Query GCP metadata service for information
When sourced as a library, this provides functions to get various bits of information from the GCP metadata service. When operating as a script, it will output common environment variables used for GCP tools
This code handles environments where jq
may not be available.
Builds headers for curl requests from HEADERS environment variable
$ source gcp/gcp-credentials.sh
$ headers
-H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google'
Builds url encoding commands for curl requests
$ source gcp/gcp-credentials.sh
$ url_encode
--data-urlencode 'format=full'
$ url_encode "audience=https://vault"
--data-urlencode 'format=full' --data-urlencode 'audience=https://vault'
- $1 (string): Data to encode in URL safe format
Returns a GCE instance identity (JWT token) for the audience requested
$ source gcp/gcp-credentials.sh
$ gcp_identity "https://vault"
- $1 (string): Audience to request JWT token for
Returns information about a service accunt, or the default if none passed
$ source gcp/gcp-credentials.sh
$ gcp_service_accounts
{"aliases":"default","email":"[email protected]","scopes":"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email\nhttps://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform\n"}
$ gcp_service_accounts "default"
{"aliases":"default","email":"[email protected]","scopes":"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email\nhttps://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform\n"}
- $1 (string): Google Service Account (Default: default)