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ft_containers - C++ Standard Template Library Containers


This project involves the implementation of key C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers, adhering to the C++98 standard. The primary focus is on recoding containers vector, map, set and stack while incorporating essential C++98 features.


git clone

g++ your_file.cpp -I42_ft_containers -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Types definitions

#include <vector.hpp>
#include <map.hpp>
#include <stack.hpp>
#include <set.hpp>

// VECTOR: dynamically reallocated array
ft::vector<T>					vec;
ft::vector<T>::iterator				v_it  = vec.begin();
ft::vector<T>::const_iterator			v_cit = vec.begin();
ft::vector<T>::const_reverse_iterator		v_rit = vec.rbegin();

// MAP: RedBlack Tree data structure
ft::map<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_TYPE>				map;
ft::map<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_TYPE>::iterator		m_it = map.begin();
ft::map<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_TYPE>::const_iterator		m_cit = map.begin();
ft::map<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_TYPE>::const_reverse_iterator	m_rit = map.rbegin();
ft::pair<const KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_TYPE>			pair = *it;

// STACK: Overlay on other container, providing stack features
ft::stack<T, ft::vector<T>>			stack;

// SET: RedBlack Tree data structure
ft::set<T>				set;
ft::set<T>::iterator			s_it = set.begin();
ft::set<T>::const_iterator		s_cit = set.begin();
ft::set<T>::const_reverse_iterator	s_rit = set.rbegin();

Additional Components

  • ft::iterators_traits
  • ft::reverse_iterator
  • ft::enable_if
  • ft::is_integral
  • ft::equal and/or ft::lexicographical_compare
  • ft::pair
  • ft::make_pair

Tests and benchmarks

This project was done with a Test-driven development approach using the powerful Catch2 library. All the tests are available in the /unit_tests directory. You can run them the following way:

git clone

cd 42_ft_containers/unit_tests


# for benchmarks
./unit_test "[benchmark]" -d yes

Feel free to use them for your own implementation, you can find them here: GitHub - Unit tester written with Catch2 in C++98 to test your home made implementation of stl containers vector, map, stack and set.


Use and as references.