ability to change backdrop color and style (color or opacity)
ability to change modal animation
ability to send data(options) to the component from modal ( multiple props )
add v-model support
ability to disable modal ( when modal is open or closed )
detect component from it's name or path and show it with modal component
ability to set timer to close the modal
ability to close modal with ESC key
ability to customize progressbar color
ability to control modal state from a prototype method
ability to close modal from attached component (this.$xmodal.close())
ability to change current component path on the fly ( this.$xmodal.open(path))
ability to pass props to component on the fly ( this.$xmodal.open(path, props));
- scaleIn
- scaleOut
- slideRight
- slideLeft
- slideTop
- slideDown
- scaleLeft
- scaleRight
- scaleBottom
- scaleTop
protected void :D