Services aren't automatically enabled
(default true) must be enabled for systemd sharing to work
In nix-unify, after creating a service it needs to be added to nix-unify.modules.shareSystemd.units
In order to override an existing host-service the service additionally needs to be added to nix-unify.modules.shareSystemd.replace
(default true) must be enabled for /run/current-system/sw/bin to be added to the host's path
(default false) must be enavbled for networkd configuration to be replaced by the one provided by nixos
Note: If ifupdown is detected, ifupdown is disabled before activating networkd.
Not currently supported, support planned
Symlinks in /etc aren't automatically created
nix-unify.files.etc."file-or-folder" = {}
can be used to create a symlink from the nixos /etc to the host's /etc