Import a bcf
file to yon
with a block-size of -c
number of variants and/or -C
number of base-pairs. If both -c
and -C
are set then the block breaks whenever either condition is satisfied. Compression levels can be adjusted (-L
) in the range 0 to 20 and corresponds to worse to better compression at a trade-off between compression time and file size. The decompression times virtually unaffected by the compression level chosen.
tachyon import -i examples/example_dataset.bcf -o example_dataset.yon -c 2000
Tachyon can protect your sensitive identifying information with high-grade encryption. By default, each data field is encrypted with a unique key in each block using AES-256. Simply pass the -e
flag and the best practices will be used.
tachyon import -i examples/example_dataset.bcf -o example_dataset.yon -c 2000 -e
This will produce two output files:
- example_dataset.yon
- example_dataset.kyon
Printing a yon
file as a bit-exact copy of the input VCF
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -H
Contig110_arrow 672 . A T 525.07 basic_filtering AC=10;AF=0.217;AN=46;BaseQRankSum=0.967;DP=72;ExcessHet=0.8113;FS=54.73;InbreedingCoeff=-0.0525;MLEAC=11;MLEAF=0.239;MQ=31.05;MQRankSum=1.38;QD=18.11;ReadPosRankSum=-0.431;SOR=5.889 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 0/0:1,0:1:3:0,3,38 1/1:0,2:.:6:76,6,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/1:2,2:.:43:58,0,43 0/0:1,0:1:3:0,3,24 0/0:4,0:4:12:0,12,141 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/0:1,0:1:3:0,3,29 0/1:1,4:.:19:147,0,19 0/1:3,2:.:49:71,0,49 0/0:5,0:5:0:0,0,81 ./.:1,0:1:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/0:6,0:6:18:0,18,192 1/1:0,2:.:6:58,6,0 0/0:1,0:1:3:0,3,11 ./.:1,0:1:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/1:3,2:.:58:58,0,63 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/0:4,0:4:12:0,12,134 0/0:3,0:3:0:0,0,44 0/0:3,0:3:9:0,9,90 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/0:2,0:2:6:0,6,53 0/1:1,2:.:19:62,0,19 0/0:3,0:3:9:0,9,84 0/0:2,0:2:6:0,6,49 0/1:1,2:.:19:74,0,19 0/0:1,0:1:3:0,3,38 ./.:2,0:2:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 0/0:2,0:2:6:0,6,65 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0
We can check for bit-exact output from tachyon
by comparing the output of the cryptographic hash function SHA512
for bcftools
. We drop the header -H
as these two are different: both tools inject a timestamp and library versions each time a command is executed among other things.
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -H | openssl dgst -sha512
bcftools view example_dataset.bcf -H | openssl dgst -sha512
Listing only site-specific information and INFO
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -GH
Contig110_arrow 672 . A T 525.07 basic_filtering AC=10;AF=0.217;AN=46;BaseQRankSum=0.967;DP=72;ExcessHet=0.8113;FS=54.73;InbreedingCoeff=-0.0525;MLEAC=11;MLEAF=0.239;MQ=31.05;MQRankSum=1.38;QD=18.11;ReadPosRankSum=-0.431;SOR=5.889
Listing a specific INFO
field with output data still adhering to the VCF
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -GH -f "INFO=AC"
Contig110_arrow 672 . . . . basic_filtering AC=10
and ALT
to the output
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -GH -f "INFO=AC;REF;ALT"
Contig110_arrow 19575 . A C . basic_filtering AC=2
Listing all available INFO
fields and the FORMAT
fields DP
and PL
in VCF
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -f "chrom;pos;ref;alt;info;format=dp,pl" -H -O vcf
Contig110_arrow 672 . A T . basic_filtering AC=10;AF=0.217;AN=46;BaseQRankSum=0.967;DP=72;ExcessHet=0.8113;FS=54.73;InbreedingCoeff=-0.0525;MLEAC=11;MLEAF=0.239;MQ=31.05;MQRankSum=1.38;QD=18.11;ReadPosRankSum=-0.431;SOR=5.889 DP:PL 1:0,3,38 .:76,6,0 0:0,0,0 .:58,0,43 1:0,3,24 4:0,12,141 0:0,0,0 1:0,3,29 .:147,0,19 .:71,0,49 5:0,0,81 1:0,0,0 0:0,0,0 6:0,18,192 .:58,6,0 1:0,3,11 1:0,0,0 0:0,0,0 .:58,0,63 0:0,0,0 4:0,12,134 3:0,0,44 3:0,9,90 0:0,0,0 0:0,0,0 0:0,0,0 2:0,6,53 .:62,0,19 3:0,9,84 2:0,6,49 .:74,0,19 1:0,3,38 2:0,0,0 0:0,0,0 2:0,6,65 0:0,0,0
Slicing intervals either as a contig, contig with a single position, or interval with a contig:
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -r "Contig110_arrow"
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -r "Contig110_arrow:672"
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -r "Contig110_arrow:672-1500"
It is possible to annotate data with a series of INFO
fields computed directly from the genotypic vectors or from the reference/alternative allele data:
Field | Length | Type | Description |
FS_A |
A |
Float |
PHRED-scaled Fisher's exact test P-value for allelic strand bias |
AN |
1 |
Integer |
Total number of alleles in called genotypes |
NM |
1 |
Integer |
Total number of missing alleles in called genotypes |
1 |
Integer |
Total number of samples with non-reference (compared to largest) ploidy |
AC |
A |
Integer |
Total number of alleles |
AC_P |
A |
Integer |
Total number of alleles each strand |
AF |
A |
Float |
Allele frequency of allele |
1 |
Float |
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium P-value |
VT |
A |
String |
Variant classification (SNP, MNP, INDEL, CLUMPED, SV, UNKNOWN) |
0 | Flag |
Indicates if a site is multi-allelic (number of alternative alleles > 1) |
1 |
Float |
Population inbreeding coefficient (F-statistic) |
The contingency table, or matrix, for the Fisher's exact test (FS_A
) for strand bias looks like this:
Target allele | Not target allele | |
Forward strand | A | B |
Reverse strand | C | D |
In the biallelic case, only one P-value is reported becuase of symmetry. If the site is not biallelic then each individual allele is computed separately.
Using the example dataset, we can compute those fields that are not already available by passing the flag -X
tachyon view -i example_dataset.yon -GHX
Contig110_arrow 672 . A T 525.07 basic_filtering AC=10;AF=0.217;AN=46;BaseQRankSum=0.967;DP=72;ExcessHet=0.8113;FS=54.73;InbreedingCoeff=-0.0525;MLEAC=11;MLEAF=0.239;MQ=31.05;MQRankSum=1.38;QD=18.11;ReadPosRankSum=-0.431;SOR=5.889;FS_A=11.5091,0;NM=26;AC_FWD=21,2;AC_REV=15,8;HWE_P=0.25072;VT=SNP