- add behat test variables, update starter and docs (7f552d9)
- add phpcpd, test phpstan (9603d2a)
- add services port as variable, some fixes (f676ead)
- add SKIP_LINT_YAML (92d78f8)
- add support for drupal web root (af194e5)
- add yaml test, eslint/stylelint config, db port (a67168d)
- ann node cache (b5dcf21)
- beaht dump (fe6bd2f)
- build: add before build option (fd67f53)
- bump version (0cdd354)
- clean robofile unused (894d387)
- default Drupal 9.0 (017bd13)
- default is now 9.4 (67af343)
- Init v3 (3ca95be)
- junit report only (b3260a7)
- local ci fixes (213692c)
- move doc to use 4.x (14f0693)
- move local scripts, add phpunit/qa for local tests. (a15cd64)
- new security-checker (59cafda)
- nightwatch junit (90dc507)
- node bin dir (db51090)
- pa11y config file as variable (e77a495)
- prefix ci variables (c075b8b)
- remove dependency scanning for now (8082d2b)
- remove pa11y as it's not working anymore (c2d3797)
- rm reports, add default workflow (b42f854)
- Robofile overridable (9e296f8)
- robofile: add notices for conf files (9e19de8)
- set default Drupal version to 9.2 (a15ec3a)
- simple aggregate artifacts (ce24ceb)
- stylelint html report, use npx (e6fb5f7)
- switch to phpstan level 5 (beee031)
- use servoces for chrome and chromedriver (1b39548)
- wip local ci update (feae037)
- add nightwatch variables (5f8a1ab)
- add phpspec for 9.1, move drush requirment (1a9057d)
- add prophecy on build step (575823c)
- allow qa failure (8ce1498)
- bask to junit eslint, test stylelint-gitlabci-formatter (eee779f)
- behat build (340afa2)
- behat chrome test (ae75601)
- behat dump, db port variable, typo fix (0fea131)
- behat for module (3b7202e)
- behat install doc, phpmd baseline, minor fixes (601fb64)
- behat install from dump (bf24966)
- behat install require-dev for module (d73816a)
- behat pa11y, reduce phpunit funcjs verbosity (ac74624)
- behat variable, yarn build on drupal dir (419cb84)
- better lint junit reports (f263b46)
- better nightwatch output managment (cd3504a)
- bettre name for behat chrome service variable (35415f0)
- bin paths, add variables for config of module (2e37609)
- cache (afc0fc9)
- change simpletest dir (4c30d69)
- chrome headless params (a48994a)
- chrome headless without crash report (6d35611)
- chrome service (3bad91b)
- chromedriver update (6b45e7a)
- ci job name too long (8707efd)
- ci running on 3.x-dev (596857e)
- ci-prepare: set get config files optional (e992b7e)
- cleanup (38609a0)
- comment fix (7a83508)
- composer bin (8fd0901)
- composer bin dir as variable (3fa703e)
- composer cache volume (7a95b1c)
- composer commands, split behat, (685353f)
- custom package.json support (4972479)
- db access on nightwatch (a174322)
- db url (8980b62)
- default install for behat/pa11y as minimal (f27f3ab)
- dependencies (bb830c2)
- disable phpcpd by default (df743b7)
- doc_root and ciPrepare (e724f8d)
- doc: format fix (523446d)
- drupal 10 dev drupal/drupal-extension bump to 5-dev (35327f1)
- drupal cache only core (bd1f7cb)
- drupal install script [skip ci] (932414f)
- drupal9+ tests phpunit (018683c)
- drush version as dev for si (3cf875b)
- eslint drupal9+, format and paths (31c4f37)
- eslint plugin path (d940768)
- gitlab-ci template folder (f0d6040)
- images repository (e7786cd)
- include paths and doc (321b4da)
- junit report for nightwatchjs (5cbbee4)
- keep report to aplime 14 (b291de8)
- lint node variables (79244c4)
- lint report folder permission (8c72333)
- lint resolve plugins path (6c68be9)
- local stack (bd775f6)
- local tests (50d59bb)
- make phpunit tests more visible (f902c1e)
- metrics job (8270c88)
- minimal report project path change (47dafa3)
- minor file check, set Drupal 8.9 as default (6a4937a)
- missing build stage (d47a29c)
- missing else [skip ci] (929f4d8)
- multiline commands to ease copy/paste (873ff81)
- nightwatch and node path to bin (6c826ee)
- nightwatch en file name (966db49)
- nightwatch variables (ebaa0db)
- node_modules cache path (797d7ff)
- pa11y sample config (a935509)
- phpcpd keep failing (135ebfd)
- phpmd (9e34328)
- phpstan (f4290cd)
- phpstan (c8fff59)
- phpstan conf (25afaa2)
- phpstan config (e8d9db9)
- phpstan deprecated excludes_analyse (3c8a85e)
- phpstan ignore (d417de8)
- phpstan report path (86cc93f)
- phpstan: proper excludePaths (9183c51)
- phpstan: fix error tabs and spaces (62277cd)
- phpunit after symlink (ea60393)
- phpunit and variables (4be0254)
- phpunit exclude robofile (c81d4ec)
- phpunit functional browser output permissions (26105aa)
- phpunit functional js permission (70a32a6)
- phpunit missing phpspec/prophecy-phpunit for 9.1 (4196f38)
- phpunit reports (c7f3758)
- phpunit root file (1498af8)
- phpunit variables (a5b9c55)
- phpunit.xml file (f238002)
- phpunit.xml target (c2ec966)
- phpunit: exclude RoboFile.php from coverage (c774000)
- phpunit: phpspec is needed for 9.0 too (8d45a92)
- phpunit: support submodule case (5e7c45b)
- prefix gitlab token variable (ca16582)
- prepare folder (eb0544f)
- prepare phpunit (acab751)
- prepare report dir (f1c0fa8)
- prophecy-phpunit for a module (bad59d0)
- prophecy-phpunit for a module (36d27ec)
- prophecy-phpunit for drupal 9+ (80115eb)
- prophecy-phpunit only for project (2fb4dc3)
- reduce artifact (95729eb)
- refactor build and robofile (bd04cdd)
- refactor folder (f077cc3)
- refactor using !reference for scripts (1657651)
- refactor variables (bbbda36)
- remote file path (3c09862)
- remote trailing slash (36010a4)
- remote: fix old branch ref (5f1e17a)
- remove coverage-html, add phpunit debug flag (805c442)
- remove deprecated patch (030203a)
- remove not working yarn cache (8a0cdec)
- rename stage test for Dependency-Scanning (766732d)
- rename tests stage to test (53b6572)
- report dir and security (d8d073e)
- report: add python for node-sass (2b0a4c1)
- require dev for module, add composer working dir (bc308fd)
- require-dev for Drupal (f59aeab)
- revert eslint plugin relative (0aab9f1)
- robofile missing in build before_script (e23393d)
- same level as .phpqa.yml (0e7dffb)
- security artifact explicit (d5e258b)
- security job (c8362cc)
- split behat packages installation (ea7a600)
- starter variables (8c5b481)
- stylelint junit formatter path (73e7261)
- stylelint-html-formatter (e2113ff)
- stylelint-html-formatter (a2fe60b)
- stylelint/eslint bin (05f038e)
- test db root user (fc4d7ac)
- test rename and symlink (e25029f)
- typo (5445c1b)
- typo in script (5e9fcd2)
- undefined $dir (e8de94d)
- update base file and variables. (bb50416)
- update local ci (994e02c)
- update local script (b542545)
- update local test code, still WIP. (0ff2cf9)
- update phpunit config (b968295)
- use npx (58735b9)
- use stylelint npm formatter package (a974262)
- xdebug coverage support (af00f53)
- xslt for junit reports (3dbb2a7)
- yarn install (399931c)
- yarn install for module (86ef219)
- yarn install for not project (7a412c4)
- yarn install only if package (323427a)
- yarn install path (11acaad)
- fix dashboard python (32970a2)