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Utxo support, based on Substrate's workshop.

This is only the pallet; no node and runtime implementation.

To run the test cases, just run command cargo test.

How to run the benchmark in mintlayer-node:

  1. Insert this pallet-utxo crate in pallets directory.

  2. At runtime's Cargo.toml:
    2.1. add to local dependencies:

    pallet-utxo = { default-features = false, path = "../pallets/utxo" }

    2.2. add to runtime-benchmarks features:


    2.3. add to std features:

  3. At runtime's
    3.1. Import the following:

    pub use pallet_utxo;
    use sp_runtime::transaction_validity::{TransactionValidityError, InvalidTransaction};
    use sp_core::H256;
    use frame_support::traits::IsSubType;

    3.2. Add the utxo config:

    impl pallet_utxo::Config for Runtime {
        type Event = Event;
        type Call = Call;
        type WeightInfo = pallet_utxo::weights::WeightInfo<Runtime>;
        fn authorities() -> Vec<H256> {
                .map(|x| {
                    let r: &sp_core::sr25519::Public = x.as_ref();

    3.3. Add into construct_runtime! this line:

    Utxo: pallet_utxo::{Pallet, Call, Config<T>, Storage, Event<T>},

    3.4. inside fn validate_transaction(), add this code before the Executive::validate_transaction(source, tx) line:

    if let Some(pallet_utxo::Call::spend(ref tx)) = 
         IsSubType::<pallet_utxo::Call::<Runtime>>::is_sub_type(&tx.function) {
             match pallet_utxo::validate_transaction::<Runtime>(&tx) {
                 Ok(valid_tx) => { return Ok(valid_tx); }
                 Err(_) => {
                     return Err(TransactionValidityError::Invalid(InvalidTransaction::Custom(1)));

    3.5. In the function fn dispatch_benchmark(), add another line:

    add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_utxo, Utxo);
  4. In node's
    4.1. Import the ff:

    use node_template_runtime::{UtxoConfig, pallet_utxo};
    use sp_core:H256;

    4.2. add one more param on function testnet_genesis():

    endowed_utxos: Vec<sr25519::Public>

    4.3. inside function testnet_genesis(), create the genesis utxo:

    let genesis:Vec<pallet_utxo::TransactionOutput> = endowed_utxos.iter().map(|x| {
        let pub_key = H256::from_slice(x.as_slice());
        let tx_output = pallet_utxo::TransactionOutput::new(
            100 as pallet_utxo::Value,
        let blake_hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&tx_output);

    4.4. Still inside testnet_genesis() function, add to the GenesisConfig:

    pallet_utxo: UtxoConfig {
                genesis_utxos: genesis,
                _marker: Default::default()

    4.5. Inside both fn development_config() and fn local_testnet_config(), add the missing param of testnet_genesis() for the endowed_utxos:

  5. On the terminal, move to the node directory and run

    cargo b --release --features runtime-benchmarks
  6. Go back to the workspace directory $> cd .. and run:

     target/release/node-template benchmark 
     --chain dev 
     --pallet pallet_utxo 
     --extrinsic runtime_spend 
     --steps 20 
     --repeat 10 
     --output . 