An asset that describes how a particle node should emit particles.
Set the material that should be used for rendering.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetMaterial(material)
- Arg:
Material material
Material to use
Get the material that is used for rendering.
Sig: material = ParticleSystem:GetMaterial()
- Ret:
Material material
Material for rendering
Set the duration. A duration of 0 means infinite duration.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetDuration(duration)
- Arg:
number duration
System duration
Get the duration. A duration of 0 means infinite duration.
Sig: duration = ParticleSystem:GetDuration()
- Ret:
number duration
System duration
Set the particle spawn rate (how many particles should be spawned per second).
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetSpawnRate(rate)
- Arg:
number rate
Spawn rate
Get the particle spawn rate (how many particles should be spawned per second).
Sig: rate = ParticleSystem:GetSpawnRate()
- Ret:
number rate
Spawn rate
Set the burst count.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetBurstCount(count)
- Arg:
integer count
Burst count
Get the burst count.
Sig: count = ParticleSystem:GetBurstCount()
- Ret:
integer count
Burst count
Set the burst window in seconds.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetBurstWindow(window)
- Arg:
number window
Burst window
Get the burst window in seconds.
Sig: window = ParticleSystem:GetBurstWindow()
- Ret:
number window
Burst window
Set the maximum number of particles. New particles will not be emitted if the system has reached its max particle count.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetMaxParticles(max)
- Arg:
integer max
Maximum number of particles
Get the maximum number of particles. New particles will not be emitted if the system has reached its max particle count.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetMaxParticles()
- Ret:
integer max
Maximum number of particles
Set the number of loops. 0 = infinite loops.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetLoops(loops)
- Arg:
integer loops
Num loops
Get the number of loops. 0 = infinite loops.
Sig: loops = ParticleSystem:GetLoops()
- Ret:
integer loops
Num loops
Set whether the particle system should use radial velocity. If using radial velocity, velocity will point away from the center and only the X component of the velocity is used.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetRadialVelocity(radial)
- Arg:
boolean radial
Use radial velocity
Check whether the particle system should use radial velocity. If using radial velocity, velocity will point away from the center and only the X component of the velocity is used.
Sig: radial = ParticleSystem:IsRadialVelocity()
- Ret:
boolean radial
Use radial velocity
Set whether the particle system should spawn particles in a radius around the center. When using radial spawn, only the X component of the min/max position is used for positioning newly spawned particles.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetRadialSpawn(radial)
- Arg:
boolean radial
Radial spawn
Check whether the particle system should spawn particles in a radius around the center. When using radial spawn, only the X component of the min/max position is used for positioning newly spawned particles.
Sig: radial = ParticleSystem:IsRadialSpawn()
- Ret:
boolean radial
Radial spawn
Set whether the width/height ratio of particles should be locked.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetLockedRatio(locked)
- Arg:
boolean locked
Locked ratio
Check whether the width/height ratio of particles should be locked.
Sig: locked = ParticleSystem:IsRatioLocked()
- Ret:
boolean locked
Locked ratio
Set the minimum and maximum particle lifetime.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetLifetime(min, max)
- Arg:
number min
Min lifetime - Arg:
number max
Max lifetime
Get the minimum particle lifetime.
Sig: min = ParticleSystem:GetLifetimeMin()
- Ret:
number min
Min lifetime
Get the maximum particle lifetime.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetLifetimeMax()
- Ret:
number max
Max lifetime
Set the minimum and maximum particle position.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetPosition(min, max)
- Arg:
Vector min
Min position - Arg:
Vector max
Max position
Get the minimum particle position.
Sig: min = ParticleSystem:GetPositionMin()
- Ret:
Vector min
Min position
Get the maximum particle position.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetPositionMax()
- Ret:
Vector max
Max position
Set the minimum and maximum particle initial velocity.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetVelocity(min, max)
- Arg:
Vector min
Min velocity - Arg:
Vector max
Max velocity
Get the minimum particle initial velocity.
Sig: min = ParticleSystem:GetVelocityMin()
- Ret:
Vector min
Min velocity
Get the maximum particle initial velocity.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetVelocityMax()
- Ret:
Vector max
Max velocity
Set the minimum and maximum particle initial size.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetSize(min, max)
- Arg:
Vector min
Min size - Arg:
Vector max
Max size
Get the minimum particle initial size.
Sig: min = ParticleSystem:GetSizeMin()
- Ret:
Vector min
Min size
Get the maximum particle initial size.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetSizeMax()
- Ret:
Vector max
Max size
Set the minimum and maximum initial particle rotation in radians.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetRotation(min, max)
- Arg:
number min
Min rotation in radians - Arg:
number max
Max rotation in radians
Get the minimum initial particle rotation in radians.
Sig: min = ParticleSystem:GetRotationMin()
- Ret:
number min
Min rotation in radians
Get the maximum initial particle rotation in radians.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetRotationMax()
- Ret:
number max
Max rotation in radians
Set the minimum and maximum particle rotation speed in radians/second.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetRotationSpeed(min, max)
- Arg:
number min
Min rotation speed in radians/s - Arg:
number max
Max rotation speed in radians/s
Get the minimum particle rotation speed in radians/second.
Sig: min = ParticleSystem:GetRotationSpeedMin()
- Ret:
number min
Min rotation speed in radians/s
Get the maximum particle rotation speed in radians/second.
Sig: max = ParticleSystem:GetRotationSpeedMax()
- Ret:
number max
Max rotation speed in radians/s
Set the uniform particle acceleration.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetAcceleration(acceleration)
- Arg:
Vector acceleration
Uniform acceleration
Get the uniform particle acceleration.
Sig: acceleration = ParticleSystem:GetAcceleration()
- Ret:
Vector acceleration
Uniform acceleration
Set the alpha ease factor which will fade in and out particles. 0.1 ease means fade in during the first 10% of particle lifetime and fade out for the last 10% of the particle lifetime.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetAlphaEase(ease)
- Arg:
number ease
Alpha ease (0 - 0.5)
Get the alpha ease factor which will fade in and out particles. 0.1 ease means fade in during the first 10% of particle lifetime and fade out for the last 10% of the particle lifetime.
Sig: ease = ParticleSystem:GetAlphaEase()
- Ret:
number ease
Alpha ease (0 - 0.5)
Set the scale ease factor which will scale in and out particles. 0.1 ease means scale up during the first 10% of particle lifetime and scale down for the last 10% of the particle lifetime.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetScaleEase(ease)
- Arg:
number ease
Scale ease (0 - 0.5)
Get the scale ease factor which will scale in and out particles. 0.1 ease means scale up during the first 10% of particle lifetime and scale down for the last 10% of the particle lifetime.
Sig: ease = ParticleSystem:GetScaleEase()
- Ret:
number ease
Scale ease (0 - 0.5)
Set the starting particle color.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetColorStart(color)
- Arg:
Vector color
Start color
Get the starting particle color.
Sig: color = ParticleSystem:GetColorStart()
- Ret:
Vector color
Start color
Set the end particle color.
Sig: ParticleSystem:SetColorEnd(color)
- Arg:
Vector color
End color
Get the end particle color.
Sig: color = ParticleSystem:GetColorEnd()
- Ret:
Vector color
End color