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Submitting Bugs and Suggestions

Erich Gamma edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 16 revisions

The Code project tracks issues and feature requests using the GitHub issue tracker for the vscode repository.

Before Submitting an Issue

First, please do a search to see if the issue or feature request has already exists. If it does and it is open, feel free to add more information that might be helpful in diagnosing or understanding the issue.

The Code project is distributed across multiple repositories, try to file the issue against the correct repository Related Projects.

If your issue is a question consider asking it on Stack Overflow using the tag vscode.

Writing Great Issues and Suggestions

The more information you can provide, the more likely someone will be successful reproducing the issue and finding a fix. Consider the following:

  • Code that demonstrates the issue
  • Provide reproducable steps, what the result of the steps was, an what you would have expected.
  • Description of what you expect to happen
  • Animated GIFs
  • Version of Code
  • Errors in the Dev Tools Console (Help | Toggle Developer Tools)
  • When you have extensions installed, can you reproduce the issue when starting vscode without extensions by using --disable-extensions?

Don't feel bad if we can't reproduce the issue and ask for more information!

Finally, this is our issue tracking work flow that describes what happens once you submitted an issue.

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