Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period, along with controlling the rest time during training. The app allows you to record a number of your exercise repetitions per set and use a custom timer countdown as rest time between exercise sets.
- Kotlin
- Coroutines & Flow for asynchronous programming
- Target level 31
- Minimum level 23
- Dagger Hilt - a dependency injection library for Android
- ViewBindingDelegate - a property delegate for ViewBinding
- Room Persistence - an abstraction layer over SQLite
- Navigation - a framework for navigating between 'destinations'
- Lifecycle - lifecycle-aware components
- Recyclerview - a view group to create dynamic lists
- Preferences - interactive settings screens
- JUnit - a simple framework to write repeatable tests
- Espresso - Android UI tests
- MockK - a mocking library for Kotlin
If you have general suggestions, please feel free to submit a new Github issue.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Maxim Smolyakov - LinkedIn