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ROS Arm Control Sample

This sample demonstrates leveraging existing ROS packages with \psi, using the uArm Metal. The sample itself will run under the Core CLR (Mac/Linux/Windows), but depends on ROS running under Linux. An overview of ROS and our ROS bridge is covered in a separate document.

First we will build a simple class to talk to the uArm, then we'll expose this as a \psi component and will write a small app making use of it.


We will need a Linux machine running ROS (at the time of writing, ROS doesn't work under the Linux Subsystem for Windows). We'll set up a VM with COM port access to the arm, running an off-the-shelf ROS package. Then we'll develop against this from the Windows side.

  1. Download Ubuntu .iso image
  2. Install VirtualBox (easier to configure COM ports than Hyper-V)
  3. Create VM running Ubuntu
  4. Install ROS
  5. Install Aransena's uarm_metal ROS package and rosrun uarm_metal uarm

ROS World

Listing the topics and services, we see:

# rostopic list


# rosservice list


It looks like the interesting ones will be reading and writing position and maybe joint angles, as well as controlling the pump and making it beep.


Let's start with a simple one; the pump. We can get info about the topic.

# rostopic info /uarm_metal/pump

Type: std_msgs/Bool

Publishers: None

    * /uarm_metal (http://my-dev-box:39969)

The Type is a standard Bool, which means the definition is already available in the ROS bridge library.


Follow along in the ArmControlROSSample project or:

  1. Create a new C# console project.
  2. Reference Microsoft.Ros.dll

UArm Class

First we'll make a simple class representing the UArm:

class UArm
    private const string NodeName = "/uarm_metal_sample";
    private RosNode.Node node;

    private const string PumpTopic = "/uarm_metal/pump";
    private RosPublisher.IPublisher pumpPublisher;

    public void Connect(string rosNode, string rosMaster)
        this.node = new RosNode.Node(NodeName, rosNode, rosMaster);
        this.pumpPublisher = node.CreatePublisher(RosMessageTypes.Standard.Bool.Def, PumpTopic, false);

    public void Disconnect()

    public void Pump(bool pump)

A Node is created to connect to the ROS master and is used to manage subscribers and publishers. You can create a RosPublisher directly, but it's much more convenient to do this through the Node and let it handle bookkeeping. The publisher needs to know the message definition (for deserialization), the topic name, and whether to latch.

Standard message type definitions are included with the library. The RosMessageTypes.Standard.Bool contains the definition (Def), the type information (Kind) and functions to construct (ToMessage) and destruct (FromMessage) the tree that comes over the wire. Our Pump() method merely publishes a bool.


The app will give a simple keyboard interface to a UArm instance. Obviously, replace the rosNode and rosMaster IP addresses with your own.

class Program
    private const string rosNode = ""; // replace with your dev machine
    private const string rosMaster = ""; // replace with your ROS machine

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("UArm Metal Controller");
        Console.WriteLine("P - Pump on/off");
        Console.WriteLine("Q - Quit");

        var uarm = new UArm(rosNode, rosMaster);
        var pump = false;

        while (true)
            switch (Console.ReadKey(true).Key)
                case ConsoleKey.P:
                    pump = !pump;
                case ConsoleKey.Q:

Give it a try. It works!


Another simple topic might be the /uarm_metal/beep. However, notice that this uses a non-standard message type:

# rostopic info /uarm_metal/beep

Type: uarm_metal/Beep

Publishers: None

    * /uarm_metal (http://my-dev-box:39507)

Inspecting this, it's pretty simple:

# rosmsg info uarm_metal/Beep

float32 frequency
float32 duration

We'll also need the MD5 hash:

# rosmsg md5 uarm_metal/Beep


Following the pattern from above, we create a beepPublisher for this topic:

private const string BeepTopic = "/uarm_metal/beep";
private RosPublisher.IPublisher beepPublisher;

The tricky thing is that we don't have an available MessageDef. Essentially, we need to provide a type name and MD5 hash along with a sequence of name/def tuples, where each RosFieldDef is created from built-in ROS types. Fields may be compositions of types (Variable/FixedArrayVal or StructVal) but here they are simple scalers. Looking in the ROS project, you may notice that this is done with very concise syntax in F#, but in C# we will need to write a few lines of code:

private RosMessage.MessageDef BeepMessageDef = RosMessage.CreateMessageDef(
    new[] {
        Tuple.Create("frequency", RosMessage.RosFieldDef.Float32Def),
        Tuple.Create("duration", RosMessage.RosFieldDef.Float32Def)

This is enough to construct the publisher:

    this.beepPublisher = node.CreatePublisher(this.BeepMessageDef, BeepTopic, false);


But to actually publish messages, we will need to be able to construct them. A message is a sequence of name/val tuples (notice, RosFieldVal rather than RosFieldDef this time). We'll make a simple helper function for this:

private Tuple<string, RosMessage.RosFieldVal>[] BeepMessage(float frequency, float duration)
    return new[]
        Tuple.Create("frequency", RosMessage.RosFieldVal.NewFloat32Val(frequency)),
        Tuple.Create("duration", RosMessage.RosFieldVal.NewFloat32Val(duration))

Then our Beep() method is simple:

public void Beep(float frequency, float duration)
    this.beepPublisher.Publish(this.BeepMessage(frequency, duration));

Wiring this to a key, we can give it a try:

case ConsoleKey.B:
    uarm.Beep(500, 0.1f);

Also works!


Let's try subscribing to a topic now. The Cartesian position:

# rostopic info /uarm_metal/position_read

Type: uarm_metal/Position

    * /uarm_metal (http://my-dev-box:36467)

Subscribers: None

Another non-standard message type:

# rosmsg info uarm_metal/Position

float32 x
float32 y
float32 z

# rosmsg md5 uarm_metal/Position


Handled very similarly:

private const string PositionReadTopic = "/uarm_metal/position_read";
private RosSubscriber.ISubscriber positionSubscriber;
private RosMessage.MessageDef PositionMessageDef = RosMessage.CreateMessageDef(
    new[] {
        Tuple.Create("x", RosMessage.RosFieldDef.Float32Def),
        Tuple.Create("y", RosMessage.RosFieldDef.Float32Def),
        Tuple.Create("z", RosMessage.RosFieldDef.Float32Def)

This time, we Subscribe to the topic, giving a callback (PositionUpdate).

    this.positionSubscriber = node.Subscribe(this.PositionMessageDef, PositionReadTopic, PositionUpdate);


The callback takes a sequence of name/value tuples:

public event EventHandler<(float, float, float)> PositionChanged;

private float x, y, z;

private void PositionUpdate(IEnumerable<Tuple<string, RosMessage.RosFieldVal>> position)
    dynamic pos = RosMessage.GetDynamicFieldVals(position);
    this.x = pos.x;
    this.y = pos.y;
    this.z = pos.z;
    this.PositionChanged?.Invoke(this, (this.x, this.y, this.z));

Incoming ROS messages (given to PositionUpdate(...)) are sequences of name/RosFieldVal (note, not RosFieldDef), and may themselves be composite structures forming trees. We may parse this however we like. There are static helper functions in RosMessage to convert individual values (e.g. GetInt32Val(...), GetFixedArrayVal(...), GetStructVal(...), ...) as well as a function to convert to dynamic (GetDynamicVal(...)).

Above we get as a dynamic with expected x/y/z properties and store these away to be used now to control the arm.

Notice that we surface the stream of position updates as a PositionChanged event. This seems reasonable. In some cases, you may want to delay subscribing to the ROS topic until someone has actually bound the event, but we'll keep it simple here. We'll make the app spew position info to the console:

uarm.PositionChanged += (_, p) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Position: x={p.Item1} y={p.Item2} z={p.Item3}");


To publish position updates, we can see that the /uarm_metal/position_write topic uses this same message type.

# rostopic info /uarm_metal/position_write

Type: uarm_metal/Position

Publishers: None

    * /uarm_metal (http://my-dev-box:32871)

We'll make a helper similar to BeepMessage for constructing these:

private Tuple<string, RosMessage.RosFieldVal>[] PositionMessage(float x, float y, float z)
    return new[]
        Tuple.Create("x", RosMessage.RosFieldVal.NewFloat32Val(x)),
        Tuple.Create("y", RosMessage.RosFieldVal.NewFloat32Val(y)),
        Tuple.Create("z", RosMessage.RosFieldVal.NewFloat32Val(z))

Create/teardown the publisher:

    this.positionPublisher = node.CreatePublisher(this.PositionMessageDef, PositionWriteTopic, false);


The method to set the position is simply:

public void AbsolutePosition(float x, float y, float z)
    this.positionPublisher.Publish(this.PositionMessage(x, y, z));

More convenient may be a relative position nugde:

public void RelativePosition(float x, float y, float z)
    this.AbsolutePosition(this.x + x, this.y + y, this.z + z);

Wiring this to keys, we can now control the arm!

case ConsoleKey.U:
    uarm.RelativePosition(0, 0, -10);

case ConsoleKey.D:
    uarm.RelativePosition(0, 0, 10);

case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
    uarm.RelativePosition(0, -10, 0);

case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
    uarm.RelativePosition(0, 10, 0);

case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
    uarm.RelativePosition(-10, 0, 0);

case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
    uarm.RelativePosition(10, 0, 0);


\psi Component

So far, we've exposed subscriptions as events and have wrapped publications in methods. In the \psi world, these become Receivers and Emitters and the whole usage becomes stream-oriented.

First, add a reference to Microsoft.Psi.dll. What we'll do is construct a simple wrapper around the UArm class. This is generally a good idea to first create a class containing all the real logic that lives outside of \psi, then to wrap this as a component to participate in the \psi world.

First, all our methods will become Receivers and our Events will become Emitters.

class UArmComponent
    private readonly UArm arm;

    public UArmComponent(Pipeline pipeline, UArm arm)
        this.arm = arm;

    public Receiver<(float, float)> Beep { get; private set; }

    public Receiver<bool> Pump { get; private set; }

    public Receiver<(float, float, float)> AbsolutePosition { get; private set; }

    public Receiver<(float, float, float)> RelativePosition { get; private set; }

    public Emitter<(float, float, float)> PositionChanged { get; private set; }

The Receivers are merely be wired to methods on the arm:

public UArmComponent(Pipeline pipeline, UArm arm)
    this.Beep = pipeline.CreateReceiver<(float, float)>(this, (b, _) => this.arm.Beep(b.Item1, b.Item2), nameof(this.Beep));
    this.Pump = pipeline.CreateReceiver<bool>(this, (p, _) => this.arm.Pump(p), nameof(this.Pump));
    this.AbsolutePosition = pipeline.CreateReceiver<(float, float, float)>(this, (p, _) => this.arm.AbsolutePosition(p.Item1, p.Item2, p.Item3), nameof(this.AbsolutePosition));
    this.RelativePosition = pipeline.CreateReceiver<(float, float, float)>(this, (p, _) => this.arm.RelativePosition(p.Item1, p.Item2, p.Item3), nameof(this.RelativePosition));
    this.PositionChanged = pipeline.CreateEmitter<(float, float, float)>(this, nameof(this.PositionChanged));

We'll make an event handler for position changes that Posts on the Emitter:

private void OnPositionChanged(object sender, (float, float, float) position)
    this.PositionChanged.Post(position, this.pipeline.GetCurrentTime());

Finally, we'll make our component an ISourceComponent and Connect()/Disconnect() the arm in the interface's Start()/Stop() methods.

Note the call to notifyCompletionTime at the beginning of Start which informs the pipeline that this component is an infinite source, in the sense that it does not have the notion of a pre-determined completion time.

For more information please see the documentation on writing components.

Start is called by the pipeline to start the component while Stop is called when the pipeline is shutting down. It is very important to ensure that nothing is Posted when a component is not running (before Start or after Stop).

public class UArmComponent : ISourceComponent

    public void Start(Action<DateTime> notifyCompletionTime)
        // notify that this is an infinite source component

        this.arm.PositionChanged += this.OnPositionChanged;

    public void Stop()
        this.arm.PositionChanged -= this.OnPositionChanged;


That's it; a very light-weight \psi component.

\psi App

The app will change to a purely stream-oriented approach. Just as before, let's start with getting the pump to work.

using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
    var arm = new UArmComponent(pipeline, uarm);
    var keys = Timers.Timer(pipeline, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), (_, __) => Console.ReadKey(true).Key);
    var pump = false;
    keys.Where(k => k == ConsoleKey.P).Select(_ => pump = !pump).PipeTo(arm.Pump);

Notice that we turn Console.ReadKey() into a stream of Keys. Notice also that the Select(...) is causing a side effect on the pump. Perhaps a pure functional design could be constructed with a fold (Aggregate), but this is an entirely reasonable way to work in \psi too.

To allow quitting the app, we'll need to RunAsync() and allow disposing the pipeline upon pressing Q:

using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
    var quit = false;
    keys.Where(k => k == ConsoleKey.Q).Do(_ => quit = true);
    while (!quit) { Thread.Sleep(100); }

Setting up the beep is similar:

keys.Where(k => k == ConsoleKey.B).Select(_ => (500f, 0.1f)).PipeTo(arm.Beep);

Reporting the positions is simply a side-effecting Do() on the PositionChanged stream:

arm.PositionChanged.Do(p => Console.WriteLine($"Position: x={p.Item1} y={p.Item2} z={p.Item3}"));

Finally, for control of the arm, we'll map keys to nudge values and PipeTo() the arm:

keys.Select(k =>
    switch (k)
        case ConsoleKey.U: return (0f, 0f, -10f);
        case ConsoleKey.D: return (0f, 0f, 10f);
        case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: return (0f, -10f, 0f);
        case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: return (0f, 10f, 0f);
        case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: return (-10f, 0f, 0f);
        case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: return (10f, 0f, 0f);
        default: return (0f, 0f, 0f);

Hopefully this has helped with understanding how to interface with ROS from Windows with the bridge library and how to then build \psi components to control robots.

Have fun!
