The base object that can be added to a world and saved in a scene.
Construct a node from a given class name. (e.g. "Node3D", "Primitive3D", "Text", "Image")
Alias: New
Sig: node = Node.Construct(className="Node")
- Arg:
string className
The class of the node to create. Default = "Node". - Ret:
Node node
The newly constructed node.
Destruct a node, freeing the memory and making it unusable.
Sig: Node.Destruct(node)
- Arg:
Node node
The node to be destroyed.
Check whether a node is valid. This function currently always returns true, but when the engine is compiled using LUA_SAFE_NODE, this function will return true only if the underlying node reference is valid.
Sig: valid = Node:IsValid()
- Ret:
boolean valid
Whether the node is valid.
Get this node's name. A node's name must be unique among all of its siblings.
Sig: name = Node:GetName()
- Ret:
string name
The node's name
Set this node's name. A node's name must be unique among all of its siblings. If a sibling node already has the same name, then SetName() will append a unique identifier so that it can be differentiated.
Sig: Node:SetName(name)
- Arg:
string name
The node's new name
Control whether the node is active. Active nodes will tick and recursively tick their children. If a parent node is not active, but the child node is active, the child node will never tick.
Sig: Node:SetActive(active)
- Arg:
boolean active
New active status
Check if the node is currently active. An optional boolean can be passed to check if any ancestor node is inactive, essentially making this node inactive.
Sig: active = Node:IsActive(recurse=false)
- Arg:
boolean recurse
Recursively check ancestors - Ret:
boolean active
Active status
Sets the visibility of the node. Only visible nodes will be rendered. If a node is not visible, none of its children nodes will be rendered either.
Sig: Node:SetVisible(visible)
- Arg:
boolean visible
Visible status
Checks if the node is visible. An optional boolean can be passed to check if any ancestor node is not visible, essentially making this node not visible.
Sig: visible = Node:IsVisible(recurse=false)
- Arg:
boolean recurse
Recursively check ancestors - Ret:
boolean visible
Visible status
Returns the World that the node is currently in. Returns nil if not part of a World.
Sig: world = Node:GetWorld()
- Ret:
World world
Current world
Returns this node's parent node.
Sig: parent = Node:GetParent()
- Ret:
Node parent
This node's parent node
Attach this node to a new parent node.
Sig: Node:Attach(parent, keepWorldTransform=false, childIndex=0)
- Arg:
Node parent
The new parent. Can be nil. - Arg:
boolean keepWorldTransform
Option to keep the same world-space transform. Useful when you want to reparent something while keeping it in the same position. - Arg:
integer childIndex
Where in the parent's child array this node should be placed. If 0, this node will be placed at the end of the parent node's child array.
Detach this node from its parent. This is essentially the same thing as calling Node:Attach(nil).
Sig: Node:Detach(keepWorldTransform=false)
- Arg:
boolean keepWorldTransform
Option to keep the same world-space transform. Useful when you want to reparent something while keeping it in the same position.
Get a child node by its index.
Sig: child = Node:GetChild(index)
- Arg:
integer index
Which child to get - Ret:
Node child
The child node. Will be nil if the index is out of range.
Get the first child node of a given type.
Sig: child = Node:GetChildByType(typeName)
- Arg:
string typeName
The typename of child (e.g. Node3D, Primitive3D, Text, Image...). - Ret:
Node child
The child node (nil if none of the children match the type).
Return the number of children this node has.
Sig: numChildren = Node:GetNumChildren()
- Ret:
integer numChildren
Number of children
Parent the given node to this node. This is equivalent to calling newChild:Attach(thisNode).
Sig: Node:AddChild(newChild, index=0)
- Arg:
Node newChild
The new child node you want to add - Arg:
integer index
The child index the new node should be placed at. If 0, it will be placed at the end.
Remove a child node.
Sig: Node:RemoveChild(childIndexOrName)
- Arg:
integer/string childIndexOrName
Either an integer index, or a string name to identify which child should be removed.
Find a child node by its name. An optional recurse argument can be provided to check all children recursively.
Sig: child = Node:FindChild(name, recurse=false)
- Arg:
string name
Name of the child to find - Arg:
boolean recurse
Whether to recursively search all children. If false (the default value), only the immediate children will be searched. - Ret:
Node child
The found child node. Will return nil if no child was found.
Find the first child node with a given tag. An optional recurse argument can be provided to check all children recursively.
Sig: child = Node:FindChild(tag, recurse=false)
- Arg:
string tag
Tag to search for - Arg:
boolean recurse
Whether to recursively search all children. If false (the default value), only the immediate children will be searched. - Ret:
Node child
The found child node. Will return nil if no child was found.
Find a descendant node by name. This is equivalent to calling Node:FindChild(name, true).
Sig: descendant = Node:FindDescendant(name)
- Arg:
string name
Descendant name - Ret:
Node descendant
Descandant node if found (otherwise nil)
Find an ancestor node by name.
Sig: ancestor = Node:FindAncestor(name)
- Arg:
string name
Ancestor name - Ret:
Node ancestor
Ancestor node if found (otherwise nil)
Check if the given node is an ancestor of this node.
Sig: hasAncestor = Node:HasAncestor(node)
- Arg:
Node node
Node to check - Ret:
boolean hasAncestor
True if node was an ancestor of self
Return the root ancestor node of this node (i.e. the first node with no parent).
Sig: root = Node:GetRoot()
- Ret:
Node root
The root node of this node's tree
Checks to see if this node is the root node of the world it is currently in.
Sig: isRoot = Node:IsWorldRoot()
- Ret:
boolean isRoot
true if node is in a world and is the world's root node, otherwise false.
Execute a function for this node and it's descendants. An example that prints out all of the node tree's names is given below:
function PrintNodeNames(node)
return true
If false is returned by the passed in function, it indicates that the Traverse function should not call the function on its children. Another example where we only print out the names of visible nodes:
function PrintVisibleNodeNames(node)
if (node:IsVisible()) then
return true
return false
Sig: Node:Traverse(func, inverted=false)
- Arg:
function func
Function to invoke on each node - Arg:
boolean inverted
If true invoke function on leaf nodes first, and work backwards to the self node
Execute a function on this node and its children, similarly to Traverse(), except the passed in function should return true to continue execution on the next node and false to break out of the iteration entirely (not just skip over children).
Sig: success = Node:ForEach(func, inverted=false)
- Arg:
function func
Function to invoke on each node - Arg:
boolean inverted
If true invoke function on leaf nodes first, and work backwards to the self node - Ret:
boolean success
If true, all nodes were iterated over. If false, the execution was broken early
Construct a new node and parent it to this node.
Sig: child = Node:CreateChild(className)
- Arg:
string className
Class name of node type to construct (e.g. Primitive3D, Image) - Ret:
Node child
The newly created child (nil if failed or an invalid class name was provided)
Construct a new node cloned from a source node and parent it to this node.
Sig: child = Node:CreateChildClone(srcNode, recurse)
- Arg:
Node srcNode
The source node to copy from - Arg:
boolean recurse
Whether child nodes should be recursively created and copied - Ret:
Node child
The newly cloned node
Create a copy of node. If the recurse option is set to true, it will copy all child nodes as well.
Sig: node = Node:Clone(srcNode, recurse)
- Arg:
Node srcNode
The source node to copy from - Arg:
boolean recurse
If true, clone all children nodes as well - Ret:
Node node
Newly created, cloned node
Destroy a child node based on a given name or index. Note: This function seems excessive. Can we remove it?
Sig: Node:DestroyChild(nameOrIndex)
- Arg:
string/integer nameOrIndex
Name (string) or index (integer) of child node to destroy
Destroy all child nodes.
Sig: Node:DestroyAllChildren()
Manually invoke the Start function of the node if it hasn't been started already. Normally a node will have its Start() function called on the first frame it ticks, but sometimes it can be useful to manually invoke Start() to control the order that nodes are started.
Sig: Node:Start()
Check if the node has already started (i.e. has had its Start() function called)
Sig: hasStarted = Node:HasStarted()
- Ret:
boolean hasStarted
true if Start() has been called for this node
Mark the node to be destroyed at the end of the frame.
Sig: Node:SetPendingDestroy(destroy)
- Arg:
boolean destroy
true to mark for destruction
Check if the node is marked to be destroyed at the end of the frame.
Sig: pendingDestroy = Node:IsPendingDestroy()
- Ret:
boolean pendingDestroy
true if marked for destruction
Set whether or not this node should tick every frame. Note: I don't think there is any difference between this and SetActive() right now, so this function might be removed in the future.
Sig: Node:EnableTick(enable)
- Arg:
boolean enable
Whether to tick
Check if this node will have its Tick() function called. Note: I don't think there is any difference between this and IsActive() right now, so this function might be removed in the future.
Sig: enabled = Node:IsTickEnabled()
- Ret:
boolean enabled
true if can tick
Return this node's associated Scene. When a scene is instantiated, the newly instantiated root node will hold a reference to the Scene asset which it was instantiated from. GetScene() will return this reference.
Sig: scene = Node:GetScene()
- Arg:
Scene scene
The node's associated scene
Return the net id associated with this node. A NetId will be assigned to nodes with replication enabled when hosting a session or connected to another session. NetIds are the internal mechanism for referencing the same node across different instances of the game.
Sig: netId = Node:GetNetId()
- Arg:
integer netId
The node's NetId, 0 is an invalid net id
Return the owning host id. Only useful in net play sessions for determining which player/host should control the node.
Sig: hostId = Node:GetOwningHost()
- Ret:
integer hostId
Owning host id
Set which host should own the node. The owning host id will be replicated to clients, so this function should only be called on the server. Ownership doesn't do anything on it's own, it's up to the game code to handle what ownership means (e.g. only the owning player can tell the player node where to move)
Sig: Node:SetOwningHost(hostId)
- Arg:
integer hostId
The new host id that should own the node
Enable or disable network replication for this node. Note: The replicate flag should probably be set in the Editor via the Properties panel. I don't think setting it at runtime is advised.
Sig: Node:SetReplicate(replicate)
- Arg:
boolean replicate
true to replicate over the network
Check if this node is replicated over the network.
Sig: replicated = Node:IsReplicated()
- Ret:
boolean replicated
true if replicated over the network
Set whether the transform (position/rotation/scale) should be replicated for this node. This is currently only used by 3D nodes, but in the future it might be expanded to work for widgets or 2D nodes. Note: Should probably be set in the editor instead of changed at runtime.
Sig: Node:SetReplicateTransform(replicateTransform)
- Arg:
boolean replicateTransform
true to replicate transform
Check if this node's transform is replicated.
Sig: transformReplicated = Node:IsTransformReplicated()
- Ret:
boolean transformReplicated
true if transform is replicated
Forcefully replicate properties of this node on the next network update, even if nothing has changed.
Sig: Node:ForceReplication()
Check if a node has a given tag assigned to it. Tags are strings that can be assigned to a node. Nodes can have an unlimited number of tags assigned to them.
Sig: hasTag = Node:HasTag(tag)
- Arg:
string tag
tag - Ret:
boolean hasTag
true if the node has that tag assigned to it
Add a tag to this node. Nothing will happen if this node already has the tag assigned to it.
Sig: Node:AddTag(tag)
- Arg:
string tag
Tag to assign
Remove a tag on this node. Does nothing if the tag hasn't been assigned.
Sig: Node:RemoveTag(tag)
- Arg:
string tag
Tag to remove
This function was added to match Unreal functionality, but the server will have network authority on all nodes. This function calls Network.IsAuthority(), it does not really matter which node this function is invoked on.
Sig: hasAuthority = Node:HasAuthority()
- Arg:
boolean hasAuthority
true if this host is a server
Check whether this computer host owns this node. Will always return true if in a local game. Otherwise will return true if the OwningHost is equivalent to this computer's host id.
Sig: owned = Node:IsOwned()
- Ret:
boolean owned
true if owned by this host
Check if late tick is enabled. Late tick means that the node will tick all of its children before it ticks itself. By default, the parent node will tick first.
Sig: lateTick = Node:IsLateTickEnabled()
- Ret:
boolean lateTick
true if node will tick after its children
Enable late tick on this node. Late tick means that the node will tick all of its children before it ticks itself. By default, the parent node will tick first.
Sig: Node:EnableLateTick(lateTick)
- Arg:
boolean lateTick
true to tick this node after its children
Check if this node is always relevant to clients
Sig: alwaysRelevant = Node:IsAlwaysRelevant()
- Ret:
boolean alwaysRelevant
Whether node should always relevant to clients
Set whether the node should always be relevant to clients.
Sig: Node:SetAlwaysRelevant(alwaysRelevant)
- Arg:
boolean alwaysRelevant
Whether node should always relevant to clients
Used to invoke a remote procedure call on this node. Up to 8 arguments can be passed.
Sig: Node:InvokeNetFunc(name, arg1, arg2, ... arg8)
- Arg:
string name
name of net func (must exist in GatherNetFuncs())
Check if this node is of a given type.
Alias: Is
Alias: IsA
Sig: Node:CheckType(className)
- Arg:
string className
type name to check (e.g. "Primitive3D")