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New Control Mapping Format edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 39 revisions

This document is a draft for a proposal that has not even begun implementation. It probably will not be implemented for a while.

New control mapping design

Design goals

  • reduce barriers to entry: the easier it is to work with, the more people will contribute high quality mappings. This by itself could grow community. Hopefully, when Mixxx is compatible with a broader range of more common hardware, this will further attract users & developers and lead to overall improvement of Mixxx.
  • do not require programming skills to edit basic mappings
  • easy to program complex functions even for people who have never programmed before. Complex functions include but are not limited to: modifiers, deck toggle buttons, jog wheels, scratching, sending output in response to changes in Mixxx, and soft takeover with customized thresholds
  • no dichotomy of simple mapping vs scripted mapping. Functionality currently specified by <option> tags would be provided by prototype send/receive (or input/output) functions that could be overridden by scripts.
  • straightforward to edit via GUI or manually with minimal boilerplate code cluttering the screen
  • JSON rather than XML
  • Mixxxcontrols conveniently accessible to scripts, for example, getting & setting (or better yet, this.value) rather than engine.getValue('[Channel1]', 'play') & engine.setValue('[Channel11]', 'play', newValue)
  • intuitively organized code
    *inputs and outputs for the same button/knob/slider/whatever organized together rather than separate input/output sections
    *code for various modes toggled by modifiers organized together rather than scattered across many functions
      *functions for handling these signals would manipulate mapping objects rather than having a bunch of different functions each checking the values of global variables or engine states
* unite MIDI, HID, and keyboard mappings into one coherent API
* This could facilitate adding support for other kinds of signals like [[OSC backend|OSC]] and generic Linux input events for [[|old Native Instuments Traktor controllers]] and whatever else the future brings (touchscreens?)
* maximum flexibility
* facilitate bindings to other languages, particularly Python
* JSON is good for this
* Could Python be the primary scripting language?
* Python-Qt bindings: [[|PythonQt]], [[|PyQt]], [[|PySide]]
* communications between scripts that don't require manipulating a Mixxx control
* Scripts could manipulate the mappings of other devices. For example, if a MIDI controller has one less button than a mapper would like, they could map a keyboard button press to toggle between layers on the MIDI controller.
* performance better than or equal to current XML/JS format

Possible implementations

-objects representing MIDI/HID/keyboard signals with attributes linking them to Mixxx controls
-objects representing Mixxx controls with attributes linking them to MIDI/HID/keyboard signals

Maybe have a prototype function that automatically transforms mapping specified by Approach 1 into objects like those in Approach 2? This could allow scripts to override the default function.

Approach 1

MyController.midiMap = {
    {channel: 1, status: 0x90, control:, type: 'button'}

// The below would not need to be explicitly specified by the mapping; it would be the default MIDI receive behavior for all objects with a type attribute equal to 'button'. = function (velocity) {
    if (velocity) {
        this.value = ! this.value // what would be proper JS way to access
  • more similar to current XML approach
  • probably easier to adapt existing scripts to (or they might not need any adaptation)

Approach 2 = { midi: { input: { MyController: {channel: 1, status, 0x90} }, output: this.input } }
// Also could be written as: = {
        midi: {
            MyController: {
                channel: 1,
                status: 0x90
    output: this.input // Send output with same channel & status with value determined by return value of the send method below

Object.defineProperties(, {
    get send () {
        if (this.value) { // What would be proper JS to reference here?
            return colorCode['green']
        return colorCode['red']
  • inputs and outputs organized together
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