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File metadata and controls

373 lines (332 loc) · 17.4 KB

Wazuh OpenCTI integration


wazuh-opencti is a Wazuh integration that looks up alert metadata in an OpenCTI threat intel database. If the metadata is found in any STIX indicator, the integration will create a Wazuh alert with plenty of metadata from the OpenCTI observable and indicator.

wazuh-opencti operates on

  • SHA256 hashes (typically from files)
  • IP addresses (IPv4/IPv6)
  • Domain names (like DNS queries)
  • Hostnames (like DNS queries)
  • URLs (found in arguments in audited commands)

and inspects events from sysmon, syscheck, suricata and osquery. The script can easily be extended to match other types of events as well.

The integration will only inspect events whose rule.groups matches

  • sysmon events 1, 3, 6, 7, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25
  • ids
  • syscheck_file
  • osquery
  • osquery_file
  • audit_command

The logic is as follows:

  • The value to look up is queried against observables (stixCyberObservables) and indicators (indicators)
  • For every indicator that matches (the indicator has to have pattern_type "stix", and it has to be a single-value (simple) pattern, like [file:hashes.'SHA-256' = '275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f' or [domain-name:value = ''), an alert of type indicator_pattern_match is created. A maximum of three alerts are created (configurable by modifying the max_ind_alerts variable), and a maximum of 10 indicators are returned by the query for processing and filtering. Indicators are sorted by !revoked, detection, score, confidence and valid_until. If the indicator only matches partially, the event type will be indicator_partial_pattern_match.
  • For every observable that matches (either by value or hashes_SHA256, depending on the type of observable), an alert is created if the observable has an indicator related to it. Only one indicator is included, and they are sorted like mentioned above before picking the first one. The alert_type is observable_with_indicator. A maximum of two alerts are created (configurable by modifying the max_obs_alerts variable), and a maximum of 10 observables are returned by the query.
  • If the observable is related to other observables (IP addresses and domain names), and those observables have indicators, the related indicator is included in the event. If the observable only has related indicators, the event_type is observable_with_related_indicator.


  • An OpenCTI instance (version 5.12.24 or higher) up and running
    • Older versions are supported, but you need to revert the changes in #13/#11 and/or #15 in order to support the older graphql filter syntax.
  • A read-only OpenCTI API token suitable for querying data (Access knowledge + Access exploration(?))


Copy the two custom-opencti files into your Wazuh manager integrations directory, /var/ossec/integrations. If you're using docker, this will be the root directory in the wazuh_integrations volume.


Modify your manager configuration file, /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf. If you're using docker, this will be the file config/wazuh_cluster/wazuh_manager.conf. Add an entry like the following to an <ossec_config> block:


Be sure to replace api_key and hook_url. You should also modify group to match entries in events' rule.groups that you want to inspect. You may use <rule_id> instead of <group> to match individual rules instead, but note that you cannot mix both! If you use <rule_id>, <group> will be ignored.

wazuh-opencti looks at events' rule.groups before querying OpenCTI. Currently, it only cares about events related to sysmon, syscheck (file), suricata/packetbeat and osquery. If you look at the configuration example above, you'll notice that sysmon_eidX_detections is used instead of sysmon_eventX. This is because Wazuh (at least as of 4.3.9) doesn't produce any sysmon_eventX events. – Only specific detections events. Also note that 4.3.9 doesn't even have basic rules that cover all of the sysmon events. You may need to add rules for sysmon event 16–25. Event 22–25 is used by this integration.

All monitored directories and files through syscheck will be inspected without further configuration (as long as "syscheck" is part of as described earlier), but DNS queries will have to be manually configured to be logged and subsequently look up by this integration. If you do not already have a rule that logs DNS queries, use the following examples as guidance:

On Windows (sysmon):

<group name="sysmon,sysmon_eid22_detections,windows,">
   <rule id="100140" level="3">
      <description>DNS query for $(win.eventdata.queryName)</description>

On Linux (using packetbeat):

<group name="packetbeat,ids">
   <rule id="101000" level="0">
      <field name="@source">packetbeat</field>
      <description>packetbeat messages grouped</description>

   <rule id="101001" level="3">
      <field name="method">QUERY</field>
      <description>DNS query for $(</description>

In order for Wazuh to create alerts when an IoC is found, a rule is needed. Rules for when the integration fails to operate are also highly recommended. Here is an example rule set (be sure to replace the rule IDs to avoid conflicts in your setup):

<group name="threat_intel,">
   <rule id="100210" level="10">
      <field name="integration">opencti</field>

   <rule id="100211" level="5">
      <field name="opencti.error">\.+</field>
      <description>OpenCTI: Failed to connect to API</description>

   <rule id="100212" level="12">
      <field name="opencti.event_type">indicator_pattern_match</field>
      <description>OpenCTI: IoC found in threat intel: $(</description>

   <rule id="100213" level="12">
      <field name="opencti.event_type">observable_with_indicator</field>
      <description>OpenCTI: IoC found in threat intel: $(opencti.observable_value)</description>

   <rule id="100214" level="10">
      <field name="opencti.event_type">observable_with_related_indicator</field>
      <description>OpenCTI: IoC possibly found in threat intel (related): $(</description>

   <rule id="100215" level="10">
      <field name="opencti.event_type">indicator_partial_pattern_match</field>
      <description>OpenCTI: IoC possibly found in threat intel: $(</description>

This integration looks up observables with indicators that are related to an observable. For instance, if a domain name has no indicators, but the IPv4 address it resolves to (if such a relationship exists in OpenCTI) has an indicator, an alert with event_type observable_with_related_indicator is created. This may produce noise depending on your database, so you may want to have a different level on this alert, as in the example above. A connector like google-dns can be enabled to create automatic relationships between addresses and domain name objects.

In order to test that the integration works, create an observable in OpenCTI with a SHA256 hash that matches a file you will later create or move in Windows or Linux. Then create an indicator (wazuh-opencti only creates alerts if an observable has an indicator tied to it). Depending om your syscheck setup, put the file with the matching hash in a monitored directory and wait for the alert to be created. If you don't have a real-time syscheck setup yet, consider setting one up for C:\Users\*\Downloads.

During testing and development, it may be very useful to enable debug output from the integration. Debug output may be enabled in internal options. If you're using docker, add integrator.debug = 1 to local_internal_options.conf in the wazuh_etc volume. The log is found in /var/ossec/logs/integrations.log. If you're using docker docker, run docker-compose exec wazuh.manager tail -f /var/ossec/logs/integrations.log. If the log is empty, check the Wazuh manager log and ensure that the integration doesn't fail and return an exit value of 1.

Event types / rule groups used to trigger OpenCTI API calls

group name metadata
sysmon_event1, sysmon_eid1_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_event6, sysmon_eid6_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_event7, sysmon_eid7_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_event_15, sysmon_eid15_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_event_22, sysmon_eid22_detections win.eventdata.queryName, win.eventdata.queryResults
sysmon_event_23, sysmon_eid23_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_event_24, sysmon_eid24_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_event_25, sysmon_eid25_detections win.eventdata.hashes
sysmon_process-anomalies win.eventdata.hashes
ids dest_ip, destip, src_ip, srcip,, dns.question.answers
osquery, osquery_file osquery.columns.sha256
audit_command execve.a0, execve.a1, …


Feel free to modify to suit your needs. It was designed to cover my own needs, but I am sure that there are other events and groups this integration could inspect. I would greatly appreciate if you could provide a pull request to enhance the script if you think others may benefit from your modifications.


Here are some examples of how the events produced are. The data is just for demonstration.

DNS query with an IP addresse matching an indicator pattern

Key Value
@timestamp 2023-08-31T10:34:33.222Z
data.integration opencti
data.opencti.event_type indicator_pattern_match
data.opencti.indicator.confidence 70 b975431a-59a9-4982-b75c-cff659801f15
data.opencti.indicator.createdBy.identity_class organization ThreatFox
data.opencti.indicator.createdBy.standard_id identity--15d97c2e-9367-521e-9306-03a9c99c538d
data.opencti.indicator.created_at 2023-08-30T13:39:42.959Z
data.opencti.indicator.externalReferences 4c14daab-d133-43b6-88ef-e82ec0fd337a
data.opencti.indicator.indicator_types malicious-activity
data.opencti.indicator.labels malicious-activity Cobalt Strike
data.opencti.indicator.pattern [ipv4-addr:value = '']
data.opencti.indicator.pattern_type stix
data.opencti.indicator.revoked false
data.opencti.indicator.updated_at 2023-08-30T13:39:42.985Z
data.opencti.indicator.valid_until 2023-09-29T12:17:03.000Z
data.opencti.indicator.x_opencti_detection false
data.opencti.indicator.x_opencti_score 50
data.opencti.indicator_link https://REDACTED/dashboard/observations/indicators/4c14daab-d133-43b6-88ef-e82ec0fd337a
data.opencti.query_key value
data.opencti.query_values [domain-name:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = ''];[ipv4-addr:value = '']
data.opencti.source.alert_id 1693478062.194800757
data.opencti.source.image C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe
data.opencti.source.queryResults type: 5;type: 5;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:;::ffff:; json
id 1693478073.195158709
input.type log
location opencti wazuh.manager
rule.description OpenCTI: IoC found in threat intel: Cobalt Strike
rule.firedtimes 3
rule.groups threat_intel, opencti, opencti_alert 100212
rule.level 12
rule.mail true
timestamp 2023-08-31T10:34:33.222+0000

DNS query with domain name matching an observable with an indicator

The following is an event where the domain name queried matches against an observable with an indicator, and a related observable also with an indicator is included.

Key Value
@timestamp 2023-08-09T16:40:02.889Z
data.integration opencti
data.opencti.created_at 2023-08-09T06:22:27.177Z
data.opencti.entity_type Domain-Name
data.opencti.event_type observable_with_indicator efcd09cc-8f0d-41f5-8fb2-c197b5459623
data.opencti.indicator.confidence 15 959feeae-2f16-4521-baca-af58a374c845
data.opencti.indicator.labels deleteme
data.opencti.indicator.pattern [domain-name:value = '']
data.opencti.indicator.pattern_type stix
data.opencti.indicator.revoked false
data.opencti.indicator.valid_until 2024-08-08T06:22:27.380Z
data.opencti.indicator.x_opencti_detection false
data.opencti.indicator.x_opencti_score 50
data.opencti.indicator_link https://REDACTED/dashboard/observations/indicators/959feeae-2f16-4521-baca-af58a374c845
data.opencti.labels deleteme
data.opencti.multipleIndicators false
data.opencti.observable_link https://REDACTED/dashboard/observations/observables/efcd09cc-8f0d-41f5-8fb2-c197b5459623
data.opencti.query_key value
data.opencti.query_values 7a9f6847-12b1-41f7-bb4a-b41f94808547
data.opencti.related.indicator.confidence 15 17384027-a7ff-4802-8576-7af336d4833f
data.opencti.related.indicator.labels deleteme 9dd2:b4b0:ab1d:7c8d:6c26:32c2:af75:93af
data.opencti.related.indicator.pattern [ipv6-addr:value = '9dd2:b4b0:ab1d:7c8d:6c26:32c2:af75:93af']
data.opencti.related.indicator.pattern_type stix
data.opencti.related.indicator.revoked false
data.opencti.related.indicator.valid_until 2023-10-08T13:27:48.365Z
data.opencti.related.indicator.x_opencti_detection false
data.opencti.related.indicator.x_opencti_score 50
data.opencti.related.indicator_link https://REDACTED/dashboard/observations/indicators/17384027-a7ff-4802-8576-7af336d4833f
data.opencti.related.multipleIndicators false
data.opencti.related.type IPv6-Addr
data.opencti.related.value 9dd2:b4b0:ab1d:7c8d:6c26:32c2:af75:93af
data.opencti.source.alert_id 1691599198.370628528
data.opencti.updated_at 2023-08-09T06:22:27.246Z
data.opencti.x_opencti_description TEST
data.opencti.x_opencti_score 50 json
id 1691599202.370639246
input.type log
location opencti wazuh.manager
rule.description OpenCTI: IoC found in threat intel:
rule.firedtimes 1
rule.groups threat_intel, opencti, opencti_alert 100214
rule.level 12
rule.mail true
timestamp 2023-08-09T16:40:02.889+0000