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Code Institute Milestone Project 3, Data-centric Module

Tutti Fruitti is a place for smoothies recipes.

It is a platform for smoothies lovers to explore and share smoothies recipes with one another. The users also have the the option of hoding an account, there they can add, edit and delete the their own recipes.

Am I Responsive

A live website can be found here.⬅️

Table of Contents

Users Experience

Project Goals

The project goal is to provide a platform for users who love smoothies to explore new recipes and also add more recipes to share them with other users. As more and more users starting using the service, the website become a free resource.

Target Audience

Our target audience are anyone who interested in healthy living, who enjoys fruit and veg, or just simply exploring new experiences.

Users Stories

General User Goals

As a general user:

  • I want to be able to see recipes without having to register an account.

  • I want to be able to search recipe with certain ingredients.

  • I want to search by specific categories, ie. detox, kids friendly, weight loss etc.

  • I want to be able to share my recipe with other people.

  • I want to have an account so I can come back, add, edit or delete my recipe.

First Time User Goals

As a first time user:

  • I want to know what the website is about.

  • I want to explore around to get to know the place.

  • I want to have a little taste about how the recipe looks like, is it something I am looking for.

  • I want to know if there is an option to register and hold an account, so I can come back anytime and add recipe if I like.

Returning User Goals

As a returning user:

  • I want to be able to log into my accout.

  • I want to share my own recipe.

  • I want to add recipe to pre-determined categories.

  • I want to have access to the recipe I uploaded.

  • I want to be able to edit or delete my own recipe anytime if I want to.

Site Owner/Admin Goals

As the site owner/admin:

  • I want to be able to add new categories to the site.

  • I want the new category to be added and displayed as a certain way to go with the flow of the entire site.

  • I want to be able to edit the pre-existing categories.

  • I want to be able to delete any categories.


Overall Feel

Considering the nature of Smoothies, ie. "fruit" "vegetables" "summer" "ice" "cold" "fresh". The overall feel of this project will be light, cool, refreshing, clean. The user should feel like they are on holiday, by the beach and having a nice cold fruity drink in their hands.

Colour Scheme

Take from the above feeling, I decide to use below color palatte. ⬇️

color palatte color palatte



Imagery is the soul of a website, it plays an very important role of user experience. It should be nice and clear, illustrating the site and recipes. The color scheme of the images should interact with the main color scheme.

Wireframes and Mockups


The initial plan of this project is to use a bootstap template, but as the development progress, it turned out a bit messy. So I decided to ditch the original plan and start it again. You can see a photo or a hand-drawing mockup below. ⬇️



All wireframes were designed base on mobile first principle, along side with a tablet and destop view. You can see all wireframes here.

Database Schema

Database Schema


Existing Features

Navigation displayed in all pages

All the pages will look identical with the same navigation menu displayed at the very top. Depending if a user is logged in or not, the options correspond accordingly. see the chat below for a clearer view. ⬇️

navigation menu

Recipes avaliable to all users

All recipes are avaliable to all users, so that all users will get to taste what the website is all about, and what they can experience, then decide if they would like to explore more functionalities of the website.

Users can search recipes based on either key words or ingredients

For smoothies, most people may not familiar with a specific name. The main ingredient or the main liquid is what people look at when it comes to searching. This feature will meet this particular user need.

Slides diplayed on all recipes page to showcase various category of smoothies

The slides show the users of different types of smoothies with a tagline explaining what the benefits are.

Users can view full recipe

Users can access the full recipe page and view the ingredients and method, smoothie category and the username of the recipe creator.

Users account management

  • Register Users have the option to create an account.

  • LogIn registered users can access their account by logging in.

  • LogOut Once the user finished using the site, they have a option of logging out the website.

Users Recipes management

A registered user is able to upload their own recipes to the site. All access is shown on my recipes page.

  • Upload: users are asked to fill up a form to upload a recipe. The form is validated. It means that the user cannot leave any inputs blank and white spaces.

  • Edit: the user can edit their own recipes on my recipes page by hover over the recipe image and click on edit button. They will be shown the form their filled out when they created the recipe, they can make changes and save.

  • Delete: the user can delete their own recipes by clicking on the delete button when hovering over the recipe image. A confirmation message modal will pop up to confirm deletion.

Pagiantion on all recipes and my recipes pages

Pagination is used for all recipes and my recipes pages. It is useful for mobile devices, help reduce loading time. The database is relatively small at the moment, but it will get bigger as more and more users start to use it, it is very important feagure for this purpose.

Admin manage categories functionality

As a site owner, I can have the option to edit or delete the existing categories if I would like to.

Features Left to Implement

  • Calories calculation

    can be a nice feature for those who cautious about calorie gaining and weight management.

  • Reviews

    allow users to leave a review, commenting what they think about the recipe will help other users deciding on whether or not to try the recipe.

  • More secure user authetication system

    at the moment, the create account only build by username and password. The feature can be improved by adding email and comfrim passwording functionality.

  • Ability to upload an image file

    by adding a image file instead of relying on a URL.

  • Save Recipes

    the feature of saving a recipe to my account for future reference.

Technologies Used

Languages Used

  • HTML5

    • The language used to give the site its main structure and all necessary features.
  • CSS3

    • The language used to give the application its visual effects including the font, color and layout etc.
  • Javascript

    • The language used to implement the site's interactive features, allow the users to be interactive and make actions during their visit.
  • Python3

    • The language used to implement all backend functionalities.

Frameworks & Libraries

Other Programs Used

  • Heroku

    • Heroku used for hosting the live site.
  • MongoDB

    • MongoDB used to host database information.
  • VScode

    • Visual Studio Code has been used as a local code editor for write and manage all codes and files.
  • Github

    • Github is used to create, store and maintain all codes in a repository.

    • Github is also used as the site hosting service for the final website to be published on.

  • Git Version control

    • Git 2.31.1 for Mac is used for commit and push codes to Github.
  • Google Fonts

    • The font used on this quiz were chosen from Google fonts.
  • Fontawesome

    • The icons used on this quiz were found in Fontawesome.
  • Balsamiq

    • The wireframes were created using Balsamiq.
  • Random Key Generator

    • used to create a stronger password for required <SECRET_KEY>.
  • Google DevTools

    • Google DevTools was extensively used throughout the project for various styling, testing and debugging purposes.
  • Am I Responsive

    • Am I responsive has been used to test the responsiveness of the site and also to create the mock-up image presented at the start of this document.
  • W3C Markup Validation service

    • W3C Markup Validation Service has been used to test the HTML codes.
  • W3C CSS Validation Service

    • W3C CSS Validation Service has been used to test the CSS codes.
  • JSHint

    • JSHint has been used for checking Javascript code.
  • PEP8 Online

    • PEP8 Online used for checking python code meets PEP8 requirements.

    • has been used to compress large images.
  • coolors

    • coolors has been used to decide the color scheme for the site.
  • Light House

    • used for performance report.
  • Responsive Viewer

    • used for testing site responsiveness.
  • Lucidchart

    • used for document database schema and visual navigation system.


Testing information can be found in a seperate file


Heroku Deployment

I deployed this project to heroku using the following steps:

Create Flask Application

  • Log into Heruko
  • Under dashboard, Select "Create New App"
  • Choose an app name (it shows in red if the name is already taken)
  • select a region base on your location
  • click "Create app"

Create Github Repository

  • Log into Github
  • Click the green "new" button under the main dashboard
  • Choose a name
  • Select "Add a README file"
  • Click "Create repository"

Environmentals File

Create an file using the following information:

import os

os.environ.setdefault("IP", "") os.environ.setdefault("PORT", "5000") os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", " *unique secret key* ") os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_URI", " *unique uri from mongo.db * ") os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DB", " *database name* ")

The unique mongoDB url looks like this mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/databasename?retryWrites=true&w=majorit

The file contains sensive information, it needs to be added to the '.gitignore' file.

Requirements.txt and Procfile

Heroku needs to know all the requirements files the app needed for running the app successfully.

  • In VScode terminal, use the following command to create a requirements.txt file.

    pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

  • In VScode terminal, type echo web: python > Procfile to create a Procifile.

  • The Procfile need to contain web:python with no additional blank line after it.

  • Push these files to Github.

Connecting to GitHub

  • From the heroku dashboard select "Deploy" tab
  • In "deployment method" section select "GitHub"
  • From the search bar just appeared enter your Github repository name
  • When your locate the relative repository, click"Connect"
  • Click the "setting" tab in the top bar
  • Click"Reveal Config Vars" in the "Config Vars" section
  • fill up the form use the following key/value pairs in the file:
  • Go back to the "Deploy" tab and click "enable automatic deployment"
  • Uderneath, find "Manual Deploy", choose the master branch and click"Deploy Branch"
  • It may take a few minutes for the app to build, once it's done, click "Open App" from the top of the page

Forking the Repository

  • Log into Github and locate the Github repository
  • At the top right corner of the repository, there is a button reads "Fork"
  • Once click on the button, you will have a copy of the original repository in your own Github account.

Local Clone

  • Log into Github
  • Locate the repository
  • Under the main navbar there is a button "code" beside the green "Gitpod" button
  • Click on "Code" button, you can see the URL of the repository
  • Click on the clipboard icon to copy the URL
  • Open your local terminal
  • Change the current working directory to the location where you want to clone the repository
  • Type in CLI the command git cloneand paste the URL you just copied. It should look like this: $ git clone
  • press enter to create you local clone


  • Inside the "code" button, at the buttom click "Download ZIP"
  • A zip file will download into you download folder on your device
  • Double click on the zip file, it will unzip it for you
  • Now you have all the files of the project

NB: In order to work with a clone of this project, you will need to create your own file using your own variables and create your own mongoDB database matching the schema in the Database Schema section.





All testing recipes are taken from BBC good food, eatthisnotthat! and allrecipes


  • Landing page images are downloaded from shutterstock

  • All smoothies images in all recipes pages represent each category are downloaded from unsplash

  • Logo icon, favicon and all the icons in create recipe form are downloaded from ICON8


I would like to thank:

  • My mentor Antonio Rodriguez for his patience and generosity with his times.

  • Help and support from fellow students in the Slack community.

  • Tutor support and student care team.

Should you have any queries please reach me on [email protected]