- Read array image data and metadata
- Identify the center of the well, crop it out
- Identify the spots in the array.
- Read each spot's region and convert that to an OD measurement
- Generate a report of spots and ODs
Current pipeline assumes one image per well named by the well-index (A1,A2,A3,...
Well A1 (Flu Experiment)
- the .xml is read and parsed into separate dictionries
- contains print array info such as rows, columns, pitch, spot diameter
- contains locations of antigens, controls and fiducials
Example print run metadata
<layout rows="6" cols="8" vspace="0.41" hspace="0.405" expected_diameter="0.2" background_offset="0.05" background_thickness="0.05" max_diameter="0.3" min_diameter="0.1">
<marker row="0" col="0" spot_type="Reference, Diagnostic" />
<marker row="0" col="7" spot_type="Reference, Diagnostic" />
<marker row="1" col="0" spot_type="Reference, Diagnostic" />
<marker row="1" col="7" spot_type="Reference, PositiveControl" />
<marker row="4" col="7" spot_type="Reference, NegativeControl" />
<marker row="5" col="0" spot_type="Reference, Diagnostic" />
<marker row="5" col="7" spot_type="Reference, Diagnostic" />
<spot id="spot-1-2" row="0" col="1" spot_type="Diagnostic" />
<spot id="spot-1-3" row="0" col="2" spot_type="Diagnostic" />
as you can see from the images above, the well position can vary from image to image.
METHOD "interp": we threshold to identify the boundary using OTSU
METHOD "fit": does not need to identify well boundary
METHOD "interp": select only the brightest pixels as seed positions for spots (greater than 95th percentile)
METHOD "fit": select spots using openCV's SimpleBlobDetector with params: minArea, maxArea, minCircularity, minConvexivity
next we gather properties of each segmented region (using sckimage.measure.regionprops) to apply some filters
METHOD "interp": filter spots by eccentricity < mean + 2*std
METHOD 'fit': Generate a reference grid that conforms to array print run (rows x cols).
Using "iterative closest point" algorithm, fit the fiducials from this reference grid to the result from SimpleBlobDetector. -
At this point, we assume the filters or fitting methods leave only real spots. From these spots, we use interpolate a block onto each spot
The above steps can be repeated for estimated background levels
The information from each spot in step #3 above is summarized as an Optical Density (OD) in the following images and report
Antigen worksheet of report
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| 0 | | 114 | 100 | KZ52 | c13C6 | c2G4 | c4G7 | |
| 1 | | 114 | 100 | KZ52 | c13C6 | c2G4 | c4G7 | |
| 2 | anti-HIS tag | 15731 | 15742 | 15750 | 15878 | 15946 | 15960 | Q411 |
| 3 | anti-HIS tag | 15731 | 15742 | 15750 | 15878 | 15946 | 15960 | Q411 |
| 4 | anti-HIS tag | 15974 | 16061 | FVM04 | VIC122 | Q206 | Q314 | |
| 5 | | 15974 | 16061 | FVM04 | VIC122 | Q206 | Q314 | |
Optical Density worksheet of report
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| 0 | 1.09348586 | 1.274936469 | 1.130797958 | 1.225837517 | 1.042772052 | 1.20056763 | 1.072387244 | 1.100760893 |
| 1 | 1.088949505 | 1.139443433 | 1.179673528 | 1.253505128 | 1.062039834 | 1.125543296 | 1.103111509 | 1.234257728 |
| 2 | 1.526547102 | 1.090505501 | 1.255221344 | 1.056073248 | 1.510661763 | 1.029962578 | 1.120706316 | 1.080969964 |
| 3 | 1.426604953 | 1.109832859 | 1.275447921 | 1.04740674 | 1.274042419 | 1.059029446 | 1.194087153 | 1.0730993 |
| 4 | 1.496396187 | 1.21556865 | 1.417112818 | 1.183898394 | 1.184774831 | 1.160777915 | 1.139684973 | 1.994962323 |
| 5 | 1.08574711 | 1.205482259 | 1.406633916 | 1.185217466 | 1.189582126 | 1.149181387 | 1.034703719 | 1.072368158 |
[link to report](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1usd1cVAJFzWANqR92SucaT6PpW581q8b/view?usp=sharing)
- Read array metadata
- Segment the image using openCV SimpleBlobDetector, which returns centroids and radii.
- Create an array of centroids that will be our "guess".
- Perform Iterative Closest Point fitting of the source in 3 vs the target in 2
- Place a block at each fitted point.
- Read each block's region and convert that to an OD measurement
- Generate a report of spots and ODs