The information below is one possible way of compiling PowerDocu. Other options also exist, but are not further documented.
To compile PowerDocu, the following prerequisites need to be installed on your Windows machine:
- a latest .NET SDK (e.g. .NET 7) from
- Git from
- Visual Studio Code
- Once VSCode has been installed, you need to add the C# extension:
The following can be executed in a Command Prompt, PowerShell window, VSCode Terminal, and others: Run the following command to get the latest version of the PowerDocu source code into a subfolder called "PowerDocu" inside the current directory
git clone
Navigate into the PowerDocu folder
cd PowerDocu
Besides the PowerDocu code, you also need to get the PowerDocu.Common code which is inside a submodule. Do so by running these two commands:
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Open the PowerDocu folder in Visual Studio Code
- Trust the content
- To build it, simply press F5 or select Run->Start Debugging