- fix for passing numbers as ids
- better support when primaryKey is not _id
- Use toMongo if it is available
- make ObjectID constructor available on plugin before
ing it - use
to detect when to use$unset
- add support for
, andObjectId
types - updated to newest modella for testing
- old semver for node 0.8
- update mongoskin
- check for strings as dates and parse them
- semver fix for old node
- add atomic attributes
- fix bug where non-changing models would cause all attrs to be undefined
- add bug fix for saving unchanged models when nothing changed on mongo 2.6+
- fix Model.query() not returning new instances of mquery [closes #8]
- Made it so passing undefined in to get/find will not return a model
- Switched back to Mongoskin official
- Temporary re-point mongoskin to version pinned version
- Added conversion of _id strings to proper Id for find/get
- Fixed an issue where on update we weren't returning the new attrs
- Rely on Mquery for MongoDb Dependency
- Fixed update and update test
- Updated API to be more similar to pre-0.2.0
- Updated devDependency version pinning on package.json
- Modella 0.2.0 Support
- Added maggregate support
- Implemented mquery support
- Added sparse indexing to unique options in modella
- More fixes for BSON Errors
- Added references option to auto-cast object IDs
- Fixed unique errors not showing up on update
- Added errors to modella fields on unique being taken
- Merge pull request #1 from rschmukler/master
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/modella/mongo
- Release 0.0.9
- Added unique processing to attr
- Re-Updated to work with modella version v0.1.0
- moved to modella-mongo
- fixed example
- added sync layer name
- Fixed remove
- fixed incredibly obscure bug
- removed to string stuff
- casting: in= string=>objectid, out= objectid=>string
- added debug
- updated save
- added options object
- don't update _id
- Initial release