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Upgrade Guide

Upgrading to 3.0 from 2.x

This is a new major release with lots of breaking changes.

Please first read PHPStan's 2.0 upgrade guide here carefully.

Correct return types for model relation methods

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Normally PHPStan warns the users when a return type of method does not provide its generic types. For example, the following code will produce a PHPStan error:

class User extends Model
    public function posts(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

// Method User::posts() return type with generic class HasMany does not specify its types: TRelatedModel, TDeclaringModel

In the previous versions of Larastan, in this case Larastan would parse the model file and read the method body to understand the generic types of the relation. But this approach is slow (because it requires parsing the file) and the maintenance of this feature is hard. So in this version, Larastan will not parse the method body to understand the generic types of the relation. Instead, you need to provide the correct generic types in the return type of the relation method. Here is how you can fix the above example:

class User extends Model
     * @return HasMany<Post, $this>
    public function posts(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

Manually adding these annotations can be tedious. To help with this, we've created a Rector rule that can automatically add them for you! You can use this rule to automatically add the correct generic annotations. It detects your Laravel version and adds the appropriate generic types accordingly.

If you're not currently using Rector, or can't use it due to dependency conflicts, don't worry! We've also prepared a simple script that can run Rector for you without requiring a full installation.

First install cpx:

composer global require cpx/cpx

Then download this script from the gist and run with:

cpx exec /path/to/script/cpx-rector-larastan-upgrade.php

Template annotation renames

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

These changes were made in Laravel itself, so here we needed to follow the same changes. If you were using any of the template annotations in your code, you need to update them as follows:

  • TModelClass annotation of the Eloquent Builder class is renamed to TModel.
  • TChildModel annotation of the relation classes is renamed to TDeclaringModel.

Code related to Carbon has been removed

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

Larastan 3.x removed some code that was handling some edge cases related to Carbon. This code is now removed because the official Carbon PHPStan extension can do the same things. If you are using phpstan-extension-installer in your project you are already using the Carbon PHPStan extensions and there is nothing else to do. If not, you can add vendor/nesbot/carbon/extension.neon to your phpstan.neon file to enable the Carbon PHPStan extension.

checkPhpDocMissingReturn: false config option removed

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

For some historical reason Larastan was setting checkPhpDocMissingReturn: false config option. Now the option is removed from Larastan, it'll use the behaviour from PHPStan itself. If you want the old behaviour back you can add the option to your own config.

noEnvCallsOutsideOfConfig and checkModelAppends options are enabled by default

Starting from Larastan 3.0 the NoEnvCallsOutsideOfConfigRule and ModelAppendsRule are enabled by default.

Removed *.blade.php from excludePaths config option

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

We've removed *.blade.php from excludePaths config option. If you were analysing paths containing Blade files and now are getting errors for them you can add it back in your configuration via:

    - *.blade.php

Upgrading to 2.9.6 from 2.9.5

This release adds support for Laravel 11 casts method. If you are using the casts method in your models, you will need to update the return type of the casts method to array in your model classes. Also, you'd need to provide the correct array shape for the return type. So that Larastan will recognize the model casts. Here is an example:

 * @return array{is_admin: 'boolean', meta: 'array'}
public function casts(): array
    return [
        'is_admin' => 'boolean',
        'meta' => 'array',

Upgrading to 2.9.2 from 2.9.0

  • The UnusedViewsRule has been changed to specify the absolute path of the unused view, rather than the view name. This may mean that baselines will need regenerating to account for this change.

Upgrading to 2.7.0 from 2.6.5

Organization Change

Starting with Larastan 2.7.0, the Larastan repository will now be managed under the Larastan organization. To receive the latest updates, please modify your composer's Larastan entry as follows:

    "require-dev": {
-        "nunomaduro/larastan": "^2.6.0",
+        "larastan/larastan": "^2.7.0",

If you are using the includes option in your phpstan.neon configuration file, please update it as well:

-    - ./vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon
+    - ./vendor/larastan/larastan/extension.neon

Upgrading to 2.0.0 from 1.x

Eloquent Collection now requires 2 generic types

In Larastan 1.x, Eloquent Collection was defined with only one generic type. Just the model type. But starting with Laravel 9, all collection stubs are now moved into the Laravel core. And as part of that migration process, the collection type is now defined with 2 generic types. First is collection item key, second is collection item value. So if you had a docblock like this Collection<User> now you should change it to Collection<int, User>.

Removed configuration checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: false from default config

In Larastan 1.x, we set the checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType to false by default. In 2.0.0, this is removed from the config. If you want to keep the same behavior, you can set it to false in your config.

Upgrading to 0.7.11

Laravel 8 Model Factory support

0.7.11 adds support for Laravel 8 model factory return types and methods. But there is one step you need to do before taking advantage of this.

Because Factory class is marked as generic now, you need to also specify this in your model factories.

So for example if you have UserFactory class, the following change needs to be made:


/** @extends Factory<User> */
class UserFactory extends Factory
    // ...

So general rule is that @extends Factory<MODELNAME> PHPDoc needs to be added to factory class, where MODELNAME is the model class name which this factory is using.

Upgrading to 0.7.0

databaseMigrationsPath parameter is now an array

databaseMigrationsPath parameter is changed to be an array from string. To allow multiple migration paths.

Upgrading to 0.6

In previous versions of Larastan, reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors config value was set to false by Larastan. Larastan no longer ignores errors on your behalf. Here is how you can fix them yourself:

Result of function abort (void) is used

Stop return-ing abort.

-return abort(401);

Call to an undefined method Illuminate\Support\HigherOrder

Larastan still does not understand this particular magic, you can ignore it yourself for now.

Method App\Exceptions\Handler::render() should return Illuminate\Http\Response but returns Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response

Fix the docblock.

-    * @return Illuminate\Http\Response|Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
+    * @return Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
    public function render($request, Exception $exception)

Property App\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies::$headers (string) does not accept default value of type int

Fix the docblock.

-    * @var string
+    * @var int
    protected $headers = Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL;

Upgrading to 0.5.8

Custom collections

If you are taking advantage of custom Eloquent Collections for your models, you have to mark your custom collection class as generic like so:

 * @template TModel
 * @extends Collection<TModel>
class CustomCollection extends Collection

If your IDE complains about the template or extends annotation you may also use the PHPStan specific annotations @phpstan-template and @phpstan-extends

Also in your model file where you are overriding the newCollection method, you have to specify the return type like so:

 * @param array<int, YourModel> $models
 * @return CustomCollection<YourModel>
public function newCollection(array $models = []): CustomCollection
    return new CustomCollection($models);

If your IDE complains about the return type annotation you may also use the PHPStan specific return type @phpstan-return

Upgrading to 0.5.6

Generic Relations

Eloquent relations are now generic classes. Internally, this makes couple of things easier and more flexible. In general it shouldn't affect your code. The only caveat is if you define your custom relations. If you do that, you have to mark your custom relation class as generic like so:

 * @template TRelatedModel of \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
 * @extends Relation<TRelatedModel>
class CustomRelation extends Relation

Upgrading To 0.5.3 From 0.5.2

Eloquent Resources

In order to perform proper analysis on your Eloquent resources, you must typehint the underlying Eloquent model class. This will inform PHPStan that this resource uses User model. So calls to $this with model property or methods will be inferred correctly.

 * @extends JsonResource<User>
class UserResource extends JsonResource

Upgrading To 0.5.1 From 0.5.0

Eloquent Model property types

0.5.1 introduces ability to infer Eloquent model property types. To take advantage of this you have to remove any model class from universalObjectCratesClasses PHPStan configuration parameter, if you added any earlier.

Custom Eloquent Builders

If you are taking advantage of custom Eloquent Builders for your models, you have to mark your custom builder class as generic like so:

 * @template TModel of \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
 * @extends Builder<TModel>
class CustomBuilder extends Builder

If your IDE complains about the template or extends annotation you may also use the PHPStan specific annotations @phpstan-template and @phpstan-extends

Also in your model file where you are overriding the newEloquentBuilder method, you have to specify the return type like so:

 * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query
 * @return CustomBuilder<YourModelWithCustomBuilder>
public function newEloquentBuilder($query): CustomBuilder
    return new CustomBuilder($query);

If your IDE complains about the return type annotation you may also use the PHPStan specific return type @phpstan-return

Collection generics

Generic stubs added to Eloquent and Support collections. Larastan is able to take advantage of this and returns the correct collection with its items defined. For example Collection<User> represents collection of users. But in case Larastan fails to do so in any case, you can assist with adding a typehint with the appropriate annotation like @var, @param or @return using the syntax Collection<Model>

Upgrading To 0.5 From 0.4

Updating Dependencies

Update your nunomaduro/larastan dependency to ^0.5 in your composer.json file.

artisan code:analyse

The artisan code:analyse command is no longer available. Therefore, you need to:

  1. Start using the phpstan command to launch Larastan.
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse

If you are getting the error Allowed memory size exhausted, then you can use the --memory-limit option fix the problem:

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --memory-limit=2G
  1. Create a phpstan.neon or phpstan.neon.dist file in the root of your application that might look like this:
    - ./vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon


        - app

    # The level 7 is the highest level
    level: 5

        - '#Unsafe usage of new static#'

        - ./*/*/FileToBeExcluded.php

    checkMissingIterableValueType: false


You may want to be aware of all the BC breaks detailed in: