Tool for automatically $import'ing lists of ndjson FHIR resources from an S3-compatible bucket into a Pathling server.
See the help text of the command by simply running:
docker run --rm -it
Launch development fixtures:
docker compose up
Install dependencies
dotnet restore
dotnet tool restore
Start the tool
dotnet run --project src/PathlingS3Import/ -- import \
--s3-endpoint=http://localhost:9000 \
--pathling-server-base-url=http://localhost:8082/fhir \
--s3-access-key=admin \
--s3-secret-key=miniopass \
--s3-bucket-name=fhir \
--s3-object-name-prefix=staging/ \
--enable-metrics=true \
--pushgateway-endpoint=http://localhost:9091/ \
--dry-run=true \
Or to test importing from a checkpoint:
dotnet run --project src/PathlingS3Import/ -- import \
--s3-endpoint=http://localhost:9000 \
--pathling-server-base-url=http://localhost:8082/fhir \
--s3-access-key=admin \
--s3-secret-key=miniopass \
--s3-bucket-name=fhir \
--s3-object-name-prefix=staging-with-checkpoint/ \
--continue-from-last-checkpoint=true \
docker build -t .
dotnet test