The core intention of the hiredisx library is to create an easier to use threadsafe version of hiredis. Hiredis is very non-prescriptive, making almost no assumptions of your environment. On the otherhand, hiredisx provides some nice easy to use functions for interacting with hiredis that are completely threadsafe and allow for parallel computing... While, also allowing you to interact with redis through the redisx::op::command
Click here for full documentation and usage.
CMake and Make (>=3.7)
1. Make the build directory
mkdir build
cd build
2. Run cmake and make:
cmake ..
3. Install the header libraries
make install
You can pop this into your existing .cmake
or CMakeLists.txt
MESSAGE("-- Setting default HiredisX Include Directory")
SET(HIREDISX_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/local/include/hiredisx")
Then interacting with hiredisx is as simple as just adding:
#include "hiredisx.hpp"
Standard Usage:
bool validConnection = hiredisx::test::connect();
if (validConnection) {
std::string ping = hiredisx::ping(); // PONG if valid.
bool set = hiredisx::set("foo", "bar"); // True if set
std::string foo = hiredisx::get("foo"); // "bar" if correct
bool deleted = hiredisx::del("foo"); // True if deleted
bool pushed = hiredisx::push("list", "yo", "R"); // True if pushed to list. Note that "R" means Right append, "L" means Left append.
std::vector<std::string> list = hiredisx::list("list", 0, -1, "L"); // 0 is the start of the list, -1 means the end of the list (you can specify a specific length, 10 being first 10 elements for examples).
Modifying Connection Options:
You can modify the connection options by changing the hiredisx::options
values. The following are the default values that are modifyable.
hiredisx::options::host = "localhost";
hiredisx::options::port = 6379;
hiredisx::options::timeoutS = 5; // Timeout in seconds
hiredisx::options::timeoutNS = 0; // Timeout in nanoseconds
- If you are interested in contributing or want to get in contact. Email me at 📫 [email protected]