PAYARA-737 - Resolve GLASSFISH-21532 GlobalTID breaks the equals/hashCode contract
PAYARA-934 - Aliased password cannot be replaced by the value of the alias
PAYARA-995 - AS-WEB-CORE-00369 errors when using Hazelcast for session replication
PAYARA-1082 - Authorization stops working after app redeploy
PAYARA-1115 - Parameterised log messages are incorrectly escaped
PAYARA-1185 - JMS Service Binding Address not working correctly for application client
PAYARA-1195 - Unable to deploy activemq-rar resource under Payara
PAYARA-1219 - Jersey EncodingFilter does not work in Payara
PAYARA-1223 - WELD-000163: Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected
PAYARA-1244 - Default role mapping setting broke the domain level setting
PAYARA-1254 - Spurious warning: "Severe: Unknow type constant pool 15 at position xxx"
PAYARA-1259 - Sending access logs to the console does not work as expected
PAYARA-1261 - Fix Warning: Context path from ServletContext: differs from path from bundle: /
PAYARA-1277 - Could not deploy simple war on cluster while Internet is off
PAYARA-1283 - JMX monitoring service adding properties does not fail gracefully
PAYARA-1053 - Add a way to run asadmin commands against Payara Micro
PAYARA-1141 - Enable the DAS to send asadmin commands to Micro cluster members
PAYARA-1143 - Add support for CDI event bus into Payara Server
PAYARA-1383 - Admin Console integration for Health Check Service
PAYARA-1386 - Add support for substituting environment variables in domain.xml
PAYARA-1044 - Payara Micro: Refresh logging configuration after set-log-levels
PAYARA-1048 - Payara Micro command line options should be case insensitive
PAYARA-1078 - Make JDBC connection validation use any configured statement timeout.
PAYARA-1087 - PhoneHome requires unique ID for Payara installations
PAYARA-1184 - Payara Micro should output information about all deployed apps
PAYARA-1218 - Hazelcast help text in admin console is misleading
PAYARA-1262 - Package notification artefacts in its own packager
PAYARA-1263 - HTTP(S) worker thread names now include their listener name
PAYARA-1286 - Increase the autoBindRange default in Payara Micro
PAYARA-1344 - Support Hazelcast Host Aware Partitioning in Payara Micro and Microprofile
PAYARA-1345 - Create more meaningful error message for JCache if Hazelcast is disabed
PAYARA-1346 - Hazelcast should be turned off when disabled dynamically
[PAYARA-1407 - Enabling HealthCheck in Payara Micro without arguments fails uninformatively]
PAYARA-1435 - Improvement on creating initial configuration for Healthcheck service
PAYARA-1437 - Remove unnecessary default values from the Healthcheck service commands
PAYARA-1438 - Remove unnecessary default values from the Request Tracing service commands
PAYARA-1447 - Ensure Hazelcast is booted before app deployments