Wanna help make Logophi better? That's great! Here are some general guidelines.
When submitting an issue, always use the provided issue templates. If they don't cover what you need, contact me directly and I will try to help (or make a new issue template).
Keep formatting and style consistent!
- Braces for type and namespace should be K&R style (opening brace at the end of the line, after a space). Property and accessor definitions should be K&R style as well, except auto properties, which should be on a single line. Everything else should be Whitesmiths style (opening brace on next line, both braces and code indented once).
- Single line accessors may be expression bodies, but member functions may not.
- Class fields should be
starting with an underscore. Everything else should beUpperCamelCase
. - All fields that can be readonly, should be readonly. Always use properties instead of public fields.
- When modifying the UI, be sure to use the MVP pattern. There should be no conditional logic within views (forms). Use the included MVP classes.
- Everything should have XML documentation comments before making a pull request. In-line comments are appreciated, especially for tricky logic, but they not strictly necessary.
Be sure to test your contribution. This should go without saying, but it should compile and function as intended. I will help with testing when you make your pull request.
Code style examples:
namespace MouseNet { public class Foo { private bool _aBool; int AnInt { get; set; } bool AnotherBool { get => _aBool; set { if (value) DoStuff(); } } void Bar() { ... } } }