The 163 release of Payara will feature a couple of new tech previews. These are new features added to Payara which we do not recommend are used on production systems. Request Tracing is a new service that will allow Payara to track and log information about the requests it handles. Payara now offers a JMX Monitoring Service. Once configured, Payara Server will monitor and log the values of attributes that have been listed for monitoring.
ibm.jbatch.container.version 1.0.1.payara-p2
Hazelcast 3.6.4
Grizzly 2.3.25
mimepull 1.9.6
javax.batch-api.version 1.0.1
jbatch.container.version 1.0.1
jbatch.spi.version 1.0.1
Weld 2.3.5.Final
Tyrus 1.13
This section details the newly developed additions to Payara Server.
PAYARA-168 - Integrate HealthCheck notifications with the Notification Service
856/PAYARA-186 - Hazelcast Based EJB Persistent Timer Store for Payara Micro
939/PAYARA_174 - Initial Tech Preview implementation of Request Tracing
975/PAYARA-811 - Monitor agent to write JMX metrics to file periodically
This section details the issues marked as enhancements that have been implemented for this release.
PAYARA-183 - asadmin commands to configure and control request tracing
851/PAYARA-754 - Add extra output location validation for the Asadmin Recorder service
855/PAYARA-827 - JTA Transaction Timer Thread should be named
862/PAYARA-823 - DataSource is silently defaulted to jdbc/__default on any lookup failure
891/PAYARA-184 - Admin Console Integration for configuration of request tracing
894/PAYARA-848 - Admin Console Integration for configuration of Notification Service
897/PAYARA-169 - Admin Console integration to display Notifications on server tab
915/PAYARA-832 - Create new version identifier for Payara Blue
916/PAYARA-847 - Change the thread-pool for the Admin HTTP listener in a cluster environment
924/PAYARA-859 - Request for finer-grained slow sql logger with miliseconds
934/PAYARA-839 - Disabled apps have no contextRoot param after restart
943/PAYARA-909 - healthcheck commands do not accept configurations as a target
947/PAYARA-927 - Merge two Request Tracing Service configuration page into one
950/PAYARA-928 - Merge two Notification Service configuration page into one
968/PAYARA-851 - Access logging command line option for Payara Micro
974/PAYARA-836 - Allow user to use their own file for Payara Micro
975/PAYARA-771 - Create asadmin commands for the monitoring logger
943/PAYARA-909 - healthcheck commands do not accept configurations as a target
This section details the issues marked as bugs that have been fixed for this release. # Payara Fixes This section details the fixes implemented by the Payara team or community.
244/PAYARA-470 - JTS recovery hangs for the full length of the recovery timeout and then succeeds
794/PAYARA-776 - Windows service is named "domain1 GlassFish Server"
798/PAYARA-775 - Unwrapping principal interferes with JASPIC’s register session
807/PAYARA-643 - The JMS Availability tab contains a deep link to Oracle docs
812/PAYARA-382 - Fix GitHub issue 384 spurious SEVERE log message when deploying WebService
816/PAYARA-742 - Eclipselink generates broken SQL for Informix
822/PAYARA-355 - thousands of ClassNotFound warnings while deploying an EAR with many WAR’s
825/PAYARA-800 - Payara Micro Maven Deployer gives a FileNotFoundException
829/PAYARA-803 - No LoginModules configured for jdcbRealm on Payara Micro
831/PAYARA-802 - Payara Domain is missing -Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all
835/PAYARA-724 - The admin console does not render escape characters on the log levels page
854/PAYARA-826 - ClassNotFoundException with JSR107 annotations on stateless session bean
867/PAYARA-821 - JoinFetch annotation in EclipseLink ignores default
889/PAYARA-808 - j-interop-repackaged.jar is missing in Payara Server 162
893/PAYARA-853 - thread pool statistics counters not correct
899/PAYARA-852 - New admin console design doesn’t display on Chinese, Japanese and korean
922/PAYARA-889 - Hazelcast not booting when started from the Configurations.
925/PAYARA-903 - Error message for config validator gives incorrect property
926/PAYARA-810 - Group principal not evaluated in WS-Security context
935/PAYARA-904 - asadmin fails on add-resources when creating a jdbc pool with connection validation
991/PAYARA-962 - Get-monitoring-configuration using --pretty output by default
993/PAYARA-965 - Notification or RequestTracing Service does not seem to be dynamic
1002/PAYARA-968 - Notification starting incorrectly from the Configurations.
1003/PAYARA-967 - Request tracing starting incorrectly from the Configurations.
1007/PAYARA -970 - Validation on Request Tracing service "thresholdUnit" value.
Known issues can be seen on our GitHub issues page here: