This is a set of icons to be used with the MetAlerts API. The icons are finished, but the filenames and symbol codes in MetAlerts are not finished yet. In the mean time you can download alerting icons in SVG format (which can be converted to PNG) from the NRK GitHub page.
Each warning icon includes a yellow, orange, and red variant. You can find descriptions of what the icons represent on the Yr help pages in English and Norwegian.
Event type | Icon id |
Avalanches | icon-warning-avalanches |
BlowingSnow | icon-warning-snow |
DrivingConditions | icon-warning-drivingconditions |
Flood | icon-warning-flood |
ForestFire | icon-warning-forestfire |
Gale | icon-warning-wind |
Ice | icon-warning-ice |
Icing | icon-warning-generic |
Landslide | icon-warning-landslide |
PolarLow | icon-warning-polarlow |
Rain | icon-warning-rain |
RainFlood | icon-warning-rainflood |
Snow | icon-warning-snow |
StormSurge | icon-warning-stormsurge |
Lightning | icon-warning-lightning |
Wind | icon-warning-wind |
Unknown | icon-warning-generic |
In addition there is an extreme warning icon, icon-warning-extreme
, which only is available in red.