Releases: midilab/uClock
Releases · midilab/uClock
Seedstudio Xiao M0 TinyUSB bugfix
Bugfixed a problem that freezed Xiao when using TinyUSB from adafruit and uClock library.
Seedstudio Xiao M0 support
Thanks @mightycoco for the coded support/tests and @m-r-m-s for reporting and testing.
- Xiao Support
- Compile time Warnings fix
Version 1 is finally here!
Clock generation and sync engine totally rewrited for better performance and timming.
- You got plenty of more room to write your code at interruption calls.
- Better clock, better slave sync!
AVR Timers select
Timer implemented to run from timer0, timer1 or timer2 on AVR boards.
Make use if you want to integrate uClock along with some library that already make use of timer1(the default and preferred uClock timer on avr boards).
You can chose your timer from uClock.cpp a #define code area:
// pickup a avr timer to make use.
// pickup only one!
// try to avoid timer0, only use it if you know what you are doing.
// 0 = delay(), millis() e micros()
// 1 = Servo.h library(any other?)
// 2 = tone()
//#define AVR_TIMER_0
#define AVR_TIMER_1
//#define AVR_TIMER_2
- added high resolution clock base for teensy. from 16us resolution to 4us. better and more stable reads as slave clock. better and more precise master clock.
- BPM float supported. set tempo using decimal 126.6!
- Support to setup internal drift(for master clock generation) and external drift(for slave clock generation).
- Lower examples midi read interrupt to 250 microseconds