Description: This folder contains the trace data collected for each program. For each program we have:
- vanilla: Only the baseline information about the program's execution time for each input. It doesn't involve any tracing.
- analysis: The trace data which has been captured with full tracing enabled. It consist of 2,500 executions (i.e., for each input).
- optimized: The trace data after applying the pruning algorithms. There are 333 executions (i.e., for each input) for each pruning method (i.e., entropy, cv, etc.).
- regression: Same as optimized, the collected trace data for each input and each pruning method. However, a performance regression was injected for each input.
Each trace data is stored in a JSON
file. The structure of the records is as follows:
"build": {
"type": "The build type of the program (e.g., entropy, cv, etc.)",
"range": "Indicating the target function in regression injection (e.g., low-0, low-1, ..., medium-2, ..., high-4, etc.)"
"stats": {
"cpu_utilization": [
"core-0 -> The CPU utilization of core 0",
"core-1 -> The CPU utilization of core 1",
"times": {
"vanilla": "The execution time of the program without any tracing",
"full": "The execution time of the program with tracing",
"sizes": {
"full": "The size of the trace data regarding storage usage (in kilobytes)",
"parameters": {
"": "The input parameters of the program for that specific execution",
"functions": {
"function_name": {
"self": "Total self execution time of the function",
"self_min": "Minimum self execution time of the function",
"self_max": "Maximum self execution time of the function",
"calls": "Total number of calls to the function"