- Please ensure that you have access to an active Azure subscription.
- Install Azure CLI (instructions)
- Log into Azure CLI with your Azure credentials:
az login
- If your organization has MFA enabled, then you'll need to log into the Azure CLI as follows:
az login --tenant <your-tenant-id>
- Set the default azure subscription to use:
az account set -s <your-subscription-id>
- Create a resource group:
az group create -g azfunwkrg -l eastus2
- Set the resource group's name & location as the default:
az configure --default group=azfunwkrg location=eastus2 web=mithunshanbhag
- Set the following environment variables:
export myRG=azfunwkrg
export myWebApp=mithunshanbhag
- Ensure all necessary env vars are set by running:
env | grep -i "my"
- Log into Azure CLI with your Azure credentials:
- Install .NET Core 6 SDK (instructions)
- Install VSCode (download) or Visual Studio (download)
- If you're using VSCode, please install the following VSCode Extensions as well:
- CSharp: download link |
code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp
- Azure Account: download link |
code --install-extension ms-vscode.azure-account
- Azure Tools: download link |
code --install-extension ms-vscode.vscode-node-azure-pack
- ARM (Azure Resource Manager) Tools: download link |
code --install-extension msazurermtools.azurerm-vscode-tools
- CSharp: download link |
- If you're using VSCode, please install the following tools as well:
- Azurite Emulator (local storage emulator): download link
- Install Azure CosmosDB Emulator: instructions
- Install Azure Storage Explorer: download link
- Install Azure Functions Core Tools: instructions
- Install JPTerm (instructions)
- For Nuget package publishing:
- Install the Azure Artifacts Credentials provider: instructions.
- Run
dotnet restore --interactive
in your project folder. This will prompt your for credentials and allow you to authenticate.
Note: After each lab, please ensure that you delete the created resources (so as to not accrue costs).