste", "recipe-markup-specification": "Opskriftsmarkupspecifikation", "recipe-url": "URL på opskrift", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload en opskrift", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Opload en individuel .zip-fil, eksporteret fra en anden Mealie-instans.", "url-form-hint": "Kopiér og indsæt et link fra din foretrukne opskrifts hjemmeside", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Hent en opskrift fra en hjemmeside. Angiv URL'en til den hjemmeside, du vil hente data fra, og Mealie vil forsøge at hente opskriften og tilføje den til din samling.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Har du en masse opskrifter, du ønsker at scrappe på en gang?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Prøv masse import", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importér originale nøgleord som mærker", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Bliv i redigeringstilstand", "import-from-zip": "Importer fra zip-fil", "import-from-zip-description": "Importer en enkelt opskrift, der blev eksporteret fra en anden Mealie instans.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Zip-filer skal være blevet eksporteret fra Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Opret en opskrift ved at uploade en scanning.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload et billede med en opskrift, f.eks. fra en bog eller en udskrift", From 9eccbf0a65220a515787d2a9a9481b86dd1d98f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:39 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 05/41] New translations en-us.json (French, Canada) --- frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json index d6d03957f24..6bde11a3af7 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Copiez votre recette ici. Chaque ligne sera traitée comme un objet de la liste", "recipe-markup-specification": "Spécification du marquage des recettes", "recipe-url": "Adresse de la recette", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recette HTML ou JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Télécharger une recette", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Chargez un fichier .zip exporté depuis une autre instance Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copiez et collez un lien depuis votre site de recettes favori", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Récupérer une recette par URL. Fournissez l'URL de la page que vous voulez récupérer, et Mealie essaiera d'en extraire la recette pour l'ajouter à votre collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Vous avez un tas de recettes à récupérer d’un coup ?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Essayez l’importateur de masse", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Vous avez des données brutes en HTML ou JSON ?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "Vous pouvez directement importer des données brutes", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer les mots-clés d'origine en tant que tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rester en mode édition", "import-from-zip": "Importer depuis un zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importer une recette qui a été exportée depuis une autre instance de Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Importer depuis HTML ou JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Importe une unique recette à partir de HTML ou JSON brut. C’est utile si vous avez une recette venant d’un site que Mealie ne peut pas analyser normalement, ou bien d’une autre source externe.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "Pour importer via JSON, le format doit être valide :", + "json-editor": "Éditeur JSON", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Les fichiers .zip doivent avoir été exportés depuis Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Créer une recette en envoyant un scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Importer une image png d'un livre de recettes", From 998646ac4fea93df51fc54ec356bf321291a8c0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:41 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 06/41] New translations en-us.json (Romanian) --- frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json | 339 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 173 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json index 5b633a854f8..a8833dbd727 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "database-type": "Tipul bazei de date", "database-url": "URL bază de date", "default-group": "Grup implicit", - "default-household": "Default Household", + "default-household": "Locuință implicită", "demo": "Demo", "demo-status": "Status Demo", "development": "Dezvoltare", @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "category-filter": "Filtru categorie", "category-update-failed": "Actualizarea categoriei a eșuat", "category-updated": "Categorie actualizată", - "uncategorized-count": "Necategorizat {count}", + "uncategorized-count": "Necategorizate {count}", "create-a-category": "Creați o categorie", "category-name": "Nume categorie", "category": "Categorie" @@ -239,16 +239,16 @@ "keep-my-recipes-private-description": "Setează toate grupurile și toate rețetele tale implicite la privat. Puteți să schimbați asta oricând mai târziu." }, "manage-members": "Gestionează membri", - "manage-members-description": "Manage the permissions of the members in your household. {manage} allows the user to access the data-management page, and {invite} allows the user to generate invitation links for other users. Group owners cannot change their own permissions.", + "manage-members-description": "Gestionează permisiunile membrilor locuinței tale. {manage} permite utilizatorului să acceseze pagina de administrare a datelor, iar {invite} permite utilizatorului să genereze link-uri de invitație pentru alți utilizatori. Proprietarii de grupuri nu își pot schimba propriile permisiuni.", "manage": "Gestionare", - "manage-household": "Manage Household", + "manage-household": "Gestionare locuință", "invite": "Invită", "looking-to-update-your-profile": "Doriți să vă actualizați profilul?", "default-recipe-preferences-description": "Acestea sunt setările implicite atunci când o nouă rețetă este creată în grupul dvs. Acestea pot fi schimbate pentru rețete individuale în meniul Setări rețete.", "default-recipe-preferences": "Preferințe implicite rețetă", "group-preferences": "Preferințe grup", "private-group": "Grup privat", - "private-group-description": "Setting your group to private will disable all public view options. This overrides any individual public view settings", + "private-group-description": "Setarea grupului la privat va dezactiva toate opțiunile de vizualizare publică. Acest lucru suprascrie orice setare individuală de afișare publică a rețetelor", "enable-public-access": "Permite accesul Public", "enable-public-access-description": "Faceți rețete din grup publice implicit și permiteți vizitatorilor să vizualizeze rețetele fără să se logheze", "allow-users-outside-of-your-group-to-see-your-recipes": "Permite utilizatorilor din afara grupului tău să îți vadă rețetele", @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ "disable-users-from-commenting-on-recipes": "Dezactivează utilizatorii să comenteze pe rețete", "disable-users-from-commenting-on-recipes-description": "Ascunde secțiunea de comentariu pe pagina de rețetă și dezactivează comentariile", "disable-organizing-recipe-ingredients-by-units-and-food": "Dezactivează organizarea ingredientelor pe unități și pe mâncare", - "disable-organizing-recipe-ingredients-by-units-and-food-description": "Hides the Food, Unit, and Amount fields for ingredients and treats ingredients as plain text fields", + "disable-organizing-recipe-ingredients-by-units-and-food-description": "Ascunde câmpurile de aliment, unitate și cantitate pentru ingrediente și tratează ingredientele precum câmpuri de text simple", "general-preferences": "Preferințe generale", "group-recipe-preferences": "Preferințe Rețetă de grup", "report": "Raportează", @@ -271,29 +271,29 @@ "admin-group-management": "Gestionare grup administratori", "admin-group-management-text": "Modificările la acest grup se vor reflecta imediat.", "group-id-value": "ID grup: {0}", - "total-households": "Total Households" + "total-households": "Total locuințe" }, "household": { - "household": "Household", - "households": "Households", - "user-household": "User Household", - "create-household": "Create Household", - "household-name": "Household Name", - "household-group": "Household Group", - "household-management": "Household Management", - "manage-households": "Manage Households", - "admin-household-management": "Admin Household Management", - "admin-household-management-text": "Changes to this household will be reflected immediately.", - "household-id-value": "Household Id: {0}", - "private-household": "Private Household", - "private-household-description": "Setting your household to private will disable all public view options. This overrides any individual public view settings", - "lock-recipe-edits-from-other-households": "Lock recipe edits from other households", - "lock-recipe-edits-from-other-households-description": "When enabled only users in your household can edit recipes created by your household", - "household-recipe-preferences": "Household Recipe Preferences", - "default-recipe-preferences-description": "These are the default settings when a new recipe is created in your household. These can be changed for individual recipes in the recipe settings menu.", - "allow-users-outside-of-your-household-to-see-your-recipes": "Allow users outside of your household to see your recipes", - "allow-users-outside-of-your-household-to-see-your-recipes-description": "When enabled you can use a public share link to share specific recipes without authorizing the user. When disabled, you can only share recipes with users who are in your household or with a pre-generated private link", - "household-preferences": "Household Preferences" + "household": "Locuință", + "households": "Locuințe", + "user-household": "Locuință utilizator", + "create-household": "Creează locuință", + "household-name": "Nume locuință", + "household-group": "Grup locuință", + "household-management": "Gestionare locuință", + "manage-households": "Gestionează locuințe", + "admin-household-management": "Gestionare locuință administrator", + "admin-household-management-text": "Modificările acestei locuințe se vor reflecta imediat.", + "household-id-value": "Id locuință: {0}", + "private-household": "Locuință privată", + "private-household-description": "Setarea locuinței tale la privat va dezactiva toate opțiunile de vizualizare publică. Acest lucru suprascrie orice setare individuală de afișare publică a rețetelor", + "lock-recipe-edits-from-other-households": "Blochează editarea rețetelor din alte locuințe", + "lock-recipe-edits-from-other-households-description": "Când este activata, doar utilizatorii locuinței tale pot modifica rețetele create in locuința voastră", + "household-recipe-preferences": "Preferințe pentru rețetele locuinței", + "default-recipe-preferences-description": "Acestea sunt setările implicite atunci când o nouă rețetă este creată în grupul tău. Acestea pot fi schimbate pentru rețete individuale în meniul Setări rețete.", + "allow-users-outside-of-your-household-to-see-your-recipes": "Permite utilizatorilor din afara locuinței tale să îți vadă rețetele", + "allow-users-outside-of-your-household-to-see-your-recipes-description": "Când este activată, poți folosi un link public de partajare pentru a distribui rețete specifice fără a autoriza utilizatorul. Când este dezactivat, poți partaja rețete doar cu utilizatori din grupul tău sau cu un link privat pre-generat", + "household-preferences": "Preferințe locuință" }, "meal-plan": { "create-a-new-meal-plan": "Creează un nou plan de mase", @@ -315,10 +315,10 @@ "mealplan-settings": "Setările planului de mese", "mealplan-update-failed": "Actualizarea planului de mese a eșuat", "mealplan-updated": "Plan de mese actualizat", - "mealplan-households-description": "If no household is selected, recipes can be added from any household", - "any-category": "Any Category", - "any-tag": "Any Tag", - "any-household": "Any Household", + "mealplan-households-description": "Daca nici o locuință nu este selectata, rețetele pot fi adăugate din orice locuință", + "any-category": "Orice categorie", + "any-tag": "Orice etichetă", + "any-household": "Orice locuință", "no-meal-plan-defined-yet": "Nici un plan de mese definit încă", "no-meal-planned-for-today": "Nicio masă planificată pentru astăzi", "numberOfDays-hint": "Număr de zile pe pagină încărcată", @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ }, "recipekeeper": { "title": "Oraganizator de rețete", - "description-long": "Mealie can import recipes from Recipe Keeper. Export your recipes in zip format, then upload the .zip file below." + "description-long": "Mealie poate importa rețete din \"Recipe Keeper\". Exportă rețetele tale în format ZIP, apoi încarcă fișierul .zip mai jos." } }, "new-recipe": { @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Introduceți datele rețetei. Fiecare linie va fi tratată ca un element într-o listă", "recipe-markup-specification": "Specificație Markup rețetă", "recipe-url": "URL rețetă", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Rețetă HTML sau JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Încarcă o rețetă", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Încărcaţi un fişier individual .zip exportat dintr-o altă instanţă de Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copiază și lipește un link de pe site-ul tău web preferat de rețete", @@ -478,8 +479,8 @@ "ingredients": "Ingrediente", "insert-ingredient": "Inserați Ingredientul", "insert-section": "Adăugare secțiune", - "insert-above": "Insert Above", - "insert-below": "Insert Below", + "insert-above": "Inserare deasupra", + "insert-below": "Inserare dedesubt", "instructions": "Instrucțiuni", "key-name-required": "Numele cheii este necesar", "landscape-view-coming-soon": "Landscape View (Coming Soon)", @@ -590,12 +591,12 @@ "create-recipe-description": "Creează o rețetă nouă de la zero.", "create-recipes": "Crează rețetă", "import-with-zip": "Importă cu .zip", - "create-recipe-from-an-image": "Create Recipe from an Image", - "create-recipe-from-an-image-description": "Create a recipe by uploading an image of it. Mealie will attempt to extract the text from the image using AI and create a recipe from it.", - "crop-and-rotate-the-image": "Crop and rotate the image so that only the text is visible, and it's in the correct orientation.", - "create-from-image": "Create from Image", - "should-translate-description": "Translate the recipe into my language", - "please-wait-image-procesing": "Please wait, the image is processing. This may take some time.", + "create-recipe-from-an-image": "Creează o rețetă dintr-o imagine", + "create-recipe-from-an-image-description": "Creează o rețetă prin încărcarea unei imagini a acesteia. Mealie va încerca să extragă textul din imagine folosind AI și să creeze o rețetă din el.", + "crop-and-rotate-the-image": "Decupați și rotiți imaginea astfel încât numai textul să fie vizibil, iar orientarea să fie corectă.", + "create-from-image": "Creează din Imagine", + "should-translate-description": "Tradu rețeta în limba mea", + "please-wait-image-procesing": "Te rog așteaptă, imaginea este procesata. Acest lucru poate dura ceva timp.", "bulk-url-import": "Import URL în bulk", "debug-scraper": "Depanare funcție Importare", "create-a-recipe-by-providing-the-name-all-recipes-must-have-unique-names": "Creează o rețetă furnizând numele. Toate rețetele trebuie să aibă nume unice.", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Importa o rețetă prin url. Oferiți url-ul pentru site-ul pe care doriți să îl importați, și Mealie va încerca să importe rețeta de pe acel site și să o adauge la colecția ta.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Ai mai multe rețete pe care vrei să le imporți simultan?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Încearcă importatorul în bulk", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Ai date de tip HTML sau JSON?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "Poți importa datele direct", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importă cuvintele cheie originale ca tag-uri", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rămâi în modul Editare", "import-from-zip": "Importă din zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importă o rețetă care a fost exportată dintr-o altă instanță a Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Importă din HTML sau JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Importă o singură rețetă din HTML sau JSON. Acest lucru este util dacă ai o reţetă de la un site pe care Mealie nu îl poate procesa normal, sau de la o altă sursă externă.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "Pentru a importa prin JSON, trebuie să fie în format valid:", + "json-editor": "Editor JSON", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Fișierele .zip trebuie să fi fost exportate din Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Creează o rețetă prin încărcarea unei scanări.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Încărcați o imagine png dintr-o carte de rețete", @@ -620,8 +627,8 @@ "report-deletion-failed": "Ștergerea raportului a eșuat", "recipe-debugger": "Depanare rețetă", "recipe-debugger-description": "Copiază URL-ul rețetei pe care vrei să o depanezi și lipește-l aici. URL-ul va fi importat și rezultatele vor fi afișate ulterior. Dacă nu vedeți date returnate, site-ul pe care încerci să îl procesezi nu este suportat de Mealie sau biblioteca sa de import.", - "use-openai": "Use OpenAI", - "recipe-debugger-use-openai-description": "Use OpenAI to parse the results instead of relying on the scraper library. When creating a recipe via URL, this is done automatically if the scraper library fails, but you may test it manually here.", + "use-openai": "Folosește OpenAI", + "recipe-debugger-use-openai-description": "Folosește OpenAI pentru a analiza rezultatele în loc să te bazezi pe biblioteca de \"scraping\". La crearea unei rețete prin URL, acest lucru se face automat în cazul în care biblioteca de \"scraping\" eșuează, dar puteți testa manual acest lucru aici.", "debug": "Depanare", "tree-view": "Vizualizare Ierarhică", "recipe-yield": "Producere rețetă", @@ -630,21 +637,21 @@ "screen-awake": "Păstrare ecran aprins", "remove-image": "Șterge Imaginea", "nextStep": "Pasul următor", - "recipe-actions": "Recipe Actions", + "recipe-actions": "Acțiuni rețetă", "parser": { - "experimental-alert-text": "Mealie uses natural language processing to parse and create units and food items for your recipe ingredients. This feature is experimental and may not always work as expected. If you prefer not to use the parsed results, you can select 'Cancel' and your changes will not be saved.", - "ingredient-parser": "Ingredient Parser", - "explanation": "To use the ingredient parser, click the 'Parse All' button to start the process. Once the processed ingredients are available, you can review the items and verify that they were parsed correctly. The model's confidence score is displayed on the right of the item title. This score is an average of all the individual scores and may not always be completely accurate.", - "alerts-explainer": "Alerts will be displayed if a matching foods or unit is found but does not exists in the database.", - "select-parser": "Select Parser", - "natural-language-processor": "Natural Language Processor", - "brute-parser": "Brute Parser", - "openai-parser": "OpenAI Parser", - "parse-all": "Parse All", - "no-unit": "No unit", - "missing-unit": "Create missing unit: {unit}", - "missing-food": "Create missing food: {food}", - "no-food": "No Food" + "experimental-alert-text": "Mealie foloseşte procesarea limbajului natural pentru a prelucra şi crea unităţi şi alimente pentru ingredientele reţetei. Această funcție este experimentală și este posibil să nu funcționeze întotdeauna conform așteptărilor. Dacă preferați să nu utilizați rezultatele analizate, puteți selecta 'Cancel' și modificările dvs. nu vor fi salvate.", + "ingredient-parser": "Analizator de ingrediente", + "explanation": "Pentru a utiliza analizatorul ingredientelor, faceți clic pe butonul „Analiză tot” pentru a începe procesul. Odată ce ingredientele procesate sunt disponibile, puteți revizui articolele și verifica dacă acestea au fost analizate corect. Scorul de încredere al modelului este afișat în dreapta titlului articolului. Acest scor este o medie a tuturor scorurilor individuale și este posibil să nu fie întotdeauna complet exact.", + "alerts-explainer": "Vor fi afișate alerte in cazul in care un aliment sau o unitate au fost găsite, dar nu exista in baza de date.", + "select-parser": "Alege analizatorul", + "natural-language-processor": "Procesor de limbaj natural", + "brute-parser": "Analizator brut", + "openai-parser": "Analizator OpenAI", + "parse-all": "Analizează tot", + "no-unit": "Nicio unitate", + "missing-unit": "Creează unitate lipsă: {unit}", + "missing-food": "Creează mâncare lipsă: {food}", + "no-food": "Niciun aliment" } }, "search": { @@ -656,7 +663,7 @@ "or": "Sau", "has-any": "Are orice", "has-all": "Are toate", - "clear-selection": "Clear Selection", + "clear-selection": "Anulează selecția", "results": "Rezultate", "search": "Caută", "search-mealie": "Căutare Mealie (apasă /)", @@ -675,7 +682,7 @@ "backup-created-at-response-export_path": "Backup creat la {path}", "backup-deleted": "Backup şters", "restore-success": "Restaurare efectuată", - "restore-fail": "Restore failed. Check your server logs for more details", + "restore-fail": "Restaurarea a eșuat. Verifică jurnalele serverului pentru mai multe detalii", "backup-tag": "Backup la Tag-uri", "create-heading": "Create a Backup", "delete-backup": "Șterge Backup", @@ -684,14 +691,14 @@ "import-summary": "Rezumat import", "partial-backup": "Backup parțial", "unable-to-delete-backup": "Backup imposibil de șters.", - "experimental-description": "Backups are total snapshots of the database and data directory of the site. This includes all data and cannot be set to exclude subsets of data. You can think of this as a snapshot of Mealie at a specific time. These serve as a database agnostic way to export and import data, or back up the site to an external location.", - "backup-restore": "Backup Restore", - "back-restore-description": "Restoring this backup will overwrite all the current data in your database and in the data directory and replace them with the contents of this backup. {cannot-be-undone} If the restoration is successful, you will be logged out.", - "cannot-be-undone": "This action cannot be undone - use with caution.", - "postgresql-note": "If you are using PostGreSQL, please review the {backup-restore-process} prior to restoring.", - "backup-restore-process-in-the-documentation": "backup/restore process in the documentation", - "irreversible-acknowledgment": "I understand that this action is irreversible, destructive and may cause data loss", - "restore-backup": "Restore Backup" + "experimental-description": "Backup-ul este un instantaneu total al bazei de date și al dosarului de date al site-ului. Acesta include toate datele și nu poate fi setat pentru a exclude subseturi de date. Vă puteţi gândi la asta ca la un instantaneu al Mealie la un anumit moment. Acesta serveşte ca o modalitatea a bazei de date pentru a exporta şi importa date, sau de a face o copie de rezervă a site-ului la o locaţie externă.", + "backup-restore": "Restaurare backup", + "back-restore-description": "Restaurarea acestui backup va suprascrie toate datele curente din baza de date și din folderul de date și le va înlocui cu conținutul acestei copii de rezervă. {cannot-be-undone} Dacă restaurarea are succes, vei fi deconectat.", + "cannot-be-undone": "Această acțiune nu poate fi anulată - utilizează cu prudență.", + "postgresql-note": "Dacă utilizezi PostGreSQL, te rog să verifici {backup-restore-process} înainte de a restaura.", + "backup-restore-process-in-the-documentation": "procesul de backup/restaurare în documentație", + "irreversible-acknowledgment": "Înțeleg că această acțiune este ireversibilă, distructivă și poate provoca pierderea datelor", + "restore-backup": "Restaurează backup" }, "backup-and-exports": "Backups", "change-password": "Schimbă parola", @@ -702,142 +709,142 @@ "first-day-of-week": "Prima zi a săptămânii", "group-settings-updated": "Setări de grup actualizate", "homepage": { - "all-categories": "All Categories", - "card-per-section": "Card Per Section", - "home-page": "Home Page", - "home-page-sections": "Home Page Sections", + "all-categories": "Toate categoriile", + "card-per-section": "Card per secțiune", + "home-page": "Pagina principală", + "home-page-sections": "Secţiuni pagină principală", "show-recent": "Afișare Recente" }, "language": "Limbă", "latest": "Ultimele", - "local-api": "Local API", - "locale-settings": "Locale settings", - "migrations": "Migrations", + "local-api": "API local", + "locale-settings": "Setările locale", + "migrations": "Migrații", "new-page": "Pagină nouă", "notify": "Notificare", "organize": "Organizare", "page-name": "Numele paginii", "pages": "Pagini", "profile": "Profil", - "remove-existing-entries-matching-imported-entries": "Remove existing entries matching imported entries", + "remove-existing-entries-matching-imported-entries": "Elimină intrările existente care se potrivesc intrărilor importate", "set-new-time": "Setează timp nou", - "settings-update-failed": "Settings update failed", - "settings-updated": "Settings updated", + "settings-update-failed": "Actualizarea setărilor a eșuat", + "settings-updated": "Setările au fost actualizate", "site-settings": "Setările site-ului", "theme": { "accent": "Accent", - "dark": "Dark", + "dark": "Întunecat", "default-to-system": "Implicit în sistem", "error": "Eroare", "error-creating-theme-see-log-file": "Eroare la crearea temei. Vezi fişierul de jurnal.", - "error-deleting-theme": "Error deleting theme", - "error-updating-theme": "Error updating theme", - "info": "Info", - "light": "Light", + "error-deleting-theme": "Eroare la ștergerea temei", + "error-updating-theme": "Eroare la actualizarea temei", + "info": "Informații", + "light": "Luminos", "primary": "Primară", - "secondary": "Secondary", + "secondary": "Secundar", "success": "Succes", - "switch-to-dark-mode": "Switch to dark mode", - "switch-to-light-mode": "Switch to light mode", - "theme-deleted": "Theme deleted", - "theme-name": "Theme Name", - "theme-name-is-required": "Theme Name is required.", - "theme-saved": "Theme Saved", - "theme-updated": "Theme updated", + "switch-to-dark-mode": "Schimbă la modul întunecat", + "switch-to-light-mode": "Schimbă la modul luminos", + "theme-deleted": "Tema a fost ștearsă", + "theme-name": "Nume temă", + "theme-name-is-required": "Numele temei este necesar.", + "theme-saved": "Tema a fost salvată", + "theme-updated": "Tema a fost actualizată", "warning": "Atenţie", "light-mode": "Mod Luminos", "dark-mode": "Mod Întunecat" }, "token": { - "active-tokens": "ACTIVE TOKENS", - "api-token": "API Token", - "api-tokens": "API Tokens", - "copy-this-token-for-use-with-an-external-application-this-token-will-not-be-viewable-again": "Copy this token for use with an external application. This token will not be viewable again.", - "create-an-api-token": "Create an API Token", - "token-name": "Token Name", - "generate": "Generate", - "you-have-token-count": "You have no active tokens.|You have one active token.|You have {count} active tokens." + "active-tokens": "TOKENI ACTIVI", + "api-token": "Token API", + "api-tokens": "Tokeni API", + "copy-this-token-for-use-with-an-external-application-this-token-will-not-be-viewable-again": "Copiați acest token pentru utilizarea cu o aplicație externă. Acest token nu va mai fi vizibil din nou.", + "create-an-api-token": "Creează un token API", + "token-name": "Nume token", + "generate": "Generează", + "you-have-token-count": "Nu ai niciun token activ.|Ai cel putin un token activ.|Ai {count} tokeni activi." }, "toolbox": { - "assign-all": "Assign All", - "bulk-assign": "Bulk Assign", - "new-name": "New Name", - "no-unused-items": "No Unused Items", - "recipes-affected": "No Recipes Affected|One Recipe Affected|{count} Recipes Affected", - "remove-unused": "Remove Unused", + "assign-all": "Atribuie tot", + "bulk-assign": "Atribuire în masă", + "new-name": "Nume nou", + "no-unused-items": "Niciun element neutilizat", + "recipes-affected": "Nicio rețetă afectata|O rețetă afectata|{count} rețete afectate", + "remove-unused": "Elimină neutilizate", "title-case-all": "Title Case All", - "toolbox": "Toolbox", - "unorganized": "Unorganized" + "toolbox": "Instrumente", + "unorganized": "Neorganizate" }, "webhooks": { - "test-webhooks": "Test Webhooks", - "the-urls-listed-below-will-recieve-webhooks-containing-the-recipe-data-for-the-meal-plan-on-its-scheduled-day-currently-webhooks-will-execute-at": "The URLs listed below will receive webhooks containing the recipe data for the meal plan on it's scheduled day. Currently Webhooks will execute at", - "webhook-url": "Webhook URL", - "webhooks-caps": "WEBHOOKS", - "webhooks": "Webhooks", - "webhook-name": "Webhook Name", - "description": "The webhooks defined below will be executed when a meal is defined for the day. At the scheduled time the webhooks will be sent with the data from the recipe that is scheduled for the day. Note that webhook execution is not exact. The webhooks are executed on a 5 minutes interval so the webhooks will be executed within 5 +/- minutes of the scheduled." + "test-webhooks": "Testează Webhook-uri", + "the-urls-listed-below-will-recieve-webhooks-containing-the-recipe-data-for-the-meal-plan-on-its-scheduled-day-currently-webhooks-will-execute-at": "URL-urile enumerate mai jos vor primi webhook-uri care conțin datele rețetelor pentru planul de mase în ziua programată. În prezent, Webhook-urile se vor executa la", + "webhook-url": "Adresa URL webhook", + "webhooks-caps": "WEBHOOK-URI", + "webhooks": "Webhook-uri", + "webhook-name": "Nume webhook", + "description": "Webhook-urile definite mai jos vor fi executate atunci când o masă este definită pentru o anumita zi. La ora programată, webhook-urile vor fi trimise cu datele din rețeta care este programată pentru acea zi. Reţineţi că execuţia webhook-ului nu este exactă. Webhook-urile sunt executate la un interval de 5 minute, astfel încât vor fi executate în termen de 5 +/- minute de la data programată." }, - "bug-report": "Bug Report", - "bug-report-information": "Use this information to report a bug. Providing details of your instance to developers is the best way to get your issues resolved quickly.", + "bug-report": "Rapoarte erori", + "bug-report-information": "Folosiți aceste informații pentru a raporta o eroare. Furnizarea de detalii despre instanța dvs. pentru dezvoltatori este cea mai bună modalitate de a rezolva rapid problemele dvs.", "tracker": "Tracker", - "configuration": "Configuration", - "docker-volume": "Docker Volume", - "docker-volume-help": "Mealie requires that the frontend container and the backend share the same docker volume or storage. This ensures that the frontend container can properly access the images and assets stored on disk.", + "configuration": "Configurare", + "docker-volume": "Volumul Docker", + "docker-volume-help": "Mealie necesită ca recipientul frontend şi backend-ul să partajeze acelaşi volum Docker sau acelaşi depozit de stocare. Acest lucru asigură accesarea corectă a imaginilor şi activelor stocate pe disc de către recipientul frontend.", "volumes-are-misconfigured": "Volumele sunt configurate greșit.", - "volumes-are-configured-correctly": "Volumes are configured correctly.", - "status-unknown-try-running-a-validation": "Status Unknown. Try running a validation.", - "validate": "Validate", - "email-configuration-status": "Email Configuration Status", + "volumes-are-configured-correctly": "Volumele sunt configurate corect.", + "status-unknown-try-running-a-validation": "Status necunoscut. Încercați să rulați o validare.", + "validate": "Validare", + "email-configuration-status": "Status configurație email", "email-configured": "E-mail configurat", "email-test-results": "Trimite rezultatele testului pe e-mail", - "ready": "Ready", - "not-ready": "Not Ready - Check Environmental Variables", - "succeeded": "Succeeded", - "failed": "Failed", - "general-about": "General About", - "application-version": "Application Version", - "application-version-error-text": "Your current version ({0}) does not match the latest release. Considering updating to the latest version ({1}).", - "mealie-is-up-to-date": "Mealie is up to date", - "secure-site": "Secure Site", - "secure-site-error-text": "Serve via localhost or secure with https. Clipboard and additional browser APIs may not work.", - "secure-site-success-text": "Site is accessed by localhost or https", - "server-side-base-url": "Server Side Base URL", - "server-side-base-url-error-text": "`BASE_URL` is still the default value on API Server. This will cause issues with notifications links generated on the server for emails, etc.", - "server-side-base-url-success-text": "Server Side URL does not match the default", - "ldap-ready": "LDAP Ready", - "ldap-ready-error-text": "Not all LDAP Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using LDAP Authentication.", - "ldap-ready-success-text": "Required LDAP variables are all set.", - "build": "Build", - "recipe-scraper-version": "Recipe Scraper Version", - "oidc-ready": "OIDC Ready", - "oidc-ready-error-text": "Not all OIDC Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using OIDC Authentication.", - "oidc-ready-success-text": "Required OIDC variables are all set.", - "openai-ready": "OpenAI Ready", - "openai-ready-error-text": "Not all OpenAI Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using OpenAI features.", - "openai-ready-success-text": "Required OpenAI variables are all set." + "ready": "Pregătit", + "not-ready": "Nu este gata - verifică variabilele de mediu", + "succeeded": "Reușit", + "failed": "Eșuat", + "general-about": "General despre", + "application-version": "Versiunea aplicaţiei", + "application-version-error-text": "Versiunea dvs. curentă ({0}) nu se potrivește cu cea mai recentă versiune. Luați în considerare actualizarea la ultima versiune ({1}).", + "mealie-is-up-to-date": "Mealie este la zi", + "secure-site": "Site securizat", + "secure-site-error-text": "Distribuie conținutul prin localhost sau securizează cu https. Este posibil ca API-urile adiționale si Clipboard sa nu functioneze.", + "secure-site-success-text": "Site-ul este accesat prin localhost sau https", + "server-side-base-url": "URL-ul de baza a serverului", + "server-side-base-url-error-text": "`BASE_URL` încă este setat la valoarea implicită pe serverul API. Acest lucru va cauza probleme cu link-urile de notificări generate pe server pentru e-mailuri, etc.", + "server-side-base-url-success-text": "Adresa URL a serverului nu se potrivește cu cea implicită", + "ldap-ready": "LDAP pregătit", + "ldap-ready-error-text": "Nu toate valorile LDAP sunt configurate. Acest lucru poate fi ignorat dacă nu utilizați autentificarea cu LDAP.", + "ldap-ready-success-text": "Variabilele LDAP necesare sunt setate.", + "build": "Compilare", + "recipe-scraper-version": "Versiune \"scraper\" de rețete", + "oidc-ready": "OIDC pregătit", + "oidc-ready-error-text": "Nu toate valorile OIDC sunt configurate. Acest lucru poate fi ignorat dacă nu folosiți autentificarea OIDC.", + "oidc-ready-success-text": "Variabilele OIDC necesare sunt setate.", + "openai-ready": "OpenAI pregătit", + "openai-ready-error-text": "Nu toate valorile OpenAI sunt configurate. Acest lucru poate fi ignorat dacă nu utilizaţi caracteristicile OpenAI.", + "openai-ready-success-text": "Variabilele necesare OpenAI sunt setate." }, "shopping-list": { - "all-lists": "All Lists", - "create-shopping-list": "Create Shopping List", - "from-recipe": "From Recipe", - "list-name": "List Name", - "new-list": "New List", - "quantity": "Quantity: {0}", - "shopping-list": "Shopping List", - "shopping-lists": "Shopping Lists", - "food": "Food", + "all-lists": "Toate listele", + "create-shopping-list": "Creează listă de cumpărături", + "from-recipe": "Dintr-o rețetă", + "list-name": "Nume listă", + "new-list": "Listă nouă", + "quantity": "Cantitate: {0}", + "shopping-list": "Listă de cumpărături", + "shopping-lists": "Liste de cumpărături", + "food": "Aliment", "note": "Note", - "label": "Label", - "save-label": "Save Label", - "linked-item-warning": "This item is linked to one or more recipe. Adjusting the units or foods will yield unexpected results when adding or removing the recipe from this list.", - "toggle-food": "Toggle Food", - "manage-labels": "Manage Labels", - "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-item": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", - "copy-as-text": "Copy as Text", - "copy-as-markdown": "Copy as Markdown", - "delete-checked": "Delete Checked", - "toggle-label-sort": "Toggle Label Sort", + "label": "Etichetă", + "save-label": "Salvează etichetă", + "linked-item-warning": "Acest element este legat de una sau mai multe rețete. Ajustarea unităților sau a alimentelor va produce rezultate neașteptate la adăugarea sau scoaterea rețetei din listă.", + "toggle-food": "Comută aliment", + "manage-labels": "Gestionează etichetele", + "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-item": "Ești sigur(ă) că vrei să ștergi acest element?", + "copy-as-text": "Copiază ca text", + "copy-as-markdown": "Copiază ca Markdown", + "delete-checked": "Șterge selecționate", + "toggle-label-sort": "Comută sortare etichete", "reorder-labels": "Reorder Labels", "uncheck-all-items": "Uncheck All Items", "check-all-items": "Check All Items", @@ -892,7 +899,7 @@ "tag-updated": "Tag updated", "tags": "Tags", "untagged-count": "Untagged {count}", - "create-a-tag": "Create a Tag", + "create-a-tag": "Creează o eticheta", "tag-name": "Tag Name", "tag": "Etichetă" }, From 562719e3a7abbf281debdff4fe7c454c88e94399 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:42 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 07/41] New translations en-us.json (French) --- frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json index 48e4e749067..fc55d292efb 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Copiez votre recette ici. Chaque ligne sera traitée comme un objet de la liste", "recipe-markup-specification": "Spécification du marquage des recettes", "recipe-url": "Adresse de la recette", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recette HTML ou JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Télécharger une recette", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Chargez un fichier .zip exporté depuis une autre instance Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copiez et collez un lien depuis votre site de recettes favori", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Récupérer une recette par URL. Fournissez l'URL de la page que vous voulez récupérer, et Mealie essaiera d'en extraire la recette pour l'ajouter à votre collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Vous avez un tas de recettes à récupérer d’un coup ?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Essayez l’importateur de masse", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Vous avez des données brutes en HTML ou JSON ?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "Vous pouvez directement importer des données brutes", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer les mots-clés d'origine en tant que tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rester en mode édition", "import-from-zip": "Importer depuis un zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importer une recette qui a été exportée depuis une autre instance de Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Importer depuis HTML ou JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Importe une unique recette à partir de HTML ou JSON brut. C’est utile si vous avez une recette venant d’un site que Mealie ne peut pas analyser normalement, ou bien d’une autre source externe.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "Pour importer via JSON, le format doit être valide :", + "json-editor": "Éditeur JSON", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Les fichiers .zip doivent avoir été exportés depuis Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Créer une recette en envoyant un scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Importer une image png d'un livre de recettes", From b0c46eb42dc10ec1f6aa81e0ea671cd7eb1c8b5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:44 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 08/41] New translations en-us.json (Afrikaans) --- frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json index eede91f9851..fdff66a4502 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Plak jou resepdata in. Elke reël sal as 'n item in 'n lys hanteer word", "recipe-markup-specification": "Resep formaat spesifikasie", "recipe-url": "Resep URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Laai 'n resep op", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Laai 'n .zip-lêer op wat vanaf 'n ander Mealie-instansie uitgevoer is.", "url-form-hint": "Kopieer en plak 'n skakel vanaf jou gunstelingresepwebwerf", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Voeg 'n resep by via 'n url. Voer die url van die webwerf in wat jy vir 'n resep wil skandeer, Mealie sal probeer om die resep vanaf daardie plek te skandeer en by jou versameling te voeg.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Voer oorspronklike sleutelwoorde as merkers in", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Bly in redigeer modus", "import-from-zip": "Voer vanaf zip in", "import-from-zip-description": "Voer 'n enkele resep in wat vanaf 'n ander Mealie-instansie uitgevoer is.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip-lêers moes vanaf Mealie uitgevoer gewees het", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Skep 'n resep deur 'n skandering op te laai.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Laai 'n png-prent uit 'n resepteboek op", From aae4392d4d6c9082c03bde20bb7e5b64fb1e46db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:45 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 09/41] New translations en-us.json (Arabic) --- frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json index 507a68da615..ccdf41ad3ff 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From f192d212baca9c6f878813c99dac26a341504ddd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:46 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 10/41] New translations en-us.json (Bulgarian) --- frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json b/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json index f1a96dea84b..41bb394acbc 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Поставете в данните на рецептата си. Всеки ред ще бъде третиран като елемент от списъка.", "recipe-markup-specification": "Спецификации за маркиране на рецептата", "recipe-url": "URL на рецептата", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Качи рецепта", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Качи като индивидуален .zip файлов формат от друга инстанция на Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Копирай и постави линк от твоя любим сайт за рецепти", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Обходи рецепта по линк. Предоставете линк за сайт, който искате да бъде обходен. Mealie ще опита да обходи рецептата от този сайт и да я добави във Вашата колекция.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Имате много рецепти, които искате да обходите наведнъж?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Пробвайте масовото импорторане", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Добави оригиналните ключови думи като етикети", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Остани в режим на редакция", "import-from-zip": "Импортирай от Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Импортирай рецепта, която е била експортирана от друга инстанция на Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip файловете трябва да бъдат експортирани от Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Добави рецепта като качиш сканирано копие.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Качи png изображение от книга с рецепти", From 0f6bff57288b55e7a9730f77d259d9fefec80ff8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:48 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 11/41] New translations en-us.json (Catalan) --- frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json index 1736c09f7d6..7a8ddecaaa8 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Copieu en la recepta. Cada línia serà tractada com un element de la llista", "recipe-markup-specification": "Especificació Markup de la recepta", "recipe-url": "URL de la recepta", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Puja una recepta", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Puja només un arxiu zip, exportat d'altre Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copia i enganxa l'enllaç del teu lloc web de receptes preferit", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Rastrejar recepta des de l'Url. Proporciona un Url del lloc que vols rastrejar i Mealie intentarà analitzar la recepta del lloc web i afegir-la a la teva col·lecció.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Tens moltes receptes a processar alhora?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Prova l'importador a granel", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importa les paraules clau originals com a tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Segueix en el mode d'edició", "import-from-zip": "Importa des d'un ZIP", "import-from-zip-description": "Importa una sola recepta que ha estat importada d'una altra instància de Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Els fitxers .zip han d'haver sigut exportats des de Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Crea la recepta pujant-ne un escaneig.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Puja una imatge PNG d'un llibre de receptes", From 06c3d2fb8989c6846ee322b6a3f12fa2468bc08e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:49 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 12/41] New translations en-us.json (Czech) --- frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json b/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json index 9a694a41c10..fe03cfe1a18 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Vložte data receptu. Každý řádek bude považován za položku v seznamu", "recipe-markup-specification": "Specifikace Markupu pro recept", "recipe-url": "URL receptu", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Nahrát recept", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Nahrát individuální .zip soubor exportovaný z jiné instance Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Zkopírujte a vložte odkaz z vaší oblíbené stránky s recepty", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Zůstat v režimu úprav", "import-from-zip": "Importovat ze zipu", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 9c08af48778d47329c775b6218cf10391631d74b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:51 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 13/41] New translations en-us.json (Greek) --- frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json index 71724de50ec..b1bd4b33ead 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Επικόλληση δεδομένων συνταγών σας. Κάθε γραμμή θα αντιμετωπίζεται ως αντικείμενο σε μια λίστα", "recipe-markup-specification": "Προδιαγραφή Σημείωσης Συνταγής", "recipe-url": "URL Συνταγής", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Συνταγή HTML ή JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Ανεβάστε μια συνταγή", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Ανεβάστε ένα μεμονωμένο αρχείο .zip που εξάγεται από μια άλλη περίπτωση Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Αντιγράψτε και επικολλήστε έναν σύνδεσμο από την αγαπημένη σας ιστοσελίδα συνταγών", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Κάντε scrape μια συνταγή από μια διεύθυνση url. Δώστε τη διεύθυνση url για την ιστοσελίδα που θέλετε να κάνετε scrape, και το Mealie θα προσπαθήσει να εξάγει τη συνταγή από αυτή την ιστοσελίδα και να την προσθέσει στη συλλογή σας.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Εχετε πολλές συνταγές που θέλετε να κάνετε scrape από ένα μέρος;", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Δοκιμάστε τον μαζικό εισαγωγέα συνταγών μας", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Εχουν ακατέργαστα δεδομένα HTML ή JSON;", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "Μπορείτε να κάνετε εισαγωγή απευθείας από ακατέργαστα δεδομένα", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Εισαγωγή αρχικών λέξεων-κλειδιών ως ετικέτες", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Παραμονή σε λειτουργία επεξεργασίας", "import-from-zip": "Εισαγωγή μέσω zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Εισαγωγή μιας μόνο συνταγής που εξάχθηκε από μια άλλη υπόσταση Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Εισαγωγή από HTML ή JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Εισαγωγή μιας μόνο συνταγής από ακατέργαστο HTML ή JSON. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο αν έχετε μια συνταγή από μια ιστοσελίδα που το Mealie δεν μπορεί να κάνει σωστά scrape, ή από κάποια άλλη εξωτερική πηγή.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "Για να γίνει εισαγωγή μέσω JSON, πρέπει να είναι σε έγκυρη μορφή:", + "json-editor": "Επεξεργαστής JSON", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Τα .zip αρχεία πρέπει να έχουν εξαχθεί από το Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Δημιουργήστε μια συνταγή ανεβάζοντας μια σάρωση.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Ανεβάστε μια εικόνα png από ένα βιβλίο συνταγών", From b6ddfa9204c6c95f2777db61cc7a596db1db6dca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:52 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 14/41] New translations en-us.json (Finnish) --- frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json index f48c5a98023..a921ba076c9 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Liitä reseptitiedot. Joka riviä kohdellaan luettelon kohteena", "recipe-markup-specification": "Reseptin merkkimääritys", "recipe-url": "Reseptin URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Lataa resepti", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Tuo yksittäinen pakattu kansio toisesta Mealie-ilmeentymästä.", "url-form-hint": "Liitä linkki lempireseptiverkkosivultasi", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Kaappaa resepti urlin avulla. Anna sen reseptin url-osoite, jonka haluat kaapata, ja Mealie yrittää kaapata reseptin kyseiseltä sivustolta ja lisätä sen kokoelmaasi.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Haluatko kerätä useamman reseptin kerralla?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Kokeile massasiirtotyökalua", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Tuo alkuperäiset avainsanat tunnisteiksi", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Pysy muokkaustilassa", "import-from-zip": "Tuo zip-arkistosta", "import-from-zip-description": "Tuo yksi resepti, joka on viety toisesta Mealie-asennuksesta.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip-tiedostot on täytynyt viedä Mealiesta", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Luo resepti lataamalla skannaus.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Lataa png- kuva reseptikirjasta", From e5fb9e986bb05817b84b8f6190c7ca3bd7ff10d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:54 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 15/41] New translations en-us.json (Hebrew) --- frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json b/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json index 66bcf709dec..0fe3a18ee40 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "הדבק את המידע על המתכון. כל שורה תהפוך לפריט ברשימה", "recipe-markup-specification": "הגדרות markup למתכון", "recipe-url": "קישור למתכון", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "העלאת מתכון", "upload-individual-zip-file": "העלאת קובץ זיפ שיוצא ממילי אחר.", "url-form-hint": "העתק והדבק קישור מאתר המתכונים המועדף עליך", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "קריאת מתכון בעזרת לינק. ספק את הלינק של האתר שברצונך לקרוא, ומילי תנסה לקרוא את המתכון מהאתר ולהוסיף אותו לאוסף.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "יש לך הרבה מתכונים שאתה רוצה לקרוא בבת אחת?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "נסה את יכולת קריאת רשימה", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "ייבא שמות מפתח מקוריות כתגיות", "stay-in-edit-mode": "השאר במצב עריכה", "import-from-zip": "ייבא מקובץ", "import-from-zip-description": "ייבוא מתכון בודד שיוצא ממילי אחרת.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "קבצי zip חייבים להיות מיוצאים ממילי", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "הוספת מתכון באמצעות סריקה.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "העלאת קובץ PNG מספר מתכונים", From 9e4ce9dc7d38423e952059e069b87987f147f1fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:55 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 16/41] New translations en-us.json (Hungarian) --- frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json | 15 +++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json b/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json index 83894ad72c6..afbed74757d 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json @@ -315,10 +315,10 @@ "mealplan-settings": "Menütervező beállításai", "mealplan-update-failed": "Menüterv módosítása sikertelen", "mealplan-updated": "Menüterv módosítva", - "mealplan-households-description": "If no household is selected, recipes can be added from any household", - "any-category": "Any Category", - "any-tag": "Any Tag", - "any-household": "Any Household", + "mealplan-households-description": "Ha nincs háztartás kiválasztva, a receptek bármelyik háztartásból hozzáadhatók", + "any-category": "Bármely kategória", + "any-tag": "Bármelyik címke", + "any-household": "Bármely háztartás", "no-meal-plan-defined-yet": "Nincs még menüterv létrehozva", "no-meal-planned-for-today": "Nincs mára menüterv", "numberOfDays-hint": "Napok száma az oldal betöltésekor", @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Másold be a receptedet. Minden sor egy új elemként lesz kezelve a listában", "recipe-markup-specification": "Receptjelölési előírás", "recipe-url": "Recept URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Recept feltöltése", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Tölts fel egy .zíp archívumot, ami egy másik Mealie példányból lett exportálva.", "url-form-hint": "Másold be a linket a kedvenc recept weboldaladról", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Recept (adatok) kinyerése Url alapján. Adja meg a beolvasni kívánt oldal Url-címét, és Mealie megpróbálja beolvasni a receptet az adott oldalról, majd hozzáadja azt gyűjteményéhez.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Sok receptje van, amit egyszerre szeretne átvenni?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Próbálja ki a tömeges importálót", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Nyers HTML vagy JSON adatai vannak?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "A nyers adatokból közvetlenül is importálhat", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Eredeti kulcsszavak importálása címkeként", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Maradjon Szerkesztés módban", "import-from-zip": "Importálás ZIP-ből", "import-from-zip-description": "Egy másik Mealie-példányból kiexportált recept egyedi importálása.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Importálás HTML vagy JSON fájlból", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Egyetlen recept importálása nyers HTML vagy JSON formátumból. Ez akkor hasznos, ha olyan oldalról származik egy recept, vagy más külső forrásból, amelyet a Mealie nem tud normálisan beolvasni.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "A JSON-on keresztül történő importáláshoz érvényes formátumban kell lennie:", + "json-editor": "JSON szerkesztő", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": " fájlokat Mealie-ból kell exportálni", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Recept létrehozása szkennelt dokumentum feltöltésével.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Png kép feltöltése egy szakácskönyvből", From 9a30a3c872b883f18b369e90109c4fe1b78c7e6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:56 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 17/41] New translations en-us.json (Italian) --- frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json b/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json index 25e959bc28a..02b27178661 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Inserisci i dati della tua ricetta. Ogni riga sarà trattata come uno step della ricetta.", "recipe-markup-specification": "Specifiche Markup Ricetta", "recipe-url": "URL Ricetta", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Carica una Ricetta", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Carica un singolo file .zip esportato da un'altra istanza di Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copia e incolla un link dal tuo sito di ricette preferito", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Recupera una ricetta da url. Fornire l'url per il sito che si desidera analizzare, e Mealie cercherà di recuperare la ricetta da quel sito e aggiungerlo alla vostra raccolta.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Hai un sacco di ricette che vuoi importare contemporaneamente?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Prova l'importatore massivo", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importa parole chiave originali come tag", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rimani in modalità Modifica", "import-from-zip": "Importa da Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importa una singola ricetta esportata da un'altra istanza di Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "I file .zip devono essere stati esportati da Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Crea una ricetta caricando una scansione.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Carica un'immagine png da un libro di ricette", From 523cba4270b845446cbbafc142df6c981e40913a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 18/41] New translations en-us.json (Japanese) --- frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json index ef459f56910..c5d8e0adf4e 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "レシピデータを貼り付けます。各行はリスト内のアイテムとして扱われます。", "recipe-markup-specification": "レシピマークアップ仕様", "recipe-url": "レシピのURL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "レシピのアップロード", "upload-individual-zip-file": "別のMealieインスタンスからエクスポートされた個別の.zipファイルをアップロードします。", "url-form-hint": "お気に入りのレシピサイトからリンクをコピーして貼り付け", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "URLからレシピをスクレイプします。 スクレイプしたいサイトのURLを入力してください。Mealieはそのサイトからレシピを抽出してコレクションに追加しようとします。", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "一度に読み込みたいレシピがたくさんありますか?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "一括インポートを試す", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "元のキーワードをタグとしてインポート", "stay-in-edit-mode": "編集モードを維持", "import-from-zip": "Zipからインポート", "import-from-zip-description": "別のMealieインスタンスからエクスポートされた1つのレシピをインポートします。", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zipファイルはMealieからエクスポートされている必要があります", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "スキャンをアップロードしてレシピを作成します。", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "レシピ本から png 画像をアップロード", From adadd835dcd7113ee6475173bd200b66e2247d9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:30:59 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 19/41] New translations en-us.json (Korean) --- frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json index 2f5489ef01d..d86e98606fe 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From cb9732c7d81362cef47a19d9129d348c110c2ee1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 20/41] New translations en-us.json (Lithuanian) --- frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json b/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json index 222178b9a02..fe6e7164247 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Įklijuokite receptą. Kiekviena nauja eilutė bus traktuojama kaip sąrašo elementas", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recepto žymėjimų specifikacija", "recipe-url": "Recepto nuoroda", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Įkelti receptą", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Įkelkite .zip failą, eksportuotą iš kitos \"Mealie\" sistemos.", "url-form-hint": "Nukopijuokite ir įklijuokite nuorodą iš mėgstamų receptų svetainės", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Nuskaityti receptą iš URL nuorodos. Pateikite recepto nuorodą, ir Mealie pabandys paimti recepto informaciją iš šios svetainės ir patalpinti ją jūsų kolekcijoje.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Įkelti pradinius raktažodžius kaip žymas", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Toliau redaguoti", "import-from-zip": "Įkelti iš .ZIP archyvo", "import-from-zip-description": "Įkelti atskirą receptą, išsaugotą iš Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".ZIP archyvai privalo būti išsaugoti iš Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Sukurti receptą iš nuskenuoto dokumento.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Įkelti .PNG nuotrauką iš receptų knygos", From 27cf966af21b8e51a419fc31c13c3fbf4ebf13f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:02 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 21/41] New translations en-us.json (Dutch) --- frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json b/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json index 97e6caf41e7..9aefc4b759e 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Plak je receptgegevens. Elke regel wordt behandeld als een item in een lijst", "recipe-markup-specification": "Opmaakspecificatie recept", "recipe-url": "Recept-URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recept HTML of JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload een recept", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload een .zip-bestand dat uit een andere Mealie-instantie is geëxporteerd.", "url-form-hint": "Kopieer en plak een link vanuit jouw favoriete receptenwebsite", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Voeg een recept toe via een URL. Geef de URL op van de site die je wil scannen voor een recept en Mealie zal proberen het recept vanaf die plek te scannen en aan je collectie toe te voegen.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Heb je veel recepten die je in één keer wil importeren?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Probeer importeren in bulk", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Heb je onbewerkte HTML of JSON gegevens?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "U kunt direct importeren uit onbewerkte gegevens", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importeer oorspronkelijke trefwoorden als labels", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Blijf in bewerkingsmodus", "import-from-zip": "Importeren uit zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importeer een recept dat geëxporteerd was uit een andere Mealie instantie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Importeer van HTML of JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Importeer een enkel recept van ruwe HTML of JSON. Dit is handig als je een recept hebt van een site dat Mealie niet normaal kan scrapen, of van een andere externe bron.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "Om via JSON te kunnen importeren, moet deze in geldig formaat zijn:", + "json-editor": "JSON-bewerker", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip-bestanden moeten uit Mealie geëxporteerd zijn", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Een recept maken door een scan te uploaden.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload een png-afbeelding uit een receptenboek", From db0c690d55f3853be0ddea37569c56b741c4fa4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:03 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 22/41] New translations en-us.json (Norwegian) --- frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json b/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json index 53d3dec5530..97a9c2a184d 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Lim inn oppskriftsdataene. Hver linje blir behandlet som et element i en liste", "recipe-markup-specification": "Spesifikasjon for oppskriftsmerking", "recipe-url": "Nettadresse til oppskrift", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Last opp oppskrift", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Last opp en individuell .zip-fil eksportert fra en annen Mealie-instans.", "url-form-hint": "Kopier og lim inn en lenke fra nettstedet med favorittoppskriftene dine", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Skrap en oppskrift ved bruk av nettadresse. Oppgi nettadressen til nettstedet du vil skrape, så vil Mealie forsøke å skrape oppskriften fra den siden og legge den til i samlingen din.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Har du mange oppskrifter du ønsker å skrape samtidig?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Prøv masseimporten", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer originale søkeord som emneord", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Forbli i redigeringsmodus", "import-from-zip": "Importer fra zip-fil", "import-from-zip-description": "Importer en enkelt oppskrift som ble eksportert fra en annen Mealie-instans.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip-filer må ha blitt eksportert fra Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Opprett en oppskrift ved å laste opp en skanning.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Last opp et png-bilde fra en oppskriftsbok", From 44a4d7bfbb45a2cbb10adfb865bef74f25cb5bd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:04 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 23/41] New translations en-us.json (Polish) --- frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json b/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json index 712bb9dfe24..cfe3b1cd733 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Wklej zawartość przepisu. Każda indywidualna linia traktowana będzie jako pozycja na liście", "recipe-markup-specification": "Specyfikacja znaczników przepisów", "recipe-url": "Adres URL przepisu", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Wrzuć przepis", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Prześlij pojedynczy plik .zip wyeksportowany z innej instancji Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Skopiuj i wklej link ze swojej ulubionej strony z przepisami", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Wczytaj przepis przez URL. Podaj adres URL witryny z przepisem, który chcesz wczytać, a Mealie spróbuje wyodrębnić przepis z tej strony i dodać go do kolekcji.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Masz mnóstwo przepisów, które chcesz zescrapować naraz?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Wypróbuj importer zbiorczy", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importuj oryginalne słowa kluczowe jako tagi", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Pozostań w trybie edycji", "import-from-zip": "Importuj z pliku Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importuj pojedynczy przepis, który został wyeksportowany z innej instancji Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Pliki .zip muszą zostać wyeksportowane z Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Utwórz przepis przesyłając skan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Prześlij obrazek png z książki przepisów", From 1307c2afee6bdeac65f6a36e26cd9aadcfdf80f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:06 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 24/41] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json index ceeb7386556..431b22f64c7 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Cole os dados da sua receita. Cada linha será tratada como um item numa lista", "recipe-markup-specification": "Especificação Markup da Receita", "recipe-url": "URL da Receita", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Enviar uma Receita", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Carregar um ficheiro .zip individual, exportado de outra instância do Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copie e cole um link do seu site de receitas favorito", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Extrair a receita por URL. Indique o URL da página da qual quer extrair e o Mealie tentará obter a receita dessa página e adicioná-la à sua coleção.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Tem muitas receitas para processar em simultâneo?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Experimente o importador em massa", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importar palavras-chave originais como etiquetas", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Permanecer no modo de edição", "import-from-zip": "Importar de Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importar uma única receita que foi exportada de outra instância Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Os ficheiros .zip devem ter sido exportados do Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Crie uma receita carregando uma digitalização.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Carregar uma imagem png de um livro de receitas", From 545784b1867fb00e2aefc339293b6a8096bd99da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:07 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 25/41] New translations en-us.json (Slovak) --- frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json index 7e5850f5ac7..0ae4ad90d95 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Vložte údaje z vášho receptu. Každý riadok sa považuje za samostatnú položku v zozname", "recipe-markup-specification": "Nastavenie značkovania receptov", "recipe-url": "URL adresa receptu", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Nahrať recept", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Nahrať súbor .zip exportovaný z inej Mealie inštalácie.", "url-form-hint": "Okopírujte a zložte odkaz z vašej obľúbenej webstránky", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Stiahne recept zo zadaného url odkazu. Zadajte url stránky, z ktorej chcete stiahnuť recept, a Mealie sa pokúsi recept stiahnuť a vložiť do vašej zbierky.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Máte množstvo receptov, ktoré by ste chceli naraz zoscrapovať?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Vyskúšajte hromadný importér", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importuj pôvodné kľúčové slová ako tagy", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Zostať v režime editovania", "import-from-zip": "Importovať zo Zip-súboru", "import-from-zip-description": "Importovať recept exportovaný z inej Mealie inštalácie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip-súbory museli byť exportované z Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Vytvor recept nahraním skenu.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Nahraj png-obrázok z kuchárky", From 2f1538872f4250c621f49aaf8c1586546c1daba9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:08 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 26/41] New translations en-us.json (Slovenian) --- frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json index dd74da7a290..30bbfcd700d 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Prilepi podatke recepta. Vsaka vrsta bo obravnavana kot element v seznamu", "recipe-markup-specification": "Markup specifikacija recepta", "recipe-url": "URL recepta", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Naloži recept", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Naloži posamezno .zip datoteko, izvoženo iz druge Mealie namestitve.", "url-form-hint": "Kopiraj in prilepi povezavo iz vaše priljubljene strani z recepti", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Postrgaj recept preko povezave. Priskrbi povezavo do strani, ki jo želiš postrgati in Mealie bo poskusil uvoziti recept iz strani in ga dodati v tvojo zbirko.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Imaš veliko receptov, ki jih želiš naenkrat postrgati s spleta?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Preizkusi masovni uvoz", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Uvozi izvorne ključne besede kot značke", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Urejaj naprej", "import-from-zip": "Uvozi z Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Uvozi posamezen recept, ki je bil izvožen iz druge instance Mealie aplikacije.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip datoteka mora biti izvožena iz Mealie aplikacije", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Ustvari recept z nalaganjem skenirane datoteke.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Naloži png sliko iz kuharske knjige", From b022dc70fe0244e93a4dcca52d06be8fd3e40ad2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:10 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 27/41] New translations en-us.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) --- frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json index d160a58263a..ce9c7185759 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Налепите ваше податке о рецепту. Свака линија ће бити третирана као ставка на списку", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Копирајте и налепите везу са вашег омиљеног сајта за рецепте", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Увези оригиналне кључне речи као ознаке", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Увези из Zip архиве", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Направи рецепт учитавањем скениране слике.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 4e1d2651513998f3fe9bca1ec38de2cb28cfdb2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:11 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 28/41] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) --- frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json index f709ee27763..0a47505dc5c 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Klistra in din receptdata, varje rad kommer att hanteras som ett listelement", "recipe-markup-specification": "Specifikation för receptmärkning", "recipe-url": "Recept URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Ladda upp ett recept", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Ladda upp en individuell .zip-fil som exporteras från en annan Mealie-instans.", "url-form-hint": "Kopiera och klistra in en länk från din favorit recept webbplats", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Hämta ett recept med webbadress. Ange URL:en för webbplatsen du vill hämta, och Mealie kommer att försöka hämta receptet från den webbplatsen och lägga till det i din samling.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Har du många recept som du vill skrapa på en gång?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Testa massimportören", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importera ursprungliga sökord som taggar", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stanna kvar i redigeringsläge", "import-from-zip": "Importera från zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importera ett enstaka recept som exporterades från en annan Mealie-instans.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip-filer måste ha exporterats från Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Skapa ett recept genom att ladda upp en skanning.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Ladda upp en png bild från en receptbok", From 5d6b687387aa01777c8d62f16263b184bae04bd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:13 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 29/41] New translations en-us.json (Turkish) --- frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json index 4e57af212c8..3799fe37489 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Tarif bilgilerini gir. Her satır bir liste elemanı olarak değerlendirilecek", "recipe-markup-specification": "Tarif İşaretleme Spesifikasyonu", "recipe-url": "Tarif Bağlantısı", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Tarif Yükle", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Başka bir Mealie örneğinden dışa aktarılan ayrı bir .zip dosyası yükleyin.", "url-form-hint": "Favori tarif sitenizden bir bağlantıyı kopyalayıp yapıştırın", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Url'den bir tarif kazıyın. Kazımak istediğiniz sitenin url'sini verin ve Mealie, tarifi o siteden alıp koleksiyonunuza eklemeye çalışacaktır.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Aynı anda kazımak istediğiniz birçok tarifiniz mi var?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Toplu ithalatçıyı deneyin", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Orijinal anahtar kelimeleri etiket olarak içe aktar", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Düzenleme modunda kalın", "import-from-zip": "Zip'ten içeri aktar", "import-from-zip-description": "Başka bir Mealie örneğinden dışa aktarılmış tek bir tarifi içe aktarın.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip dosyası Mealie'den dışa aktarılmış olmalıdır", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Bir tarama yükleyerek tarif oluşturun.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Yemek tarifi kitabından bir png resmi yükleyin", From cdf65ef53956ffecc360588c037c73aa2f0cf28c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:14 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 30/41] New translations en-us.json (Ukrainian) --- frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json index 6e3f73ddefd..f81cfb20704 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Вставте дані рецепту. Кожен рядок буде використаний як елемент у списку", "recipe-markup-specification": "Налаштування розмітки рецептів", "recipe-url": "URL-адреса рецепту", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Відвантажити рецепт", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Відвантажити окремий .zip файл, експортований з іншого Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Скопіюйте та вставте посилання з вашого улюбленого кулінарного веб-сайту", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Розпізнати рецепт за посиланням. Вкажіть посилання на рецепт який ви хочете розпізнати й Mealie спробує розпізнати його і додати в вашу колекцію.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Багато рецептів, які ви хочете розпізнати відразу?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Спробуйте масовий розпізнавач", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Імпортувати оригінальні ключові слова як теги", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Залишитися в режимі редактора", "import-from-zip": "Імпортувати з Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Імпортувати один рецепт, який був експортований з іншої Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip файли повинні бути експортовані з Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Створити рецепт, завантаживши скан.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Завантажити png зображення з книги рецептів", From c24a9c92f6fac0e11e133377a895920dd29310e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:15 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 31/41] New translations en-us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json index cf947f54155..e09ea269a93 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "请粘贴您的食谱资料。每行将被视为列表中的一项。", "recipe-markup-specification": "食谱标记规范", "recipe-url": "食谱网址", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "上传食谱", "upload-individual-zip-file": "上传从Mealie导出的.zip文件。", "url-form-hint": "从您最喜爱的食谱网站复制并粘贴链接", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "通过URL刮削食谱。提供你想要刮削网址的URL,Mealie会尝试从该网址刮削食谱并添加到你的收藏中。", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "你想要一次刮削多个食谱吗?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "试试批量导入器", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "导入原始关键字作为标签", "stay-in-edit-mode": "留在编辑模式", "import-from-zip": "从Zip压缩包导入", "import-from-zip-description": "导入从另一个Mealie应用导出的单个食谱。", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "必须是由Mealie导出的zip文件才有效", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "通过上传扫描图创建食谱。", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "上传一张PNG格式的纸质食谱照片", From eba1cc6d39812cb669e0db726eb1e1aa928eb521 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:17 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 32/41] New translations en-us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json index 41130fc0532..4284c9ca233 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "請貼上您的食譜資料。每一行將被視為清單中的一項。", "recipe-markup-specification": "食譜標記標準", "recipe-url": "食譜網址", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "上傳食譜", "upload-individual-zip-file": "上傳從另一個Mealie匯出的zip壓縮檔", "url-form-hint": "複製您最喜歡的食譜網站的網址並在此貼上", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 6cd5035780b49c3a521a94698bd6d7d5c40d5ae1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:18 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 33/41] New translations en-us.json (Vietnamese) --- frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json b/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json index 97773156df4..c034f23dd04 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 8c438faf737e1fd79df705384cac97db26663f48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:19 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 34/41] New translations en-us.json (Galician) --- frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json b/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json index c9325c4676f..52295d3802e 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 502e9c2141177c8def9b4ba85952e65fecbb0ef5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:21 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 35/41] New translations en-us.json (Icelandic) --- frontend/lang/messages/is-IS.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/is-IS.json b/frontend/lang/messages/is-IS.json index 0bc6c3d0aff..b37452a31aa 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/is-IS.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/is-IS.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 6286fd7666493f814fecdb161cdbf06f3207c3d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:22 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 36/41] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json index 9f668e5be71..b58bcd85681 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Cole os dados da sua receita. Cada linha será tratado como um item em uma lista", "recipe-markup-specification": "Especificação da Receita", "recipe-url": "URL da Receita", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Enviar uma Receita", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Enviar um arquivo .zip individual exportado a partir de outra instância do Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copie e cole um link do seu site de receita favorito", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape uma receita por url. Forneça o Url para o site que você deseja scrape, e Mealie tentará raspar a receita desse site e adicioná-la à sua coleção.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Tem muitas receitas a extrair de uma vez?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Tente o importador em massa", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importar palavras-chave originais como marcadores", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Permanecer no modo de edição", "import-from-zip": "Importar do .zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importar uma única receita exportada de outra instância Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Os arquivos .zip devem ter sido exportados do Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Crie uma receita carregando uma digitalização.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Carregar uma imagem em png de um livro de receitas", From 31cda592a30979d180a65b8d8f743ff433ad0d2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:23 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 37/41] New translations en-us.json (Croatian) --- frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json index 93487438606..3da0506c11d 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Zalijepite podatke svog recepta. Svaka linija će se tretirati kao stavka u popisu", "recipe-markup-specification": "Specifikacije Maekup Recepta", "recipe-url": "URL Recepta", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Učitaj Recept", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Prenesite pojedinačnu .zip datoteku koja je izvezena iz druge instance Mealie aplikacije.", "url-form-hint": "Kopirajte i zalijepite poveznicu s vaše omiljene web stranice za recepte", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Prikupi (skraperaj) recept putem URL-a. Priložite URL web stranice s koje želite prikupiti recept, a Mealie će pokušati prikupiti recept s te stranice i dodati ga u vašu kolekciju.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Uvezi originalne ključne riječi kao oznake", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Ostanite u načinu uređivanja", "import-from-zip": "Uvoz iz Zip-a", "import-from-zip-description": "Uvezi pojedinačni recept koji je izvezen iz druge instance Mealie aplikacije.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip datoteke moraju biti izvezeni iz Mealie-a", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Izradite recept tako što ćete učitati skeniranu kopiju.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Učitajte png sliku iz kuharice", From a2b2252f9d541508cd19d87b391946b6fe6377f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:24 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 38/41] New translations en-us.json (Latvian) --- frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json b/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json index aa2528b4c6f..615365758f6 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 3b57e46984d3656d534e256062797105e9de16d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:26 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 39/41] New translations en-us.json (English, United Kingdom) --- frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json b/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json index 8cb785ff341..b451040465a 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recipe HTML or JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favourite recipe website", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:", + "json-editor": "JSON Editor", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book", From 35ba85fa706b896703137ef1e7556b87aa029a54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:27 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 40/41] New translations en-us.json (French, Belgium) --- frontend/lang/messages/fr-BE.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-BE.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-BE.json index 48e4e749067..fc55d292efb 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-BE.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-BE.json @@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Copiez votre recette ici. Chaque ligne sera traitée comme un objet de la liste", "recipe-markup-specification": "Spécification du marquage des recettes", "recipe-url": "Adresse de la recette", + "recipe-html-or-json": "Recette HTML ou JSON", "upload-a-recipe": "Télécharger une recette", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Chargez un fichier .zip exporté depuis une autre instance Mealie.", "url-form-hint": "Copiez et collez un lien depuis votre site de recettes favori", @@ -604,10 +605,16 @@ "scrape-recipe-description": "Récupérer une recette par URL. Fournissez l'URL de la page que vous voulez récupérer, et Mealie essaiera d'en extraire la recette pour l'ajouter à votre collection.", "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Vous avez un tas de recettes à récupérer d’un coup ?", "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Essayez l’importateur de masse", + "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Vous avez des données brutes en HTML ou JSON ?", + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "Vous pouvez directement importer des données brutes", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer les mots-clés d'origine en tant que tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rester en mode édition", "import-from-zip": "Importer depuis un zip", "import-from-zip-description": "Importer une recette qui a été exportée depuis une autre instance de Mealie.", + "import-from-html-or-json": "Importer depuis HTML ou JSON", + "import-from-html-or-json-description": "Importe une unique recette à partir de HTML ou JSON brut. C’est utile si vous avez une recette venant d’un site que Mealie ne peut pas analyser normalement, ou bien d’une autre source externe.", + "json-import-format-description-colon": "Pour importer via JSON, le format doit être valide :", + "json-editor": "Éditeur JSON", "zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": "Les fichiers .zip doivent avoir été exportés depuis Mealie", "create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Créer une recette en envoyant un scan.", "upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Importer une image png d'un livre de recettes", From 8961fb35a671f9021d7a05e4c27ecbf552f704f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hayden <> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:31:28 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 41/41] New translations en-us.json (Romanian) --- mealie/repos/seed/resources/labels/locales/ro-RO.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/mealie/repos/seed/resources/labels/locales/ro-RO.json b/mealie/repos/seed/resources/labels/locales/ro-RO.json index eafa770656d..09a4e379361 100644 --- a/mealie/repos/seed/resources/labels/locales/ro-RO.json +++ b/mealie/repos/seed/resources/labels/locales/ro-RO.json @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "name": "Condimente" }, { - "name": "Confectionary" + "name": "Cofetărie" }, { "name": "Produse lactate"